Modding Help Lua - Merchant Spawning

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by Cinder, Sep 19, 2016.

  1. Cinder

    Cinder Void-Bound Voyager

    I have like... zero experience with lua, but I heard the only way I can spawn an NPC to sell my item creations for me is to use lua and have it bound to keys to spawn them at the cursor.

    All I know is that I need to use world.spawnNpc but the thing is, with no lua knowledge, I don't know what to put, how to structure it, how to even get my json files for my items to load in the NPC.

    I would appreciate any help.
  2. C0bra5

    C0bra5 Oxygen Tank

    You could probably just be fine by doing /spawnnpc [race] [NPC type] . My intuition tells me that you just want to spawn them to test if they work, and that is probably the quickest way. And for bonus speed once you ran the command once you can just press "P" and it will repeat the last command you typed.

    Though if you really want to bind it to a key you will have to make a tech. But that way too much work for what you might want to do

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