Monster combat changes

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Tiy, Apr 23, 2014.

  1. Carryall

    Carryall Big Damn Hero

    I believe someone mentioned grappling should be implemented with executions. Would be nice to see hand to hand or mixed combat. Add a few layers to this combat mechanic.
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2014
  2. Piccolo

    Piccolo Guest

    Yo, I thought I was the only one who thought and I didn't say anything because I was scared of getting hated on. But yeah, it's just going to make things tedious and since there isn't really any benefit to fighting/killing monsters (no stats to be gained and very minimal loot pool of items that aren't even necessary) and now I have to spend more time and energy trying to kill them...
  3. Eurotrash

    Eurotrash Big Damn Hero

    Kockback is probably the only thing preventing combat from being ridiculously frustrating (with it it's only incredibly frustrating).
  4. Mippy

    Mippy Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'd be very pleased if you could make guns stronger than melee weapons.. where's the logic in melee weapons dealing more damage than laserguns?

    So in fact you are against a combat system? So you WANT to just stand still clicking LMB as fast as you can? If you don't want to fight, don't run into monsters or wait for creative mode without enemies!!
    Rhotus and Darklight like this.
  5. Litagano Motscoud

    Litagano Motscoud Master Astronaut

    You kind of set up a strawman there.
    Boshed and Duke like this.
  6. Carryall

    Carryall Big Damn Hero

    No hate here.(*edit* Guess Mippy couldn't help him/herself) A valid point. With scalable weapons though, it can go from a big fight to a small skirmish though. I'm thinking one swipe from a sword for the peons to a more manageable fight with mini bosses rather than tanking damage and kiting. Think dark souls, I guess.
  7. DeadlyLuvdisc

    DeadlyLuvdisc Oxygen Tank

    I'm not sure how this will pan out. I hate the contact damage, but these changes can create new problems, too.
    Ranged combat is also being overlooked. Is CF just putting it off until melee combat works the way they want?

    To the skeptics who think we need knockback: You can just wait for the foe to get in position, then attack while moving backwards or jumping. It works really well in Castlevania SotN, AoS, etc... These is no knockback in Metroid and Castlevania games, but hits usually cause enemies to stop moving for a couple frames. It doesn't stop enemies from attacking and it typically lasts less than 0.05 seconds, but it is enough to make a big difference in the feel of combat. I think this should be the default situation, and knockback should be a special modifier that improves certain weapons that attack very slowly.
    XRiZUX likes this.
  8. Piccolo

    Piccolo Guest

    I don't believe that's what I said... I just think that making the combat more difficult/complex without any reward is unappealing because though I understand that some people just enjoy combat on it's own, I only enjoy it if I can get loot from what I'm killing or some other benefit. And since I'm more of an adventurer, this will slow my progress around planets even more, which is also unappealing. I don't want to be without enemies entirely, I just want them to be worth killing, or quick to kill.
    Yeah, that sounds reasonable.
    XRiZUX and Boshed like this.
  9. Zeffia

    Zeffia Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    The new blocking stuff is cool and all, but I'm not so sure that having the monster stunned after blocking their attack (which is rather easy to do) would really be the best option. That should probably be moved to the timing-required parry.
  10. Jbeetle

    Jbeetle Oxygen Tank

    not in my opinion. knockback, in many situations is just as frustrating.
  11. Luka Loginska

    Luka Loginska Big Damn Hero

    These changes in combat are amazing. You're heading in the right direction, guys, bravo!
  12. codebracker

    codebracker Subatomic Cosmonaut

    This Will prolly' make ranged weapons much more usefull and kiting a monster actually a thing.
    Will monster's knockback be removed too?

    It would be cool if there was a special kind of weapon with knockback, like a hammer or a bat.
  13. Varixai

    Varixai Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Ranged Attack Suggestions

    • A perfectly timed block reflects the attack back in the same direction from whence it came.
    • A mistimed (or held) block deflects the attack in a random direction. This could be 360 degrees or a more limited angle.

    • Certain ammo types could stun or interrupt an enemy's charge up animation. (In place of ammo types that used to cause knockback?)
    • Maybe specialty weapons or charge up attacks could still cause a small knockback? Would make more sense on ranged weapons than melee.
  14. Voyager

    Voyager Spaceman Spiff

    Good, one of the problems with monsters before (last year) was the lunar gavity way in which they got knocked back.
    Without weight, or a perception of weight, the battle seemed like an exercise in moving pixels on a screen and didn't convey real danger.
    The 'attack position' is a much more realistic representation of actual combat that will need some AI to manage. AI that can respond appropriately to whether the player is facing it or has his back turned to it is next. You could add a sneak attack to unweary players.
    I haven't played in 2014, so I don't know for sure, but I think Chucklefish still have a long way to go in terms of making the danger of monsters on various worlds realistic.
    For example, in different biomes some monsters should have different attack methods. Environmental effects should be the ally of the native species.
    Fog could shroud the attack of a monster that uses echo location. Sand could hide the position of sand-dwelling monsters. Acid pools could be splashed onto the player by acid-resistant monsters...
  15. quantian

    quantian Aquatic Astronaut

    So with some free time I'd like to address something that I feel needs to be considered.

