Modding Discussion [Mod Request] Actually a few requests

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by riganz, Aug 3, 2016.

  1. riganz

    riganz Void-Bound Voyager

    First of all, a mod to make the Protector Blade more epic... i mean you complete the game and all to get it so why not make it worth it? dont get me wrong, its a nice blade but, it could be more epic, someting like:
    Right click: Sword buff, increased attack range or small waves coming out of the blade
    Seccond righ click: a way bigger slashing wave comes out and travels way farther and optionally damage blocks(i know way to OP but c'mon... you saved the galaxy just to get a thanks card)

    Second: some sort of wiring for storage to craft station, lets say you store everything on a fridge, then wire it to the cooking station, then you wont need to carry all the ingridients on your inv all the time, i am an item hoarder and also i hate to see a mess on my inventory...

    Third: this is a bit complex, but i think it would be nice to have a more specific gear crafting station, lets say you create a broadsword, but you want specific Element, lets say Fire, then before crafting you select Fire and you will obtain a fire sword, then you select exactly wich right click ability lets say super spin slashs, then you simply click craft and boom, you have it, same with spears, guns, everything, i know it might be even impossible but it would be amazing...

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