Modding Discussion Mod request - Original hotbar

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by Falx, Jul 7, 2016.

  1. Falx

    Falx Void-Bound Voyager

    Well, I have been hoping for this since they have put the 'new' hotbar in.

    I would like to see the old hotbar in its entirety back into the game, in place of the new style hotbar.

    Thank you for your considerations~
  2. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    Its not something that can be modded.
  3. Falx

    Falx Void-Bound Voyager

    Really? We are 100% sure?
  4. Xylia

    Xylia Tiy's Beard

    So basically, it's "This Hotbar or the Highway" then, right?

    And I'm assuming there's no way to mod in extra hotkeys, extra functions, etc?

    It just boggles my mind that they think that giving players 1 and only 1 option on hotbars is a good idea, when a good number of people have voiced their dislike of the new hotbar. The Hotbar is a HUGE part of the game's UI, and if people feel that a game's UI is clunky then people are going to hate playing the game.

    Giving us such little-to-no options with something as so bloody important as the hotbar is just ridiculous.
  5. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    Not really sure much boggling is involved. Most games - well.... every game I know of - only has a single option in case of hot bars and inventory systems.
  6. TheElderScroller

    TheElderScroller Pangalactic Porcupine

    In Starbound itself you don't have the options to do that... But,
    you can redesign it to its older state and make an external application that changes the behaviour
    of some keys for Starbound. At least Im 90% sure that would work...

    Maybe you could even make an overlay application, or try to deep hack Starbound. (last thing could work well, but I dont recommend it)
  7. Xylia

    Xylia Tiy's Beard



    Most games that feature hotbars are MMOs. Many of said MMOs allow you to move the hotbars around, tell the game how many hotbars you want displayed, and allow you to re-assign keybinds to said hotbars.

    They have limits on how many hotbars you're allowed to create/assign, but up until that point, the hotbars are fully mod-able in real-time within the game itself without the use of mod files, and some of these games (WoW!) even allow mods to change hotbars too.

    Terraria and Stardew Valley stand out as those "odd games" that don't allow this, though I would not be surprised if someone doesn't API-mod Stardew Valley and Terraria allows 1 through 0 as part of the inventory system so that's fine, and nobody has actually wanted to mod it.
  8. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    Those do not change the functionality of the hotbar though.
    It simply lets you move it and add more slots.
  9. Xylia

    Xylia Tiy's Beard

    ......which is exactly what many of us are asking for, and/or what many of us have against the current Nightly/Unstable bar: You get 6 slots and only 6 slots and you have the other 6 slots gated behind "X". We don't want that. We don't want to have to swap while we're doing stuff only to forget to swap back and end up fumbling in the middle of combat trying to figure out why we can't attack, etc. I hate hotbar swapping, I avoid it whenever possible.

    The 6-slot hotbar we have on Nightly/Unstable is just too small. We need the full 12 without swapping. I'd love to drag the 2nd bar up on-screen and assign hotkeys to it.... oh wait, the game doesn't let me do that. Right.

    Actually to be honest, I'd love to have a second 12-slot hotbar on the right edge of the screen, vertical, for building materials too. If the game allowed me to, I'd pull out a 2nd 12-slot hotbar and stick it over there for all my building needs.

    But again, the game doesn't let me do that.
    Avarwen likes this.
  10. Falx

    Falx Void-Bound Voyager

    Most games that have modding definitely DO have options to change both the look AND functionality of hotbars. MMOS as example above can GREATLY change the UI elements and how they work, as well as almost any modable games. I am just asking for a mod for it, and you are saying it cant be done. Ok great, maybe it cant, but I am not sure why you want to push a 'reasoning' (an extremely flawed and bad one to boot) on why it doesn't NEED to be done. There is a whole other thread about that.

