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Move farm animals?

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by pamput, Jul 25, 2016.

  1. pamput

    pamput Lucky Number 13

    Hi guys!

    Is there a way to move farm animals by any chance ?

    Me and my group of friends have bought them and now they are walking around our house... we would like to move them to the shed. We already tried the capture pods but without results. Any idea?

  2. FIowey

    FIowey Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Mmmm a good idea is the crossbow from the treasure vendor, it has attract and repulse functions
    --- Post updated ---
    Mmmm a good idea is the crossbow from the treasure vendor, it has attract and repulse functions
  3. pamput

    pamput Lucky Number 13

    Do you mind elaborating? What do you mean by treasure vendor? :)
  4. resistentialist

    resistentialist Pangalactic Porcupine

    After the 3rd or 4th mission, there is a new vendor just to the left of the ark teleporter. There is a crossbow that costs 10 of a few different resources (and since you're talking about farm animals, you probably have them). The right click ability on the crossbow changes between ammo types, 2 of which look shadowy and push/pull from where you hit.

    Edit: Lava is also an option if you don't mind being a horrible person. (and its certainly not 'moving' them.)
    YellowAfterlife likes this.
  5. LilyV3

    LilyV3 Master Astronaut

    a guy appearing after a few missions selling various kind of special items. he is right to the left of the "ark" teleporter location once hes there

    wands with repulsion and attraction ability worl to, but a very annoying and slow process to move them around, especially when it involves up and down movements.
  6. Dander.1981

    Dander.1981 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Having the livestock AI biased to walk to certain blocks such as grass for, you know, gracing. Would be immensely appreciated by players who do not want to power plow through the main quest line to unlock a certain NPC that sells a certain item that is still a hassle as a solution.
  7. pamput

    pamput Lucky Number 13

    It's sort of moving them at chemical level...

    It's impressive how you need the technology from the year 30xx to move some cows. It should be possible to make them move or make them follow you like the (stupid) crew members. At least they can teleport if you get too far away...

    Cool! I'll try this as well.

    Btw, this is something new coming from the 1.0 update or is the wiki just not updated? I couldn't find anything about the topic (the other option is me being just stupid and not able to find it :p )
    Ablekaine likes this.
  8. LilyV3

    LilyV3 Master Astronaut

    Not sure haven't played the latest night builds, but given than the wiki doesn't know them I guess it's some new stuff. One of the rare things I really like are the staffs and what they can do
  9. WelkinDust

    WelkinDust Tentacle Wrangler

    I agree that we need the ability to move farm animals, maybe with something like a leash or at least using pods. At first I just built a single barn and intended to house all my animals there, but with all varieties of fluffalo plus a mooshi, I often can't find and "activate" the single chicken I left in there because it's too crowded. I built a chicken coop to make it easier to farm eggs and batteries, but I cannot currently move that one chicken from the barn to the coop. Hopefully this'll be included in a future update!
  10. evilnancyreagan

    evilnancyreagan Pangalactic Porcupine

    Yeah, +11 (yes, eleven) to this. I have been avoiding the MQL something fierce. Sandboxes are an open space and the tools to manipulate it--not a linear progression.

    Also, FTFY.
  11. LilyV3

    LilyV3 Master Astronaut

    I tried to whip them with the energy whip, 0 f's given by them.
  12. pamput

    pamput Lucky Number 13

    You made my day, kind sir.
  13. LilyV3

    LilyV3 Master Astronaut

    maybe 2 of these weird tentacle wepaons can scare them away?
  14. Rose756

    Rose756 Guest

    I managed to 'move' mine after getting a local monster to viciously attack and murder them, and planted new eggs where I wanted them to graze.
    Ablekaine likes this.
  15. pamput

    pamput Lucky Number 13

    In the end I managed to move mine using dirt, walls and time. Unfortunately I still don't have the vendor I'm supposed to get the wands from :\ when do you unlock it?
  16. LilyV3

    LilyV3 Master Astronaut

    No wands you have to find only the weird crossbow has similar abilities, but they are only short times so not very useful.

    try dead planets or frozen ones and loot their cstles they often have them. the rest is luck to get them.
    --- Post updated ---
    Also: you cna if you want to get rid of them pour lava on them.
  17. SamuFinland

    SamuFinland Phantasmal Quasar

    How about just being able to use the Pokeballs on them. Right now they just fly right through them
  18. evilnancyreagan

    evilnancyreagan Pangalactic Porcupine

    anyone try a rope?
  19. pamput

    pamput Lucky Number 13

    Unfortunately it doesn't work :(
    evilnancyreagan likes this.
  20. evilnancyreagan

    evilnancyreagan Pangalactic Porcupine

    That is unfortunate. If there is ever an official solution to this, I hope it involves the rope item since it seems like (to me anyways) the most logical answer.

    Thanks for checking though, I would have done it but, I have been avoiding my farm. it's gotten to the size that by the time I finish harvesting everything, it's time to start all over :p

    It's a hellish, inescapable nightmare of perpetual productivity

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