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RELEASED Lucario Race Mod PG V0.1

Now you too can be a fuzzy lucario!

  1. Zancuno

    Zancuno Existential Complex

    Warning this video is terrible and it lagged so much x.x


    aura sphere demonstration time

    I've got a few things to tweak like dps but otherwise here's the aura spheres

    Don't hate me for the video....
    Last edited: May 2, 2016
  2. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    I don't really like how it is one-handed and non-chalantly tossed at an enemy. I would make it two handed, and add some kind of arm movement when firing it.
    Skelozard1 likes this.
  3. Zancuno

    Zancuno Existential Complex

    yeah I know. The levels 3 and 4 are two handed due to having an ability. Although I'm not exactly sure how to set up a custom arm movement for shooting. The sole reasons why the first and second are one handed is because they are the weakest, have no ability, and quite handy with the Shieldon shield. If you have any advice on that arm movement ^ ^; please help me out.
  4. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    While I'm not in possession of your files so I can't personally edit and test it, the various fist weapon activeitems all call have arm movements by calling various arm frames.

    A snippet:

    "stances" : {
          "idle" : {
            "armRotation" : 0,
            "weaponRotation" : 45,
            "weaponRotationCenter" : [-1.0, 0.0],
            "weaponOffset" : [-0.25, -0.575],
            "allowRotate" : false,
            "allowFlip" : true,
            "frontArmFrame" : "run.2",
            "backArmFrame" : "jump.3"
          "windup" : {
            "duration" : 0.05,
            "armRotation" : 0,
            "weaponRotation" : 0,
            "weaponRotationCenter" : [-1.0, 0.0],
            "weaponOffset" : [-0.625, -0.125],
            "allowRotate" : false,
            "allowFlip" : false,
            "frontArmFrame" : "swimIdle.1",
            "backArmFrame" : "swim.1"
          "windup2" : {
            "duration" : 0.05,
            "armRotation" : 0,
            "weaponRotation" : 0,
            "weaponRotationCenter" : [-1.0, 0.0],
            "weaponOffset" : [-0.75, -0.125],
            "allowRotate" : false,
            "allowFlip" : false,
            "frontArmFrame" : "swimIdle.1",
            "backArmFrame" : "swim.1",
            "recoil" : true
          "fire" : {
            "duration" : 0.1,
            "armRotation" : 0,
            "weaponRotation" : 0,
            "weaponRotationCenter" : [-1.0, 0.0],
            "weaponOffset" : [0.125, -0.25],
            "allowRotate" : false,
            "allowFlip" : false,
            "frontArmFrame" : "rotation",
            "backArmFrame" : "rotation"
    You may be able to edit your aura sphere guns to also call for specific frames and armRotation values.

    Specific arm frame names can be found the vanilla frontarm.frames and backarm.frames files in /humanoid/.
  5. Zancuno

    Zancuno Existential Complex

    Okay thank you for that. I managed to put the single handed version for 1 and 2 together

    Although I've got to figure out the two handed version now. Probably a ton of offset tweaking.

    This is the best I can do for two handed. For some reason altering the arm angle also alters the aim.... so sacrifices had to be made
    Last edited: May 4, 2016
  6. Zancuno

    Zancuno Existential Complex

    Alright I have an update on my works for you guys.

    Since you all gave me a go to make the tier 1 armor concept into the actual armor I have done just that.
    Order of colors from left to right, up to down: Regular, black, blue, green, grey, brown, orange, pink(looks purple to me...), purple, red, white(seems.. more silver..), and yellow


    Yes just to make sure that you guys know it's working in the mod, I have these gifs for you

    Next up is the Aura Guardian armor or tier2 armor. I have fixed the armor color (previously mentioned) and now also have to redo the concept armors of tier 3 and 4

    Mackinz pointed out something very important concerning the teir 3 and 4 armors. The Aura Guardian armor may be excusable being that of it's direct connection to lucario but for fairness to all players, I need to make teir 3 and 4's armor color to be based upon the metal it's made from. This will give the item a more neutral feel and if they want the blue color they can simply dye it. The next set of concepts will be a trouble to decide the themes due to it being tier5 a, b, and c ; tier6 a, b, c. I'm hoping to find three different base themes to base them off of. I have already heard "try using the Egyptian ion armor ". The three armors will also be special to the three stat groups: energy, attack, and defense. I'm going to need two more themes for these armors.

    Also thanks for the feedback everyone, it has helped me a ton and also has helped make these choices something not just pleasing to one's taste.
  7. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    You also need to make the tier 1 armor match its metals color. Iron isn't yellow.
  8. Zancuno

    Zancuno Existential Complex

    yeah I know but if I changed that oricalchum color to a dark grey or rusty orange... it wouldn't look right. Besides that none of the standard race's armors match the metal at all until tier 6. If I changed it to the grey it would be rather bland.. it would be that grey dye actually.

    -little trivia for today- Rukario is reverse Japanese for oricalchum.

    Edit: I at least want to hide little easter eggs like that.

