REQUEST Mod that expands on kids - allows more interaction

Discussion in 'Mods' started by lasergoat, Apr 24, 2017.

  1. lasergoat

    lasergoat Void-Bound Voyager

    Hi guys,

    I've been lurking a bit and looking through the extensive list of great mods and everything I've seen so far is great, but I wasn't able to find anything that expanded on your ability to interact with your kid more (and if there is a mod that I missed, please feel free to link me!). Here were some things that I had in mind.

    • ability to gift kids items with different responses depending on likes/dislikes
    • ability to talk to kids: if you talk to them they should say "hi mommy/daddy!" or "daddy/mommy had me help with chores today (if your spouse does work around the farm)" or "night mommy/daddy" when about to head to bed, which leads to the next point...
    • character portraits for kids - maybe work off Vincent/Jas portraits?

    I'm not sure how feasible something like this or something similar to this in design would be, but I love would feedback and would greatly appreciate anyone who took on this project :)
      Yoseiri, ekffie, お茶Mi's and 5 others like this.
    • ShinyUmbreon

      ShinyUmbreon Master Chief

      Likes/Dislikes could maybe even be genetic or random..?

      Huh. This is really interesting, honestly, and I know people make NPCs - would it be possible to make the text as you would an NPC and link it to the children files/sprites?
      It might need to be applied to individual kids, in that case, or might be a pain to set up but it.. could be cool, I think.
      Kids aren't very thoroughly explored, even in mods
        lasergoat likes this.
      • lasergoat

        lasergoat Void-Bound Voyager

        Yeah, one thing I was thinking of was weird items like alcoholic beverages or battery packs would be considered hated, and kids would be like "MOMMY! Daddy/Momma said I can't have this!!! You gonna GET ME IN TROUBLE!!!"
        But for the most part everything else universal loves, likes, neutrals and dislikes would be the same.

        One of the things I loved the most about Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life was watching my kid grow up, so I was kinda hoping to get more of that in Stardew if possible :)
        • Yaushibee

          Yaushibee Subatomic Cosmonaut

          I haven't had any in-game children yet but this would be a lovely mod to have when that time comes. Maybe the kids' loved items could be based off of whoever your spouse is? Like with Harvey, he loves pickles so maybe his kid would too? We can't be giving our kids wine though, so there would definitely have to be restrictions with certain items like you said.
            お茶Mi's and lasergoat like this.
          • Entoarox

            Entoarox Oxygen Tank

            It can be done, but it would be quite a lot of effort and unfortunately, most of us coders are no good at textures, and texture artists usually suck at coding.... so it would have to be a collab between two people...
              Androxilogin and Maikoli like this.
            • lasergoat

              lasergoat Void-Bound Voyager

              Hmm, maybe I can take a look at texture stuff and see what I can come up with for tentative character portraits for kids.
              • ShinyUmbreon

                ShinyUmbreon Master Chief

                I'd be willing to help with kid portraits, as well, or at least to provide a base to work with.
                  lasergoat likes this.
                • お茶Mi's

                  お茶Mi's Big Damn Hero

                  i actually had a simlar idea as well
                  - toddlers age into kids
                  - have them interact with Jas & Vincent (also adults) like have them metion your child name in dialogue/conversations
                  - have their own schedule...maybe go have class with Penny along with Jas & Vincent
                  - have "chores" on the farm like feed/pet the animals, harvest crops, water crops or even gather wild forging items
                  - kids traits generate depending on spouse traits like what @Yaushibee said"

                  i know it's a lot of work but... i just wanted to give out suggestions =)
                    Yaushibee likes this.

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