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(mostly) EVERYTHING CONFIRMED in Tiy's stream :3

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by frostybubbles, May 1, 2013.

  1. Ken_Chihuly

    Ken_Chihuly Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Confirming: NOW CONFIRMED.
  2. LazerEagle1

    LazerEagle1 Master Astronaut

    Did anybody record it? Can I find it anywhere? I missed it... :/
    Ketoth likes this.
  3. frostybubbles

    frostybubbles Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    It was a fantastic stream. I suggest watching the fourms when people post "TIY IS STREAMING!!!!" ....That's how I found out anyways :3
  4. Godzilla03

    Godzilla03 Industrial Terraformer

    Is there a place where i can see all of these info ? if he streamed it i guess i would be able to see it, but i cant find it.
  5. Sophisticated Mayhem

    Sophisticated Mayhem Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    You're at it. :)



    LazerEagle1 likes this.
  6. DeadlyLuvdisc

    DeadlyLuvdisc Oxygen Tank

    KYRENITE?! They took another one of my ideas!
    First Samuray, now naming minerals after the developers?! Why am I not getting paid?! LOL
  7. pythonxz

    pythonxz Industrial Terraformer

    The flashlight is lighting up the snow. :)
  8. Godzilla03

    Godzilla03 Industrial Terraformer

    I meant a video. lol :facepalm:
  9. Sophisticated Mayhem

    Sophisticated Mayhem Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    The stream was up as a previous broadcast for like, a minute. Then he took it down. He did say that he didn't want it uploaded since it was only to get opinions on the new death animation. Kinda out of luck unless someone wants to go against his wishes. :/
  10. Landlaw

    Landlaw Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    i cant find this recorded stream :(
  11. Mianso

    Mianso Black Hole Surfer

    Wasn't darthkitten the first to invent rhodium set? If i remember correctly rho even repiel that thread.
  12. KirasiN

    KirasiN Existential Complex

    Aww, :( so we get to see nothing other than screenshots.

    Can someone who watched this further describe death animations?
  13. natelovesyou

    natelovesyou Oxygen Tank

    Things being confirmed: CONFIRMED.
    Ken_Chihuly likes this.
  14. St Fonz

    St Fonz Existential Complex

    Care to elaborate on the death animation? All I see is a dust cloud... Or something...
    SuperMann, Ellie and KirasiN like this.
  15. DeadlyLuvdisc

    DeadlyLuvdisc Oxygen Tank

    Rhodium is an actual mineral IRL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhodium

    Anyway, I coined Tiyurium and Kyrenite, as well as Omnium, Bartwenide, GeorgeVinite, etc...
    ThatMrT and Mianso like this.
  16. frostybubbles

    frostybubbles Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    when you kill something, they turn into a cloud of dust. Only when you kill something with explosives does it show gibs
  17. Artem

    Artem Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I can't believe I missed it. I feel so empty now :'(
    Ellie likes this.
  18. Artem

    Artem Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Cloud of dust… Well, meh, but still better, than just gibs, that puffs to nowhere :) But, hey, I didn't saw it in action, just judging by screenshots :]
    KirasiN likes this.
  19. ~Drax~

    ~Drax~ Pangalactic Porcupine

    Thanks for the info, not sure I like the way enemies die in a cloud of dust. But, still testing so no big deal.
    KirasiN likes this.
  20. Lusid

    Lusid Pangalactic Porcupine

    My reaction is the same to each piece of new screenshots/videos.... F- i want to play this game. The waiting and the proverbial steak waving in front of us is getting painful -.-

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