May 21, things happened

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by kyren, May 21, 2014.

  1. MakeMeMad

    MakeMeMad Void-Bound Voyager

    These little daily progress updates are fantastic, and anything that makes monsters more interesting is great in my book.
    Gindew likes this.
  2. Lintton

    Lintton Guest

    Any particulars on how the new system affect placed blocks/player habitats, or is that something we'll have to find out for ourselves? :)
  3. Aegis J Hyena

    Aegis J Hyena Existential Complex

    Now we need a "biome scanner" item in-game so we can see how often/what kinds of critters are spawned in a given biome ;) (something that reads the profile and translates it into information we can understand perhaps?)
  4. Murderatte

    Murderatte Phantasmal Quasar

    I know everyone already said this but, thank you! You guys are awesome! This makes it easier to see the progress of the game. I hope you guys won't get tired of being this transparent. :)
    BlueSmoke likes this.
  5. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    Sounds great - Monster spawning was always an issue for me. Especially surface monsters always felt too generic. Would be nice to see wolly thick skin monsters on ice planets and thin lean ones on hot planets
  6. Tamorr

    Tamorr Supernova

    this means would make finding the koala planet easier... :D

    Sounds like a better system for spawning, as it does indeed separate individual biomes from each other more; at least making it seem more variety. Which for me is a good thing, and a decent way to go about it. Makes more sense. :)
  7. William Lee Twitch

    William Lee Twitch Subatomic Cosmonaut

    NOW you just jinxed it. I can hear the troll hoard about ten clicks that way. It might be the JustlikeEAs and WantMyMoneyBacks coalition.
  8. korvas

    korvas Void-Bound Voyager

    this is a subtle but nice change. Since the previous monster spawn and terrain generation seem identical for all biomes, going through many planets felt to me like seeing the same variations over and over.
  9. Lord Kain

    Lord Kain Ketchup Robot

    I greatly look forward to trying this out.
  10. Perq

    Perq Phantasmal Quasar

    PROGRESS. There we go! Also, I'd say limit a little spawning inside of areas where NPC spawners are. (if it is not case already). Building a city is hard with monsters roaming around :-V

    MilkCalf likes this.
  11. ThaOneDon

    ThaOneDon Parsec Taste Tester

    Good day :iswydt:
  12. oceansRising

    oceansRising Pangalactic Porcupine

    Things did happen. Very awesome.
  13. Majestic_Muleboy

    Majestic_Muleboy Void-Bound Voyager

    Thats amazing! What you have done is what i have silently dreamed of. I role-play a bit and keep journal entries about the planets i have visited. Now with the new monster spawning logic + the new monster AI + New monster part parameters my journal entries will be far wilder, full of intrigue, and purpose. I honestly cant wait to catalogue the new flora and fuana of the boundless universe that is Starbound.
  14. lemonrev

    lemonrev Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Update sounds great, as for the mobs we shall see, How do you plan they will spawn eventually though, will you have like spawning vats as such for creatures that they will come from or just appear in a certain biome ?., anyways Thanks for the update.
  15. Ramones_fan

    Ramones_fan Pangalactic Porcupine

    very nice.
  16. Ademer

    Ademer Void-Bound Voyager

    Yeah nice to hear these information, but when will be the update? any date?
  17. Darklight

    Darklight Oxygen Tank

    Because specifying a date worked so well for them in the past.
  18. Hybrid Halogen

    Hybrid Halogen Space Spelunker

    I gotta say! These daily diary updates are really really awesome! It's reigniting the flame for Starbound again! Keep it up the good work and best of luck to the future of Starbound!!!
  19. ThatMadCat

    ThatMadCat Phantasmal Quasar

    Ohhhh, this is exciting stuff!

    I'm looking forward to seeing what spawns where, and having more and more animals to write about in personal planet logs and things!

    Keep up the great work, and hope all of you that've moved have settled nicely in the UK!
  20. stephanreiken

    stephanreiken Pangalactic Porcupine

    It would also be nice if they updated the Drop coding to implement Leather that scales up with monster level.

    And to have monsters drop different things based on parts. Scaled bodies could drop scales, Frog Legged monsters could drop frog legs to cook, etc.
    Piccolo likes this.

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