Lich Worms

Discussion in 'NPCs and Creatures' started by dragontech, Mar 24, 2012.


What do you think?

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    16 vote(s)
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  3. Maybe

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  4. Awesometastic

    12 vote(s)
  1. dragontech

    dragontech Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Please comment. Positive or negative, just LEAVE DETAILS and COMMENT!!!

    When I lost the Monster Monster contest, the first thing I did was feel sorry for myself. But the SECOND thing I did was think up this. The Lich worm. They are small spirits of darkness permanently bound to this realm. They have a very small amount of corporeal flesh, and are therefore quite weak. They posses living creature to steal their flesh and souls, leaving them weak, soulless, and broken (ZOMBIE WANTS BRAAAAAAAINS). The more spirits they steal, the greater the boost they give to the forms they possess. The more flesh they steal, the quicker they evolve and the bigger they are.
    Here's a little breakdown

    Lich Larva
    Magical little creatures that are weak and incredibly easy to kill.

    Lich Worm.png Lich Worm(crawl).gif
    But, let's say you see one and do nothing about it. This little guy will attack a low level monster and control it, giving it a slight stat boost. But still, no big deal.

    BUT, later, if you kill it's host it will take it's soul, some flesh, and then skedaddle, turning into this...

    Lich Adolescent
    Lich Worm2.png Lich Worm2(crawl).gif
    Still this monster isn't too strong, and can be dispatched with relative ease. But now, this guy can inhabit bigger and stronger monsters and give larger stat boosts. If you let it inhabit a strong enough monster, then it will again evolve.

    Lich Snake
    Lich Worm3.png Lich Snake.gif
    Now it's strong enough to actually become somewhat of a nuisance. It gains the same sort of bonuses as it's last evolution, and is stronger and faster. This one needs to be taken out quick, or else it will inhabit a strong monster and come out like this before anything can be done.

    Lich Serpent
    Lich Worm4.png
    The 4th stage is pretty strong, and could be hard to kill. You'll have to throw everything you have at it to stop it from inhabiting a monster long enough to transform into it's final and worst form. But don't worry, for it to have survived this long you'd either be planning on catching it or you're REALLY... STUPID...


    Lich Manifest.png
    This guy is the definition of hell. It can now possess and control multiple hosts at once remotely (3-6 in wild, 2-4 in captivity). As you dispatch the super zombie army, the souls will return to the Lich making it stronger. So the best way to kill the Lich is to fight your way through the zombies to the flying undead body snatcher, then ignoring the zombies to kill the Lich.

    Lich Souls
    Variations of what they might look like between corporeal form and actual possession (they dump their corporeal matter and transfer over to a body. In those 2 seconds they're this. Still needs lots of work and input.)

    If trapped, a Lich worm will stay at the level it was captured at. Lich worms are incredibly useful as pets, allowing you to control zombie armies. Lich worms can be recycled (concept of which I learned from Servo) to obtain Zombie Serum on any level (turns creature to loyal zombie), Raptorial Claws from a Serpent or Lich (combined with stick and super glue makes Scythe). Lich Bone from Lich (combined with ultra solvent and iron creates Lich Sheild). Lich Hide from first 4 levels of Lich (combined with Lich Bone makes Lich armor). Lich Eye from Serpent and Lich (combined with Lich Bone, zombie serum, and a ray gun, creates Zombifier).

    *Side Note - Worms can eat each other

    It was pointed out that I forgot to mention this, but these guys would only spawn slightly off or on screen, and if you don't run into the off screen ones, they'd despawn.

    Possible Implementation
    A lair with multiple chambers, filled with enemies possessed with mostly weak worms (contains at least one serpent or lich)
    A cave filled with more worms than can be quickly dispatched by just anybody. Watch out for them eating each other.
    The Wild
    Spawn a bit off screen giving them time to find a host. Despawn if you don't come in or near the same screen as them. Is that a zombie behind you?

    As Always, constructive criticism is appreciated

    A little idea I thought of, but have no idea what to do with or where to put. Ideas anyone?
    The Sterile
    They cannot grow, but would probably have some other quirk that makes them a force to be reckoned with. Although there name is 'the sterile' I just put that because it sounded cool, and the possibility of there quirk being multiplication is an idea I'm open to.
    The Sterile (Large).png
  2. Red Space Monkey

    Red Space Monkey Phantasmal Quasar

    Ha! As I predicted. People are encouraged now to make more deep suggestions now after the contest. ^^ Cool stuff you thought of there, especially the fact that this guy interacts with other mobs, could make for interesting events.
    Rian121 and Dead like this.
  3. dragontech

    dragontech Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Shameless Su-su-su-SUPER BUMP :ninja:

    BUMP :redpanda: (no thing this time - just saying bump)
  4. Drithyl

    Drithyl Phantasmal Quasar

    Well, you did work hard and I actually like the kind of mob, but I see a problem: if it evolves by killing monsters or creatures on a planet, chances are that every planet you visit is going to be filled with these at max. level. OR, I guess it will only do it in the planet you are at (as the other planets won't be loaded in the game), but still, imagine it spawns somewhere far in the planet and you of course don't notice it, and suddenly a big Lich hell-thing knocks at your door.