    Edit2: if I have to I can leave the sprite the same but can just code the base color to be different.
    Last edited: May 22, 2016
  9. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    That's all I suggested. :)
  10. Zancuno

    Zancuno Existential Complex

    now.... to decide which kind of iron color to use... I was kind against this being that I didn't want people walking around with rust or a rather dull looking armor... also I need to make the base different than any other dyes... so...google images help me :rofl:

    may have found something promising

    Edit: Oh and I'm thinking of making the tier2 after blue steel to fix that issue.
    Last edited: May 23, 2016
  11. Zancuno

    Zancuno Existential Complex

    This should be satisfactory, no?
  12. Zancuno

    Zancuno Existential Complex

    Alright to address the whole base the armor upon the metal issue for fairness. I have re-done the concepts for Tier2, Tier3, and Tier4

    Even though I was told the brighter version of Tier2 was fitting, I rather as well go with this metal theme *ahem*Fear steel types*ahem*....

    So here's the redesigns:

    Tier2 went under some slight changes being that I based the color scheme on a blue steel while it was still and ingot. That way we can keep the blue for the aura guardian look. Also the entire outfit (but the greys and blacks for obvious reasons -doesn't want to hurt eyes-) have now gained a more metallic shine to them, explaining where the metal is. It is in the fabric.

    Tier3 is based upon the colors of the in game titanium ore (yes pull up both the ore and ingot, they have these colors). This is where the armor will start to follow that of the original tech path. Tier 3 starts the advancement of armors starting to look machine like. As for now though it's not entirely electric powered because the next stage is that of the robotic crafting table.

    Tier4 is based upon the durasteel ingot and it's colors. Mind the very bright blue/green, it is supposed to give the whole bio-suit feel to it. Since a lucario is an auramancer it only seems necessary to have in built energy relays to make the power more efficient. This starts the true technological armors of tier 5 to tier 6.

    Tier5: a, b, and c / Tier6: a, b, and c I still need some ideas on. I will remind you that these armors will be like bio-suits to help regulate energy or exoskeletons.

    The only Idea which I have got so far is: Egyptian Ion Armor from the user:
    Hungry Lucario

    I need two more armor ideas from you guys. I'm doing this mainly because this mod will be played by many and I want the users to feel comfortable with the armor design.

    These armors will be divided into three Categories: Power (unknown), Energy (Egyptian Ion Armor), and Defense (unknown)

    I hope you guys can help me fill in those gaps. Remember I am waiting upon feedback in order to finish the armor sets. I do really hope this gets done before 1.0's release -sweatdrops-
  13. blue3sonic

    blue3sonic Void-Bound Voyager

    im not sure if im doing this right but i insert it into my mods folder and it doesnt show in my race gui and yes i have it modded for mod races if anyone can tell me how to make it work tell meh plz ;-;
  14. Zancuno

    Zancuno Existential Complex

    Have you added a character creator mod yet? If you do not then it won't show the slots for other races. Here, this is probably the biggest character creation extension mod out there. I would suggest putting this into your mods folder and try again
  15. ookamisoulreaper

    ookamisoulreaper Void-Bound Voyager

    I'm having trouble getting the Lucario to show in my new character screen. I have Kawa's Xbawks race extender, and several other modded races. Any idea what could be causing this?
  16. Zancuno

    Zancuno Existential Complex

    I believe we actually changed the icon of the race for the extender. It's no longer a blue and pink pokeball, rather tiny profile sprites. I'm not sure if this has anything to do with it but Kawa updated her character extender recently. I probably need to install the new version and test that. I do know thought that if you have a number of races that goes past the extenders's slot limit it won't show those last ones. I will get back to you on that one.
  17. Zancuno

    Zancuno Existential Complex

    By any chance, when you opened with the current Xbawks character extender did the game stop loading and pop up this error?
    Error: Fatal Exception caught: (WidgetParserException) Failed to find callback named: toggleClothing

    I just put the current Kawa's Xbawks Character Creation extender mod in was running 3.7 now running 3.8 and it has popped up that error

    Edit: Kawa said that the 3.8 version of the Character extension was meant for nightly builds and that 3.7 should be used with normal Starbound
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2016
  18. Zancuno

    Zancuno Existential Complex

    It's been a while since I have posted anything mod wise. So just so you guys can see what I am working on I have a WIP alpha for you guys to check out. It's currently stable with no errors so no worries. Here are the improvements:
    -Auracites added to game
    -New Crafting Station special for pokemon move based tools and weapons called Move Chamber added (only aura spheres and aura seekers currently sorry)
    -Aura Crystallization Station added (for making auracites)
    -All aura spheres re-designed and animated
    -All mod swords updated
    -Tier 1 armors added
    -Tier 2 armors added
    -codex update
    -crafting overhaul
    -Aura seeker now only craft-able after creating the Aura Crystallization Station and Move Chamber
    -New crafting material "Essence of Aura" added (costs 10 pixels at Move Chamber)
    -picking up armor, materials, weapons, etc unlocks recipes for other mod exclusives.

    Attached Files:

  19. ookamisoulreaper

    ookamisoulreaper Void-Bound Voyager

    Yeah, I'm using the proper version (3.7) could one of my other race mods be conflicting?
    I don't get any errors either. the game opens normally, running all my mods except for both the Lucario and Lopunny, which I installed at the same time
  20. Zancuno

    Zancuno Existential Complex

    hmmmm... see that WIP I just posted above? Give that a try. Ochiru has been busy with college (been trying to contact for ages) so any updates to the mod have been posted in this discussion by Mackinz and I as Alphas or fixes. The main download up there might be outdated. Regarding the lopunny mod, if you have not got the lopunny improvements mod by Mackinz I would suggest that.

    Edit: I'm not entirely sure but I believe the current download may be for Pleased Giraffe not Glad Giraffe

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