June 9th: Chairs, Beds & Monsters

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Armagon, Jun 9, 2014.

  1. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

  2. ThaOneDon

    ThaOneDon Parsec Taste Tester

    Make pitch random so sounds sound different
  3. 1nfinitezer0

    1nfinitezer0 Cosmic Narwhal

    I'd love to hear sounds like sonic charge's synplant plug in. I use it constantly, lots of good bird and insect type noises.
    Or monster growls/moans from large analogue bass sounds with liberal application of formant filters and pitch envelopes
  4. AdenSword

    AdenSword Pangalactic Porcupine

    From playing through portal 2 developer commentary mode I found a way they did their sounds for atlas and P-Body, I know they are not monsters making snarly sounds but this still might help.

    They took animal sounds from animals that exist on earth. And fiddled around with them until they found something they liked. Putting them on 500% speed or playing them back wards at 50% speed or whatever.
  5. Thundercraft

    Thundercraft Phantasmal Quasar

    The problem with that idea is that the animals in Starbound are not that Earth-like. Consider how humans are clearly at the top of the food chain on Earth. Sure, people do get attacked by a wild animal... every once in a while. If you ignore biting insects like mosquitoes and things like worms and parasites, it's actually pretty rare for someone to get attacked.

    The most dangerous creatures humans face are insects like mosquitoes and bees. And more people are killed by domestic animals like dogs, horses, and cattle than by scary creatures like sharks, spiders, or snakes. (

    Human deaths in the U.S. caused by Animals
    Forget Sharks—Cows Are More Likely To Kill You
    11 Animals More Likely to Kill You Than Sharks
    Fatal Dog Attacks in the U.S.

    My point?

    1) If we were to place the Earth as we know it in the Starbound universe, it would be considered a threat level zero planet! (Or perhaps -2, if we can use a negative.)

    2) Creatures that are afraid of humans will most likely run away or stay still and quiet if they detect our presence. And, usually, their senses are more acute than humans and they'll get spooked by a human scent in the air or the snap of a twig on the ground. In comparison, it seems like more than half of the creatures in Starbound will attack Humans and spacefarers on sight. Also, all the other creatures are absolutely unafraid of Humans or other spacefaring races. You can walk right up to one. Often, they'll walk right past you.

    If they are not afraid of us, then why would they be quiet?
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2014
  6. Type1Ninja

    Type1Ninja Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Firstly, TL;DR, and I probably won't check back.

    On topic:
    You want my opinion on what kind of sound system?

    "Hey, look at that cute..." "BAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" *mangling noise as the death-sheep rips the space farer to shreads*
    Thundercraft likes this.
  7. god damn it...
    now i have to get the ps4... i saw all of the other trailers (mostly lbp) and i was interested, i don't think i will get a steam box now
  8. Hemnon

    Hemnon Aquatic Astronaut

    Another approach to the sounds to keep them ecologically consistent might be to make the sounds modulated by the monster piece-types.

    -One head would always produce one kind of sound (grunts, wails, etc),
    -but the body shape would determine what filter or how deep or high-pitched that sound would be expressed.

    This reduces the number of unique raw sounds, but adds meaningful-- and, for the player, predictive! -- variety.
  9. Beniwa

    Beniwa Master Chief

    OMG that shop asset screamed "Firefly" for some odd reason. I hope we get moon bases that are trading posts.
    Tamorr likes this.
  10. Connorses

    Connorses Big Damn Hero

    Yes! Atmospheric sounds could be really cool. I like the idea of being in a town and hearing church bells or something.

    It would also make stand if you went some place quiet. You go from a jungle planet to a barren moon and suddenly... SIlence. Maybe some wind blowing. Total contrast.
  11. Thundercraft

    Thundercraft Phantasmal Quasar

    Cool ideas! :up:

    That, and an appropriate change in music based on biome, mini-biome, town, or dungeon could add a lot to Starbound's atmosphere.

    The music itself can be made to evoke certain environments. A couple examples:
    * http://www.opengameart.org/content/cave-theme (Evokes the sense of a big, mysterious cave)
    * http://www.opengameart.org/content/osare-unrest-theme (Evokes the sense of a lonely frontier town)

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