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Mining is tedious

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Mystify, Dec 9, 2013.


Is the mining speed too slow

  1. No, it should be slower

  2. It is just right

  3. it should be slightly faster

  4. it should be much faster

  1. Mystify

    Mystify Void-Bound Voyager

    As I just said, they boosted the mining speed and have jacked up the ore density like crazy for beta testing.
    Serenity likes this.
  2. SuperSealPup

    SuperSealPup Big Damn Hero

    I just found out when mining the durability under the pick is how fast it will mine I think. I have a diamond pick and it breaks dirt about 2 hits but now (when the bar is empty under pick) it mines like a copper pick almost.
  3. Kenshkrix

    Kenshkrix Pangalactic Porcupine

    I'm pretty sure they work at maximum effectiveness until they hit zero durability, but then they drop down to the level of a stone pickaxe (or very similar), you can repair them using ores, or in the case of a diamond pick I believe you need a diamond, but this may be an oversight.

    In any case I'm pretty sure that when we're all running around with mining lasers it won't be so tedious anymore.
    Serenity likes this.
  4. RizingAzure

    RizingAzure Orbital Explorer

    Incorrect, I can repair a diamond pickaxe/drill with 4 copper ore maximum at near 0 durability.
    Serenity and Kenshkrix like this.
  5. Kenshkrix

    Kenshkrix Pangalactic Porcupine

    Ah, I've been low on time so I haven't caught up with the latest updates yet, this is very good to know, thanks for pointing it out, 4 copper ore sounds really cheap though.
  6. RizingAzure

    RizingAzure Orbital Explorer

    Each higher tier ore repairs it using less.
    Serenity likes this.
  7. SolviteSekai

    SolviteSekai Space Hobo

    Has nobody here played vanilla minecraft?

    Mining in this game is so laughably fast I expect it to be nerfed by 60 percent by release.
    ogboot and Serenity like this.
  8. brannonsweet

    brannonsweet Space Hobo

    I agree. I've been playing off and on few a couple months. I'm back again after 6 weeks and the first thing I noticed is how slow it takes to pick my way with a stone pickaxe through simple cobblestone. It's, to be honest, awfull. I'm going to try to make a better pickaxe with copper or iron. I hope the effort pays off allowing me to dig through stone, magma stone, etc. Cause the stone pickaxe is just painfully slow. So much so, I find myself getting very bored and impatient, which leads to frustration and my just wanting to quit playing the game because I don't feel like I'm progressing.
  9. brannonsweet

    brannonsweet Space Hobo

    I thought that may be the case, the 3x radius. But when I hold shift to pick 1x block of stone, it doesn't seem like I'm getting that 1x block versus standing there and waiting for 3x to drop. maybe it's just me :)
  10. Rezuga

    Rezuga Yeah, You!

    i did a lap around my first planet with the stone pickaxe came out of that with a silver pickaxe.

    If you think the pickaxes are slow now take them to an asteroid field. After you do you wont have any complaints about pickaxes used on planetary mining
  11. Terrahero

    Terrahero Cosmic Narwhal

    People have said before that they boosted ore density for testing, but ive never seen anyone offer a link or something that this is actually from the devs.

    So, is this really for beta testing?
  12. Regal Kain

    Regal Kain Space Kumquat

    I think the current mining speeds are fine, as is my friend and I just went from start to Tier 4 in 5 hours, that was ensuring we both had full gear the entire way, making sure all tech was unlocked for both of us, both of us making a boss spawner etc, it wasn't until we just killed the dragon did we realize the bosses now drop more then one of the item needed to make the next crafting recipe. Oh well. Stone pickaxe is a bit slow, but you shouldn't be doing deep delving with it, look around for soft materials to mine through for now, stop trying to rush to the center. Hell I have a diamond pick and I won't mine in magmastone for long, it takes awhile. Once you have the drills it gets much, much faster, good things come to those who wait and all that. As for ore density, I think they tweaked it with the latest patch, I don't have hundreds of spare ore coming out my everything like I did last time I played, maybe I've gotten unlucky but, so far it's been a good run through, and it doesn't feel like there is to much ore like it did when they patched it to make the game easier.
  13. BlasphemyX

