List of Announced Game Information (Retired due to release)

Discussion in 'Starbound FAQs, Q&A, and General Help' started by Blue, Feb 24, 2012.

  1. Pentarctagon

    Pentarctagon Over 9000!!!

    You messed up the quote [​IMG]

    They are trusted to moderate the forums. If you didn't trust them to do their job, why give them that job? That's the point I was trying to make.
  2. Earic Lodger

    Earic Lodger Starship Captain

    yeah, messed up the quote there. My bad.
    Oh so you meant if they were trusted enough to do the job. Oh. :oops:
    I only meant my post as i thought you were saying "It doesn't matter how good they are at it just as long as they trust them". Good day.
  3. Neroxen

    Neroxen Void-Bound Voyager

    Very detailed man! Thank for all this info.
  4. Ignuz

    Ignuz Former Staff

    I'm pretty sure they're not just going to look for people with the most posts ;)
    "Quality over quantity"
  5. Earic Lodger

    Earic Lodger Starship Captain

    Wouldn't that mean Blue would get a Beta? Since he has at least one like for each post. But you do make a good point.
    Eh, that'll mean i'll have to up the hilarity of my comments.
    Speaking of which: "How many Namekians does it take to screw in a lightbulb?"
  6. Ignuz

    Ignuz Former Staff

    none, they use led lighting??
    TheMightyPachydermus likes this.
  7. knarfc

    knarfc Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I don't think its how many posts you have but how you interact and help the rest of the Starbound community.
  8. Psylockeyuki

    Psylockeyuki Void-Bound Voyager

    I just read through this, and it is really turning out to be a fantastic piece. This game will be a never ending menagerie of exploring and trying to look the coolest I can.
  9. JohnDevince

    JohnDevince Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Blue is supposedly reading this :speechless:!
    I am soo excited for this game words I cannot express for! Here I try hfdosihf hdfh idid! <-- Attempt!
    But seriously I think this game is going to be amazing!
    ~ Thank Ya!
    John Devince Edit: I would Die if there was a Johnny (Real name I just shorten it xD) Npc in the game!
  10. Blue

    Blue Former Staff

    When I added the part about "most active in the community" I was quoting Tiy in an interview with curse, who was quoted by WelshPixie in her video... :rofl: so its possible the wording is a bit off after being quoted twice, but it seems right.

    I would assume they are talking about people in the community who offer good input toward the devs and the community. Helpful individuals (Helping each-other, devs and mods by following rules, pointing things out, and guiding people to the answers they are seeking.), people who offer suggestions to the Devs with clear well thought out Ideas (Not just "hey I like this idea so it should be in, but people who make a clear case as to why it would flow well with the rest of the game.), and people who don't cause trouble among the community (as beta testers who cause trouble are never good to have, since leaks, and such happen due to these kinds of players). Also the more succinct individuals are the kind of people you want in a Beta so you can get accurate bug postings and not bug reports like, "hey its busted, but I cant tell you how it happened, what I was doing, or my opinion on why it happened."

    In the end always remember, whatever route they choose to pick the beta players, you have a better chance if you don't continuously ask to be a beta tester and simply make your presence known in a non-beligerant, overly "on-purpose" manner. Show your interest, not your need.
  11. JohnDevince

    JohnDevince Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    That brought a small blue tear to my eye! But everything you said on there is all correct and just the guidelines they need for Beta testers!
    ~ Thank You!
    John Devince
  12. Ghostar

    Ghostar Steakeater

    I'm just glad its not going to be a post count type thing. It would be annoying if some post spammer got to be a beta test while someone who genuinely cares about how the game is developed doesn't.
    Ayumi likes this.
  13. JohnDevince

    JohnDevince Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Indeed it would. But it depends if the spammed posts (if they are actually spammed) are knowledgeable or help anyone in a certain way.But yes, a spammer would definitely not get into Beta for I know the team of amazing Dev's would double check before they make someone a Beta tester ;)
    ~ Thank You!
    John Devince
  14. Keirndmo

    Keirndmo Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Okay that's to know spammers won't get a beta and probably leak it.
    Well I can't wait to see what you find out next about the game!
  15. DarkDXZ

    DarkDXZ Phantasmal Quasar

    Am I considered active?
    Even if my rank says otherwise?

    I mean, I have made a good deal of suggestions, I answer questions that new people (not to call them newbies) ask...
    W've gotta see, though. I don't really try to promote myself out of the crowd, because surely there are people with far bigger community input than me.
  16. ThomasDekker

    ThomasDekker Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I can't seem to stop feel excited about this game with every word I read about it. This game might just have ALL of my interests.. :eek:
  17. TheRev

    TheRev Industrial Terraformer

    I am still holding onto the average word per post method for picking people :p lol j/k I agree with ya on this, I hope it is something that the people who actually do get in deserve to be there.

    Hopefully they will get a little lucky with this. It doesn't take a "Spammer" to leak it, and once it is out there.. There is no way to get it back. These are just the risks you take, not much you can do about it other then just not give it out to the public till release.

    I am sure a lot of people are going to be asking this. Prob best suggestion is to literately "Be Active" and hope for the best. I am sure when they decide what or who is active they will have some plan they would make public.
  18. tps_SurvivoR

    tps_SurvivoR Master Chief

    This is a pretty diferent game i must say! it has a hole new fantasy on it and its very original. i like it
    Nike likes this.
  19. tps_SurvivoR

    tps_SurvivoR Master Chief

    indeed friend!
  20. Acedrew

    Acedrew Void-Bound Voyager

    I'm so incredibly impressed with the direction this game is going so far. It is honestly my most anticipated game of the year. Also, do we know much about the story? I checked this thread because I assumed it would have the most information about the game in general, but I didn't see much about the story. Of course, that probably isn't out yet anyhow. Just curious.
    Nike likes this.

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