List of Announced Game Information (Retired due to release)

Discussion in 'Starbound FAQs, Q&A, and General Help' started by Blue, Feb 24, 2012.

  1. Hasaosan

    Hasaosan Big Damn Hero

    we gonna agree to disagree on that.

    personally i didn't like how in terraria u could just sit there and blast ur gun over and over and over and over :zzz:

    i like durability because it DOES add strategy to the game... i go out with .05 dura armor on i dont expect to live >.< and its also a more realistic aspect... makes you have to PLAN stuff b4 you do anything....

    also finding a god weapon and sitting there spamming it would get annoying like it did in terraria... really took away from player skill when u could just spam the best wep in game and not have any concequince in doing so
  2. Bonabopn

    Bonabopn Fluffiest Squirrel

    I think rather than your armour deteriorating over a large amount of hits from 100% to 0% is kinda unrealistic. I would prefer if it took a chunk of 'durability' out for every critical hit on you, and ignored 'glances' off your armour.
    But not for Starbound, i would prefer if it didn't have durability.
  3. Aviakio

    Aviakio Weight of the Sky

    I haven't played a game where repairing items was fun.
    As said before it's a grind and a time-sink and that's not good.

    This so called 'strategy' could be implimented through durability on the items, but that's the cheap and lazy mechanic from my point of view. What's happening instead is that there's enough variety in the weapons and tools and situations that you won't just be able to be sitting there and spamming it to get the best outcome.

    What does durability bring to the table anyways? Even if you have the god weapons they still break, and what you do after is just waste time remaking/repairing the same thing, just taking away the fun you were having with the weapon instead of actually playing the game.
    Jermex likes this.
  4. Hasaosan

    Hasaosan Big Damn Hero

    well glances still do damage just ALOT less but ur right critical should be the main dura damaging thing

    and i think it would match StarBound as they DID say stratigy is a big BIG part of the game and i just don't see how being able to stay on a planet indefinentaly because u have god armor and never have to have it repaired as ur hit by 1000s of creatures just to run away and heal up again is stratagy :zzz:
  5. Hasaosan

    Hasaosan Big Damn Hero

    i know games where DURABILITY (not repairing sadly as they don't have it) made the game 100x more fun then it would be without

    the games are Mortal Online and Darkfall online... hell i love going and raiding other players citys with my equip being at 1 dura to see if they can kill me b4 i lose all my armor :D

    also it makes a BIG difference in combat.. just imagine ur in an epic battle thats going back and forth and ur about to die but u enemys weapon breaks! he has to take those few seconds to re-equip a weapon and that could mean life or death!

    its throws that little random factor into the game that just really makes it fun
  6. Aviakio

    Aviakio Weight of the Sky

    I'm going to stop arguing with you on this and just post Tiy on durability:

    <@Tiy> durability sucks too
    <@Tiy> time sink
    <@Tiy> grind
    <@Tiy> blerhg
    Nike likes this.
  7. Hasaosan

    Hasaosan Big Damn Hero

    not really a good thing to do as its been stated b4.. i am mearly expressing my opinion on why it SHOULD be in the game
  8. Jermex

    Jermex The Stampede Forum Moderator

    It might make out more fun for you, hassosan, but it would be tedious and boring for me.
    The strategy will be in overcoming your enemies defenses, spamming one weapon will only leave you open to a block/counter combo.
    They already confirmed that it is not being put in. The argument is moot
    Nike and Aviakio like this.
  9. Hasaosan

    Hasaosan Big Damn Hero

    i know alot of people that enjoy Durability ^-^ heck ever played on a Minecraft pvp contest server? very fun to watch people fighting so long their stuff breaks and they have to run and try to get other peoples stuff to keep goin

    gun spamming vs shield.... im 100% sure gun spam would win

    true they have confirmed this...but they might not have put all that much thought into how they could implement the system and such made a quick decision.

    instead of arguing it here ima make a thread about how i think it could really help the game so i can list a giant section and that way we won't spam this area anymore as this isnt here to debate such things as this ^-^
  10. Aviakio

    Aviakio Weight of the Sky

    If the system on Starbound is balanced enough, the more skilled player would win. The player blocking with the shield would be able to land a guaranteed critical counter attack and that could be fatal against the one using two guns.
  11. Hasaosan

    Hasaosan Big Damn Hero

    simply put the gunman can just avoid the hit and keep shooting
  12. DarkDXZ

    DarkDXZ Phantasmal Quasar

    Still, the durability will not be in the game.

    Get over with it and enjoy the game as it is.
    Even if you can't play it yet.
    Jermex likes this.
  13. petelectro

    petelectro Subatomic Cosmonaut

    durability is just another way of restricting the players time. you have enough restrictions in a sandbox game already with inventory space, day/night cycles, different planets and building possibilities. you would be forced to stop a cool and fun fight on a planet surface just to go to your station and repair something then return to the planet surface. the whole dynamic and momentum would be lost. I don't see the fun in that.
    SweenMachine, Jermex and Aviakio like this.
  14. Aviakio

    Aviakio Weight of the Sky

    simply put the other gunman can just avoid the hits and shoot a critical hit

    As I said, the higher skilled player would win.
    That is essentially what is meant by the balanace in any game. A player with X playstyle would not have an advantage over a player with Y playstyle, and it would be down to their ability to use their way of doing things to come out as the best.
    Jermex likes this.
  15. DarkDXZ

    DarkDXZ Phantasmal Quasar

    Let's put it that way:
    Durability is acceptable and good in SOME games.
    Starbound does NOT belong into this category.

    I'm fine with durability in Minecraft, but not in Starbound.
    I have more interesting things to do than collect nine thousand more meat cubes to repair my Lung Shield...
    Jermex and Aviakio like this.
  16. Aviakio

    Aviakio Weight of the Sky

    Yes, Minecraft down at the roots is a game where the tools are used for collecting and creating things. They can limit your indefinite use of them, because that is fundamentally the game.

    In Starbound they're trying to stray away from just building and mining, and capture combat and exploration in a much higher light. Emphasizing the elements that aren't important to the game tends to lead to a waste of the players' time.
    Jermex likes this.
  17. DarkDXZ

    DarkDXZ Phantasmal Quasar

    Let's put it that way:

    Minecraft: primary - survival and exploration, secondary - combat
    Terraria/Starbound: primary - combat and exploration; secondary - survival
    Jermex likes this.
  18. Blue

    Blue Former Staff

    If you would like to further disscuss durability, could you please make a new thread? Thanks. :p
  19. Nithilus

    Nithilus Big Damn Hero

    Yeah durability sucks, especially if like me you hate it when items are below 50% and your like I got alot to do hear but I need to go back to base to repair my gear :p.
  20. Aviator

    Aviator Subatomic Cosmonaut

    great job its super useful

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