    Which is that just like weapons are varied with strengths and weaknessess (lol ranged) so to should shields.

    Basically I'm proposing three shield types.

    There's the original two that're addressed in this update, but I'd like to put forward another.


    To go further, let's put these three into sections with their pros and cons

    Auto Shield:
    • pros
    1. Always on
    2. Takes up no slot to allow dual wielding
    3. Fast regeneration time
    • cons
    1. Lowest shield health
    2. No counter capability
    The shield for the player who's on the move, it puts the shield as an afterthought to your other priorities, be it exploration or otherwise. But, as a drawback, it doesn't have the oompf of the other two types.

    Standard Shield:
    • pros
    1. Longest lasting
    2. Stun capability
    • Cons
    1. Jack of all trades, master of none
    2. Requires shift from offense to defense
    The tried and true method. Standard shields are the shields that have strengths of either of the other two types, but not as good in either direction. They have much better resilience to damage than Auto Shields, but their regeneration time is also significantly slower. Likewise, they have the capacity to parry like two handed weapons, but their counter is nowhere near as devastating. Most of all, they require a shift in performance whereas the other two do not.

    Two Handed Parry:
    • pros
    1. No need for regeneration
    2. Perfect defense
    3. Devastating counter attack (Stun + Damage)
    • cons
    1. Requires trigger reflexes
    2. Can not be sustained
    The 'shield' of the risk takers, Requiring a player be sharp on their perception and response, it can block even the heaviest of assaults perfectly, that is if you can get the timing right. It's high risk for high rewards. If you perfect the parry, not only can you make devastating attacks from foes mute, but also counter with your own, which will make them sorely regret taking you on. The drawback however is that this way of defending lasts only a moment and more often than not, you'll find that your timing is off and so you'll likely pay with a claw to your face.

    And most importantly of all, none of the shield types can be used in tandem. If you have an auto shield on, your two handed weapon's parry will be disabled. Similarly, you can't use an autoshield when carrying the standard and a standard shield takes up one of the two hands needed for two hand weaponry
    Last edited: Apr 24, 2014
  16. Bizarre Monkey

    Bizarre Monkey Big Damn Hero

    You could boot up the game and look at the difficulty settings? Hardcore and Permadeath are among them.

    Besides, you're over-assuming the gravity of what I meant. I never even mentioned Dark Souls you retard, that is an assumption you've made on your own based on what I assume are your fears of the worst case scenario, which is embarrassingly out-of-the-picture, it'd be too hard for me if it was Dark Souls level, but the little amount of actual skill this will bring about will make people of my caliber happy.

    The game is geared towards multiple audiences, casual, hardcore etc. The sort of change we're looking at here isn't going to make it harder, it's going to make it more fine-tuned. Which is all anyone could want. Currently combat is handled in odd ways and a lot of things are weird in the way they mitigate damage. It will make defeating opponents more satisfying and in the scenario you die it's unlikely after this update it'll feel like the game cheated.

    I was assaulting the casual because from what I could tell he didn't want a bar of the changes because he's a frail dickweed who needs his handheld whenever a boss shows up, (I call myself a casual because I don't play games hardcore often, but I never except devs to make the game easy for me) and I don't want another game's combat ruined by casual catering espescially when in a scenario like this as it's not going to make it a whole lot harder.
  17. Litagano Motscoud

    Litagano Motscoud Master Astronaut

    I actually really like this idea.
  18. FLOknows

    FLOknows Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Bring it on! Keep up the good work guys.
  19. Altair Will

    Altair Will Void-Bound Voyager

    I believe in this system. However, there's some things missing out, such as been in Valdis Story, and Dust, and Risk of Rain. I recommend a blocking mechanism like in Skyrim's mods where dual-wielded eq can block too, but percentage chanced. Also, a good system of timing and combos would make it even more convincing. Even if basic to a brutal sense. Awesome, this is a step in the right direction.
  20. Lintton

    Lintton Guest

    This attack position, there's one for the front and back, right? Otherwise it might look weird as the mob tries constantly to get in front. Also,can we have ambush predators? Like at night?
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 24, 2014

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