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RELEASED Kawa's xbawks-mode character creator 3.8.1

T̶w̶e̶n̶t̶y̶ ̶s̶i̶x̵ thirty-six oughta be enough for now.

  1. JunosatoRyu

    JunosatoRyu Pangalactic Porcupine

    Sorry to bother, but I assume due to language differences and a lack of understanding for coding, I kinda dont't really understand how to fix the problem...

    If I understand right, I am supposed to Resize the image cache to the size of the images being in the "title" Folders, being 360,235 and 360,31.
    Though if I do it, it turns out like this:
    Also here is the exact code line: [/interface/title/charactercreation.png[360,235]]

    Am I doing it wrong? If yes, How?
  2. Qwaar

    Qwaar Void-Bound Voyager

    Delete the damn image.cache. its just a fastload thing that stores numbers the game will make a new one.

    You dont need to change the numbers yourself, in fact, if you dont know the specifics of how the game resolution matches up to your computer screen resolution, you SHOULDN'T do it yourself.

    Basically, Kawa's numbers are good for his computer and his computer alone, the image.cache is set up once starbound is able to calculate your numbers, but it will never change those numbers till it needs to generate them again. So if someone EVER launched starbound WITHOUT the character extender, it stores the old menu size, which will cutoff the extended menu since the extended menu is longer horizontally.

    Also, you changed the wrong number. The only change that needed to be made was to make the second X coordinate larger, so that the menu extends further to the side, since computer programs draw from the top left. The first coordinate, X1,Y1, tells the menu where to start, and the second coordinate set, X2,Y2 is a completely useless sack of crap that didn't use to be read at all because it does nothing useful, the menu terminates itself anyway when it doesn't need more space.

    What you did was change Y1 to a much larger number, so now the menu is drawn from a lower point, and the only remaining menu you see is the remaining difference between Y1 and Y2.

    Basically, the height of the menu drawn will always be Y2-Y1, and the width will always be X2-X1. You need to make X2 bigger, and Y1 smaller if you want to fix this manually.

    Alternatively, delete the damn image.cache, the game will do the rest for you on launch.
    Kawa likes this.
  3. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    "Delete the damn image.cache" should be a song. I'll gladly sing it.
  4. JunosatoRyu

    JunosatoRyu Pangalactic Porcupine

    I deleted the caches, but now it looks like this:

    I can draw, I can massage very well, I can sprite, and I speak a not too bad english as a 2nd language...
    But I`m a dumb nut when it comes to things like this...
    Sorry when my dumbness annoys you.
    T AT;
  5. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    Interesting. That should've fixed it.
  6. Qwaar

    Qwaar Void-Bound Voyager

    Well thats almost right, but it looks like its X2 coordinate is still too small, the difference between X2 and X1 needs to be a little under twice that large. At least the Y2 Y1 difference is the right size.
  7. NLights

    NLights Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Did you make the other extender mods? No? Then it's not your problem, and you don't have to do anything. Of course, a nice person would inform the authors of said mods so they can update their pages as needed. ^w^

    Edit: I kind of feel like an ass, the way I wrote it. And if that's how others interpret it, then so be it, but that was not my intention in the least bit. Rather, just trying to get you to worry about your own mod first, then worry about other people if you feel it necessary.
    Kawa likes this.
  8. JunosatoRyu

    JunosatoRyu Pangalactic Porcupine

    Actually I simply deleted the image cache... I have no idea what's going on...
  9. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    By now, me neither.
  10. JunosatoRyu

    JunosatoRyu Pangalactic Porcupine

    Guess it's just my absence of luck then.
    I simply used the version I downloaded here, which already lacks the image cache.
  11. NLights

    NLights Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Okay, time for a checklist to get us all on the same page so we can help you....
    1 Download mod -- check
    2 Extract to ~/Starbound/mods/ -- check
    3 Delete image.cache located at ~/Starbound/ --
    4 Launch Starbound, is the mod working? -- Yes/No
    If no, then check back with us.

    Hopefully, this clears up any confusion for you, and we can get this settled ^-^
    Also, you mentioned English is your second language. If I may ask, what is your first? If we have somebody here who can read/write/speak it, we may be able to help you easier since I'm sure you're more comfortable and capable with your first language.
  12. JunosatoRyu

    JunosatoRyu Pangalactic Porcupine

    Checklist done
    Same problem...

    As for my 1st Language it's German.
  13. NLights

    NLights Subatomic Cosmonaut

    While I'm learning German, I don't know enough to hold a conversation, unfortunately, so I can't help you there...
    Looking above at where you said that in the image.cache you changed the thing to [360,235], mine has those values (generated by the game itself, not edited by me) and works fine, so as the other guy said, this more than likely has to do with more than that.
    Are you willing to try reinstalling Starbound (if you haven't done so already)?
  14. JunosatoRyu

    JunosatoRyu Pangalactic Porcupine

    Well I deleted it, but somehow I cannot reinstall the whole thing now...

    Ah, was steam's fault.
    Reinstalling now...

    Good thing I have backups of my saves.
  15. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    Good call. Have a cookie. :cookie:
  16. JunosatoRyu

    JunosatoRyu Pangalactic Porcupine

    Well... it still derps around...
    Let's see if other charakter extensions derp as well...

    From all I have seen so far I like your the best though.
  17. Carnagebringer

    Carnagebringer Void-Bound Voyager

    Kawa likes this.
  18. Jazzy Jasper

    Jazzy Jasper Void-Bound Voyager

    I can't find my image cache to delete it where do I find it? i'm new to this modding thing
  19. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    For Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Starbound
  20. squeaks64

    squeaks64 Big Damn Hero

    hey im a bit new to the starbound mods but I got this and launched it had the cut off retried downloading it and now it does work at all any way to help me?

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