    Does anyone truly know if it can or cant be modded? I apologize The Suit, if you are a modder and know technically that it cant be done. But if not, I would like to hear from someone with technical expertise on whether it can, or cannot be done and why. I understand it may not be a simple LUA script or the like, but can it be done ??
  11. Xylia

    Xylia Tiy's Beard

    I wouldn't be surprised if the stupid thing were hard-coded into the game.
  12. Sean Mirrsen

    Sean Mirrsen Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Well the items-as-shortcuts thing is probably hardcoded, but aside from the askew implementation it's not really something I'm against. The rest of it though, really has no business being locked away.
  13. Xylia

    Xylia Tiy's Beard

    Well, yes, I'm not asking to change the "items as shortcuts", I think that's perfectly fine seeing as they gave us two new inventory tabs (even though they outright LOCKED each tab for specific items, which I don't care for, but I can live with).

    I just want 12 buttons, all on-screen at once, and it'd be nice but not required if I could make a 2nd 12-slot hotbar to stick building materials on. Just do that and I'd be happy as could be.

    And/or I'd like to see the ability to change how big/how many/keybindings within the game like any MMO worth its salt does.
  14. Falx

    Falx Void-Bound Voyager

    I am definitely asking for the items as shortcuts to be removed in my mod request~ I like the toolbelt version. Again, its far more intuitive.
  15. lazarus78

    lazarus78 The Waste of Time

    What you are looking for can't be done through modding. The best you can do is change the look, but not the function.

    As The Suit said, basically no game lets you have an option on what hot bar you use. At best, MMOs allow for more slots, but those are MMOs, and starbound is not an MMO.
  16. Falx

    Falx Void-Bound Voyager

    Nearly any game with modding has total control over the UI... and that being said, I could care less about semantic reasons why or why not you think we should have the original toolbar. Save that for other threads.

    IN THIS THREAD I am asking for someone with technical knowhow to provide a mod which reinstates the classic toolbar.

    Are we REALLY sure that it cant be done? Chucklefish can do it, why cant modders? If for some reason the UI is untouchable, I want to hear from someone with technical expertise that it is not, and why? I find it hard to believe this game can be modded to hell and back but the UI is untouchable.
    Akre likes this.
  17. lazarus78

    lazarus78 The Waste of Time

    Name 5.

    As has been said, no it is not possible.

    2 people have told you no. Seems like you won't be satisfied till someone says yes.

    As to why Chucklefish can change it... because it is their game. They have access to the internals of the game that we do not. We have an insane amount of access as it is, but we don't have access to the core of the game which handles basically all the functionality of the UI.
  18. Xylia

    Xylia Tiy's Beard

    Only things in JSON and LUA files are moddable. Things that are hard-coded into the game's .exe are not moddable without some sort of API hook like many Stardew Valley mods and nearly all Terraria mods use.

    If the hotbar is NOT in JSON/LUA files, then it is not moddable, period.

    Dude, I agree with you in that I don't like the hotbar, but if it's hard-coded in the .exe then sadly it just isn't possible to mod it.

    Dragon Age: Origins (not even an MMO, lol)

    Note: DA:O I think allowed you to mess around with hotbars at least a little, I think you were allowed to add extra buttons as long as you still had screen room to fit them, or did it give you a little arrow that you could add as many as you want? I forget. It still had at least SOME moddability though.

    And probably several other Modern-Day MMOs that I've not played. I would even venture a guess that even Everquest allowed a lot of customization over hotbars.

    The above mentioned games allow you to have any number (up to a certain limit) of hotbars on-screen at any given time, you can assign keybinds to these hotbars, you can move them anywhere you want on the screen, you can put them horizontally, vertically, or have them as floating buttons (well at least in WoW you can).

    EDIT2: Furthermore, Terraria, Stardew Valley, and a few other hotbar-based games have 10-12 buttons, not 6 + 6 more locked behind a swap.
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2016
  19. Falx

    Falx Void-Bound Voyager

    All I asked for was more than a 'no it cant be done' because anyone can say that and not know what they are talking about. I just wanted a technical answer. I can see now that the game is not moddable for the UI.

    This makes me sad, as the game is right now a hassle to play rather than an enjoyment~
  20. lazarus78

    lazarus78 The Waste of Time

    That isn't changing functionality. The core functions of those his are unchanged.

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