  5. Fox0427

    Fox0427 Big Damn Hero

    Amazing idea! It would be great to see in game. Could you do me a favor and check out my suggestion?
  6. dragontech

    dragontech Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Actually, although I forgot to mention this, they would only spawn on screen or just off, from little soul eggs or mounds. I apologize for leaving this out, to anyone else who noticed this (even though I flatter myself by assuming anyone else reads this)
  7. Drithyl

    Drithyl Phantasmal Quasar

    So these little guys would actually be like some sort of event: they spawn near you and if you don't pay them attention, be ready to face apocalypse. Ok, I like it! :D
  8. dragontech

    dragontech Subatomic Cosmonaut

    ARE YOU READY TO BU-UMP! :devil:

    I have become the thing that goes bump in the night. :raccoon:

    I'm worried my idea is bad. No one else is commenting. Even a very descriptive (and constructive) insult would be nice.
  9. Drithyl

    Drithyl Phantasmal Quasar

    Well maybe people are simply lazy, or yeah, they don't like your idea, I don't know, but certain topics tend to get ostracised for no special reason. If after a bump or two the thread doesn't get going, you should let it be. Devs will see this anyways if they scout the forums, so... Move on to another suggestion :up:
  10. Force2Reckon

    Force2Reckon Phantasmal Quasar

    Idea's awesome. I had the same problem as Drithyl than I read the comments, as a random event this would be awesome ;) .... When you say that they stay at the level their captured at, does that mean that they can not grow by feeding? if so, kinda silly being your pet shouldn't limit their ability to evolve and grow. Maybe something to balance it out (cause I would just take this guy to a low threat world, take a mob, kill it, take another, kill it and farm to my own lich :) ). For instance make it so you can't damage they're mobs (even with explosives)... or if you can that they don't get boosted for you destroying it.

    Mostly I just like the idea of having a zombie army :devil: .
  11. dragontech

    dragontech Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Well, the whole thing with the pets is, that I want it to be more dangerous to get the stronger you want it. If it can still grow after being captured, then you can just grow it with no fear of having having to fight it's stronger forms, but if you have to capture it at the desired level, than you have to survive long enough to get it in that state and capture it in that state. It would still end up being something like farming even if you do what you described, because there's so little threat to you, yet still with similar results. And (stick with me here) but my idea to justify the whole 'can't grow after captured' thing is that being bound causes it to be bound to it's current spiritual and corporeal mass, so that it always has to be that size. I just don't feel like there's any other way to make the pet thing fair with this. You have to help it's growth in the wild, without dying, and then, at the desired power, you have to go through the difficulty of capture. Just a simple idea that upholds a certain level of difficulty.
  12. Earic Lodger

    Earic Lodger Starship Captain

    Great concept and great spriting. Though, this thread has got about as much activity as a corpse.
  13. Mr. Mystery

    Mr. Mystery Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Evvvvviiiiillll.....But like Earic said, nice concept and spriting. Keep it up good fellow!
  14. Earic Lodger

    Earic Lodger Starship Captain

    I'm suprised that you of all people didn't get my joke. Lich? Corpse? Really? No?
    But atleast there not clowns, clowns want to be the dominate species and destroy the planet.
    Oh i wonder if the worms are a playable race. Didn't you say you wanted worms to be a race?
  15. Mr. Mystery

    Mr. Mystery Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I wasn't really paying attention to your post. I forgive you.
  16. Earic Lodger

    Earic Lodger Starship Captain

    You don't seem to pay attention to detail to much do you?
  17. DapperPessimist

    DapperPessimist Big Damn Hero

    Interesting. The idea of neglect creating a strong monster is a rather unique mechanic. I could see this working as a repeating mission where you have to find and kill the lich-worm as fast as possible before it becomes strong enough to be a threat to the universe and such. So basically +1 likes :up:
  18. Earic Lodger

    Earic Lodger Starship Captain

    The creater of the thread might want to rename the Lich in it's final form to "Seizure inducer", as i'm pretty sure that the only reason people haven't liked it more is because of the increase of epileptic attacks.
  19. Chuchu13

    Chuchu13 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    The Lich is somehow strange, but it's ok for an alien monster :)
    I like the sprites and all the work you've done.
    Good job :)
  20. dragontech

    dragontech Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I have a clown monster idea if you want to see that...
    (Just kidding)
    (No really, I do)

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