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RELEASED Kawa's Felin Species (v3.3.3)

Discussion in 'Races' started by Kawa, Dec 6, 2013.

  1. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    Okay first off, why would you quote that? That wasn't even directed at you.

    Second... post the log, please.
  2. jcat_kitty

    jcat_kitty Space Hobo

  3. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    Well, I went ahead and checked for myself, just to make sure. Cleared out my universe and player folders. Only mods I have are my own -- Xbawks, Felins, the extensions, and some personal content...

    The only black screen I got lasted for all of three seconds tops, as it tends to do for me. Everything works fine on my end.

    Running 32-bit DirectX build, freshly updated Nightly, though it should Just Work on a recent Unstable.

    I would be very interested in finding out why it doesn't work for you guys.
  4. nekoJadey

    nekoJadey Void-Bound Voyager

    Hi, I'm having some trouble with the mod similar to the last posts.
    I've installed the felin mod, the descriptions mod, and the xbawks character screen.
    It all appears to work fine, I can create a character - but when I go to log into my new character the screen is just black with the UI present.

    I googled the issue before coming here and it's apparently an issue that springs up when new versions of the game get released, but I've tried wiping my universe and player folders and starting fresh but this didn't work. (Besides, all other species can create and play fine.)
    Looking at the log file it appears to be an issue with loading asset "/objects/spawner/shipPetSpawner.lua" I've attached a copy of the log file which details me starting up the game, creating a random felin and logging in as them. (stdout.txt)
    Once in all I can see is black with the UI as per the screenshot I've attached also.
    When I pressed 'Q' the game crashed completely.

    I hope this helps with finding a solution? I love this mod and would really like to use it.
    Thanks for your time!

    EDIT: Also attached under the name issue2.txt is a copy of the log when I attempted to load the game and play as a new Felin with the Universe and Player folders hidden/deleted. The same lua seems to be the issue but sadly I don't know how to fix it. Looking forward to your response. Thanks again!

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Apr 11, 2015
    izzykuroneko likes this.
  5. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    This is how you do it. Wow. Maybe we can shed a bit of light on this bullshit now?

    Let's see...

    [12:17:29.231] Info: Client version 'Beta v. Upbeat Giraffe - Update 2' Protocol: 668
    [12:19:31.165] Error: Exception caught loading asset: /objects/spawner/shipPetSpawner.lua, (AssetException) No such asset '/objects/spawner/shipPetSpawner.lua'
    Yeah okay that seems obvious. You're all playing on an outdated version of the game that doesn't support ship pets. I do believe it says "Spirited Giraffe" on the mod's description page?

    There was a guide on how to remove the ship pet here. In light of reveals about illegitimate copies of the game that cannot be upgraded like that, I've removed it.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2015
  6. nekoJadey

    nekoJadey Void-Bound Voyager

    Ah, stupid me. Sorry I didn't connect the dots. Brain just saw Giraffe. Thanks for bringing this to attention, now I know I can see about fixing my version. Sorry to waste your time with something so trivial. ^^;

    In the spirit of trying to be helpful, if you're running the game from Steam you can right-click Starbound, go to properties, Betas tab, and choose to run the game in unstable mode. This will prompt a download for you to the latest unstable version (Spirited Giraffe). This fixed my problem immediately.
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2015
    gaakishi and Kawa like this.
  7. seifeirodealmas

    seifeirodealmas Void-Bound Voyager

    I'm just here to ask, is that supposed to some of the guns that Felins chara have to be all black like a shadow? I'm confuse, I'm actually using a double dagger from Kazdra mod, but still, I would like to see the models of the Felins weapons
  8. SpaceKGreen

    SpaceKGreen Existential Complex

    The black shadow weapons are placeholders for weapons that don't have sprites yet.
    Kawa likes this.
  9. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    This is true.
  10. greatdane123

    greatdane123 Void-Bound Voyager

    I deleted all my mods expect for: this mod, the felin intro, xbawks and a song mod, and starbound still crashes at start. :lod: Help?
  11. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    Are you running the latest Unstable? If yes, please put a copy of starbound.log on Pastebin and link it here. If no, that'll be the problem and solution right there.
  12. phanaton

    phanaton Ketchup Robot

    I apologize for my lack of reading the comments, I grow impatient at times, please forgive me.

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