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RELEASED Kawa's Felin Species (v3.3.3)

Discussion in 'Races' started by Kawa, Dec 6, 2013.

  1. Kirn20

    Kirn20 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    wow it's just me and you commenting we just just PM at this rate so we don't spam peoples alerts.
  2. BlockMechanics

    BlockMechanics Astral Cartographer

    Hit the arrow keys and be amazed!
  3. Letrune

    Letrune Title Not Found

    Question... Naked men and loinclothed males? :3
    I mean nice additions! *sinking in same*

    I wish i could help with this project.
    Kawa likes this.
  4. mauttykoray

    mauttykoray Space Hobo

    It is possible, though the SAME COLOR does not work. You would have to use a lighter gradient of the color for the second pixel. Using the same color just makes it look like an awkward mouth. I used to do pixel spriting because I played Fire Emblem in the GBA era and OMFG FIRE EMBLEM 6, 7 AND 8 ADSKFHZSRDJLGIKFHADISHDJFIOLSDJF.

    Its been a year or two since though and I'm very rusty BUT I do remember that for pixel sprites you need to use gradient colors for defining features, such as the nose requiring a lighter shade pixel next to it or below it (depending on nose color). The one displayed though just looks like a strange high placed mouth =\
  5. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    Y'know... looking at the lineup of the six vanilla species, I can't help but notice that none of them have visible noses. Only in higher resolution artwork like intro cutscenes and large decorations do any noses appear. We know the humans have noses, as well as the Apex, and we know the Florans have no distinct olfactory sensors and the Avians have their nostrils in their beaks...

    There's only one place that comes to mind where an player-sized figure has a visible nose: the tombstatuebunny object. On the other hand, the sarcobunny has no nose. Fun fact: the tombstatuebunny's nose is two pixels of one shade.
  6. Neawx

    Neawx Void-Bound Voyager

    Oi Kawa, have you considered adding the ears in the hairs file, rather than having them as part of the head?
    It would clean up the problem of larger hair styles over them up, blocking visibility, and also give you the option of
    adding different sizes and types of ears. (Lynx or others of the like.)
  7. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    Eh. It's an idea, but I sorta like having the ears stick out of helmets and such. I'd rather plod through the hairstyles and cut out the parts that'd cover the ears -- it's something I've been planning to do since forever.
  8. Neawx

    Neawx Void-Bound Voyager

    Ah, was just an idea. Didn't know if it was a preference thing or not.
    Great mod, either way, and your tutorial has been nothing less than a godsend.

    I know enough basic code to get me through modding, but I had no idea what file to
    take to for editing.
  9. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    Ready for the next release:
    Dumb signage!


    Edit: there seems to be a spelling error in the red sign. This has been fixed.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2013
  10. javelinnl

    javelinnl Void-Bound Voyager

    bottom sign is missing a |:
  11. Rick Moranis

    Rick Moranis Tentacle Wrangler

    Just want to make sure that it's not just something stupid I'm doing but I can't find any durasteel weapon or armor crafts on my metalworking station or robobench when I'm playing as a Felin. I used the MK4 starmap upgrade and made some bars but can't find the recipes anywhere.
  12. Fractuality

    Fractuality Big Damn Hero

    I also had this problem with the Felin race, and the Kaenid. I'm glad to see it wasn't only me, in the meantime to solve it. I just had a friend make me their suit of armor although I imagine that's not really an ideal fix...
  13. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    Probably missing blueprint data. I'll look into it in a moment and if it's not already in my working copy I'll have it ready for the next release.

    Edit: the vanilla player.config file lists, in tier4, bonus armor, durasteel bar, various durasteel objects, a tech upgrade, a capture pod and station, drills, grappling hook, and peanut butter. The vanilla human.species lists as tier4 a full Outriders set and a complement of weapons. The problem: felin.species (and kaenid I guess) lists these as level31.

    I'm amending this now. Feel free to do so in your local copies.
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2013
  14. Rick Moranis

    Rick Moranis Tentacle Wrangler

    Cheers. I'm ready to roll in the Delta sector now.
    Also to everyone else: Only change "level31" to "tier4" (The level32 and up stuff should be left as is), and if you already used a MK4 upgrade before editing the .species file you'll need to make and use another one.
    Kawa likes this.
  15. Kiajinn

    Kiajinn Sandwich Man


    I'll just leave this here, didn't really come out as well as I'd have hoped
    Kawa likes this.
  16. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    I think my attempt came out fine.

  17. Kiajinn

    Kiajinn Sandwich Man

    Haha I didn't know you had done one. that is better, if alot larger than the Avian and Apex Statues.
  18. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    Actually it's not that much bigger than the average statue:
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    And now, a little bit of lore as to why the statue of Chelsie is only wearing a jacket:
    See also the Tier 10 armor set, Warrior's Strength, Warrior's Mind, and Warrior's Heart.
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2013
  19. Kiajinn

    Kiajinn Sandwich Man

    the only ones I'd seen so far were both scaled to the player. never seen that Apex one before but I guess size doesn't matter :p
  20. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    I should make some other statues of less legendary cats. Also, that Apex statue is Big Ape so that explains everything. The only other statue that comes to mind is what I took the base from, the Floran Hunter statue.

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