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(mostly) EVERYTHING CONFIRMED in Tiy's stream :3

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by frostybubbles, May 1, 2013.

  1. masher14

    masher14 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Well, at any rate, his channel's no longer private.
  2. M0du5

    M0du5 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Tiy listens to Modest Mouse: Confirmed
    Duke, LazerEagle1 and larue.39 like this.
  3. LazerEagle1

    LazerEagle1 Master Astronaut

    Who doesn't?
  4. Sophisticated Mayhem

    Sophisticated Mayhem Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  5. Duke

    Duke Big Damn Hero

    blocks: CONFIRMED
  6. CozyFox

    CozyFox Big Damn Hero

    Note: Death Animation is probably a placeholder.
    Duke likes this.
  7. Duke

    Duke Big Damn Hero

    I thought it was Tiy's new explosion animation and not an actual death animation?
  8. CozyFox

    CozyFox Big Damn Hero

    Hm maybe, people seem to think both. Im hoping its not the explosion animation though. It seems a little weak.
  9. Duke

    Duke Big Damn Hero

    It could work for stuff like capsules, or a death animation for small robots or creatures that actually explode on death. I'd prefer my creatures to keel over and collapse unless given a reason to explode.
  10. Lugubrious

    Lugubrious Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    you had me at steak
  11. frostybubbles

    frostybubbles Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    in the stream when he killed something it showed the cloud, so it is the death animation for now.
  12. RitsuHasano

    RitsuHasano Existential Complex

    Keep in mind that the plan is to have a few different kinds of death animations. Just because a certain one is shown doesn't mean that's it at all.
    Duke likes this.
  13. Chombo

    Chombo Title Not Found

    That's an end-game flashlight!
    Artem, Rekalty and Duke like this.
  14. Juxtor

    Juxtor Phantasmal Quasar

    The paint gun beam should go in FRONT of the blocks to be painted also. Would look better imo. And the dot at the end of the beam should also change colors.
    Artem likes this.
  15. CozyFox

    CozyFox Big Damn Hero

    I know, and if you read my first post you would've known.
    Duke likes this.
  16. migelini03

    migelini03 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I have always thought that the lighting effects in Star bound have always looked really sharp and clean since the first lighting demo Tiy released.

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