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Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Worgenite, Dec 4, 2013.

  1. Worgenite

    Worgenite Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Anyone know if there's anyway to change keybinds so far? It's not something that super important atm but I'd love to be able to change em to something I'm more comfortable with. If not, any idea if the devs are working on implementing the ability to change em?
    Jirva likes this.
  2. Calimsha

    Calimsha Seal Broken

    Well in my case it's really important since i'm left-handed and I just can't stand playing on WASD.

  3. krum

    krum Space Hobo

  4. Worgenite

    Worgenite Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    well, not important was probably the wrong thing to say. I meant in comparison to many other things like making sure the game doesn't crash for people. Being able to reassign keys is important but compared to some severe problems, it's not so bad. That said, I hope it's something that gets added soon ^_^
  5. glirp

    glirp Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Not handling at a minimum the arrow keys in addition to WASD is a showstopper for the 10% of people who are left handed. A bug that would make the game crash for 1 person out of ten would be considered critical.
  6. NationalKato

    NationalKato Space Hobo

    Big issue for me as well. Without the ability to map my keys, I'm at a loss for how to play effectively. Left Handers Unite!
  7. agoodnight

    agoodnight Space Spelunker

    Wanted to add my voice to this as another lefty. Keymapping please!
  8. Worgenite

    Worgenite Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    there was another thread about this that said the devs suggested Autokey or something? but people have said it doesn't work in game :\
  9. Elenoe

    Elenoe Big Damn Hero

    it works. Download Autohotkey, install it and run .ahk script (if it runs it shows green H in traybar).

    Example how to remap arrow keys to movement and Up key to jump looks like
    you can download it here

    Don't forget this one remaps keys in windows, you won't be able to use them until you exit Autohotkey (right click on that green icon)
  10. dpenguin

    dpenguin Intergalactic Tourist

    Even right-handed people like to use the arrow keys sometimes :) Thanks for the Autohotkey link!
  11. NationalKato

    NationalKato Space Hobo

    I must've had the AutoHotKey screwed up. Thanks to Elenoe, it's working fine. Still wish it was something in-game, but at least now I can participate in the Beta!
  12. Texfire

    Texfire Space Hobo

    Please add me was another lefty who would like to be able to keybind, I use my number pad keys for movement in games like this.

    That said I'll give autokey a shot so I can attempt playing this game until that feature is in.
  13. orillian

    orillian Void-Bound Voyager

    AutoHotKey works but it's a pain to turn on and off. At least us lefties can participate now.:up:

  14. Kahless

    Kahless Tentacle Wrangler

    I tried AutoHotKey,could get arrow keys to work,but couldn't figure out how to change the E key to something like the END key or Right CTRL key for interacting and using stuff.. Also couldn't figure out how to get the NUMPAD to work for hotkeys 1-9. The ability to customize key bindings should have been included as a basic option before they released it as an Early Access Game.
  15. Shiokuri

    Shiokuri Ketchup Robot

    Don't worry guys, the game is in beta and obviously not everything will be complete. Certainly within the next few weeks, if not days, there will definitely be key binding.
  16. Kahless

    Kahless Tentacle Wrangler

    Key binding customization needs too be the priority. Otherwise a percentage of your beta testers can't really test it all that well. Also its a paid beta test. If it was a free beta test I could understand that it was an issue and wait for a fix. But since its a paid test this functionality should have been in from the get go. Needs to be a priority, with a much better dev response then "Use AutoHotKey".
    Kira7 likes this.
  17. Ttamage

    Ttamage Big Damn Hero

    Hopefully I am in the right spot.

    I should to be able to program my own button configuration, this whole A, D, to move, and Spacebar to jump is a real pain when I am used to a D-pad for movement. And customization of the 1-10 hot keys would be nice as opposed to Terraria where I do not even use a keyboard to play the game, but I am sure that is already an issue with most people, otherwise it looks pretty Cool so far! :)

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