Race Meet the Psyliphs

Discussion in 'NPCs and Creatures' started by Symphony, Sep 20, 2013.

  1. Zeklo

    Zeklo Heliosphere

    Wow see this well thought out race makes me wanna give my own race idea retry. I really like that they use electrical type weapons that was something I wanted a race to have so the fact you did this is awesome. Very nice work here expect me to be around.
  2. Symphony

    Symphony Giant Laser Beams

    Hey thanks man :) I hope to pump out some more content this week ;D I wish I had more free time on my hands

    Thanks :) I was thinking of something like that too~! If they can't be a playable race, I'd be satisfied with them being just an all around friendly and overly superior race (Only being superior if not playable)
    Jokes aside, I love it! They look really cool and they've got a really cool backstory. Well done!
    Symphony likes this.
  4. Zain Hallows

    Zain Hallows Existential Complex

    this is now my new favorite race on the suggestions thread! so amazing!
    Symphony likes this.
  5. this is pretty cool , its really to bad that the developers said they had no plans on adding psychic powers...I was sad to hear that with my suggestions last year.
    Model QT-377665 likes this.
  6. Symphony

    Symphony Giant Laser Beams

    May want to edit that quote with a -snip-, ahaha. And yeah, I know pyschic powers would be overpowered, so I don't actually want them to be able to use them freely, it would just be simple things that could work into racial armor bonuses and stuff
  7. Aidan

    Aidan Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Like I said, they look amazing! If there is modding support when the game comes out, Id be glad to help trying to make it a mod. : o
    Seajun_ likes this.
  8. jintoya

    jintoya Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    colors look good, also might try black and gold, its a good color combo for some things, dont know if it would work good with the paleness of the skin. i think the purple works fine though, no need for tweaks (fiance is an artist, so i kinda soak up all the talk of color contrasts and complementary color stuff)
    dont be silly, its clearly a batman Mew-two hybrid, i wonder what his symbol would look like...hmmm.
    Stedms likes this.
  9. Symphony

    Symphony Giant Laser Beams

    Thanks for all the support guys, it's awesome :) Motivates me to keep working at it! It would be great if I could make something worthy of getting in the game :( But that'll never happen
  10. jintoya

    jintoya Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    not with an attitude like that, you've got something good here and if you dont see it then il tell ya. i think with hard work and brainstorming, this race is just as good as any of the high-tier races ive seen fleshed out here. what do you risk by putting your all into this?
    "shoot for the moon, even if you miss you'l land among the stars" this is a great quote for this game and an alien race too. you need to believe you can, once you do, the rest...its easy, im sure clockwork and Jonesy think you're worth encouraging. just keep your chin up and go for it. (im kinda emotional right now so if i seem overly enthusiastic, its because i kinda am)
  11. ChaoticGamer

    ChaoticGamer Master Astronaut

    sure sure, I like it. On one condition...plz plz more races. yes I check road map and heard that they aren't accepting more races, but few games had it more during that one time. I hope it can be playable races.
    Symphony likes this.
  12. Symphony

    Symphony Giant Laser Beams

    Oh, I'll give it all my effort and brainstorm the hell outta these guys, but I've learned a valuable lesson over the years. Always expect to fail, and never be disappointed.
    Stedms, Model QT-377665 and jintoya like this.
  13. jintoya

    jintoya Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    ive never seen loosing as failure, there separate. you only really loose when you feel like a loser, if you can take something away from a situation, no matter how bad it may be, then you are progressing. in my oppinion if you loose any number of competition and learn from it then you are winning in your own way. what do you ever learn if you always win anyways? enough on philosophy though. im just trying to tell you in many words "you are a BADASS, keep it up and you will go farther than you think"
    Symphony likes this.
  14. Symphony

    Symphony Giant Laser Beams

    Damn I hope so :"D ahahaha
  15. The Question

    The Question Ketchup Robot

    Good enough for me.

    If only it lacked a face.
  16. warlava50

    warlava50 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    i'm throwing money at the screen but nothing is happening!!!!!!:proper:also british joke incoming!
    I say!
    Symphony likes this.
  17. F-ranko

    F-ranko Heliosphere

    This is one of the only race suggestions that I've ever really liked. I quite enjoy their lore and I love the way they're styled after classic 1980s "thin gray man" aliens.
    Symphony likes this.
  18. Symphony

    Symphony Giant Laser Beams

    Just finished what I believe to be a super awesome weapon animation ;) I hope you love it as much as I do, I'm proud of how it turned out~! :love:
    I'll post it in the OP too, but just so you don't have to go back to find it:

  19. OneOnlyDan

    OneOnlyDan Cosmic Narwhal

    (First sight) Oh look, it's Mewtwo.
    Anyway, this seems to be an awesome race! Like the concept of taking the "stereotypical alien" and making it to a race. Upvoted! :)
    Symphony likes this.
  20. F-ranko

    F-ranko Heliosphere


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