Long lost civilizations

Discussion in 'Side Quests' started by Pentafrost, Jun 24, 2013.

  1. Haroldman

    Haroldman Space Spelunker

    Dwarf fortress has main races such as Dwarfs, Elves, Humans and Goblins but it also has semi-sentient species such as antmen and ratmen; They couldn't interact with the player very much but they had a basic culture and they even had hierarchy's and ethics! (The antmen had a queen, warriors, and worker, they could use basic tools and they had a nest!) I think it would be awesome to be digging in your plant and finding one of these nests for a random species, you wouldn't be able to communicate but maybe you could help them or steal from them.) Just an idea, understandable if they don't want to add more species but I would be cool.
  2. crazygamer2255

    crazygamer2255 Phantasmal Quasar

    probably already said, i just skimmed through the comments, but it could be implemented somewhere in the quest line, or maybe they will implement side quests :D
  3. chucklesthesquirrel

    chucklesthesquirrel Void-Bound Voyager

    "Og monster or Catstrofic event" jeez, I never knew cats could be so dangerous! Sorry, my algorythms are set to correct spelling and grammar. Catstrofic or. meow KABOOM!
  4. Conor785

    Conor785 Pangalactic Porcupine

    been suggested many times and i think it is already planned
  5. Jarda

    Jarda Space Hobo

  6. Conor785

    Conor785 Pangalactic Porcupine

    Well the devs suggested that alien species would set up towns and invade etc
  7. jimythor

    jimythor Space Hobo

    this sounds really cool. i aprove
  8. geindovahkiin

    geindovahkiin Yeah, You!

    This could maybe give clues to the origins of the Novakid, when their released

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