    BlasphemyX Starship Captain

    love the mining in starbound compared to terraria. comparing this 2d mining to minecrafts 3d sculpting is almost silly though

    seriously, making a "hell-tunnel" is SOOOO easy in SB, 9 blocks at a time from underneath you, juust brilliant

    what i would want in starbound is the option to dig either 3x3 or 4x2 (4 height 2 deep) so i can make horizontal tunnels easier

    and i dont mind that mining cobbelstone is a lot harder in this than in other games, it's not like you need much of it anyway, and i mine around it if im underground
    Serenity likes this.
  14. Dinkink

    Dinkink Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Because it's 3 x 3, mining speed is already faster than Minecraft, hell even Terraria. Isn't that good enough? Also like RAMBLEBONG said, you're mining in places that your equipment is quite low in comparison to. Try upgrading it and see if it goes better.

    There, there, it's okay. We all get a little upset sometimes :)

    EDITEDIT: Crossed out Minecraft due to Mlah's valid correction.
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2014
    Regal Kain likes this.
  15. Mlah

    Mlah Starship Captain

    As has been pointed out before it is actually considerably slower then Minecraft. Yes its more blocks at once but each block is smaller. If you look at how many blocks you need to mine to make progress Starbound comes out much slower.
  16. lupadim

    lupadim Pangalactic Porcupine

    Mining is ridiculously easy once you are able to mine in asteroids. Asteroids are places FULL of diamonds, platinum, gold and titanium. You don't have to search for them, they are popping out of everywhere.
    Serenity likes this.
  17. Dinkink

    Dinkink Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    BLAST. Now that I think about it, you're right! Is it still faster than Terraria? IIRC the block sizes are near-identical, but Idunno anymore (haven't played in months). I'll edit my post accordingly, thanks.
  18. Traijan

    Traijan Cosmic Narwhal

    "Improving" the beamaxe and the pickaxes for me took away the tedium of exploring. After this last update I lost my mods that allowed me to quickly pickaxe through the ground and I couldn't believe that people are still playing with how slow and tedious it is at vanilla size and speed.

    Now, I dig through 4x4 to create tunnels my character can walk through and make it fast enough when digging through dirt that I only need to hold down my LMB and the D key to just constantly walk and dig. Of course not so fast that I can do that with cobble, or magma etc. But wow has it changed the game for me. It took what was terribly tedious and made it something that I don't even think about anymore until I hit something like magma but if I make it any faster/do more damage for the pickaxe then I'd have to remember to switch to another tool when placing objects else if the pickaxe were selected it would just about instantly destroy the object that I just placed LOL.

    Even the highest tiered digging item (for ME) didn't come anywhere close enough to digging fast enough to reduce the tedium.
  19. Noobverest

    Noobverest Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Depends what you use

    In terraria, I have a legendary picksaw from the lizhard (it dropped legendary 8) ) + fire gauntlets (+ attack speed) + full mining armor ( + mining speed) + celestial moon ( + every stat including mining speed)

    and I mine at the speed of light

    I actually feel like starbound is a lot slower for mining because of how much more ore you need to actually get something?

    Like in terraria if I have 200 ores of any tier I'm pretty much set, and ores are pretty easy to find?

    but in starbound the worlds are so much larger, and the ores are all spread out so idk

    It took me like around ? 6 hours to get enough ore to actually get enough mats to beat the robot boss (all legit, no mods, no mining faster items, vanilla style)

    In terraria, 6 hours is enough for me to get to skeletron and clear dungeon and move towards hard mode
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2014
  20. Brannoncyll

    Brannoncyll Subatomic Cosmonaut

    The speed is fine but we really need to be able to mine 4 blocks at once, at least vertically.

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