June 21 - Saturday Bonus Update

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by metadept, Jun 21, 2014.

  1. starboundish

    starboundish Phantasmal Quasar

    Neato. I love it.
    Ghostican likes this.
  2. Ado

    Ado Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    looks nice.
    All the fancy lights and switches!
  3. Prop

    Prop Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Not enough holographic screens, 2/10.

    But in all seriousness, good work! And also can we have more holograms?
  4. Bronze Dog

    Bronze Dog Starship Captain

    I appreciate the console fix. I've been wanting to use the durasteel and/or ferozium consoles in my base.
  5. Mippy

    Mippy Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    The light coming from torches, most of the lamps, campfires and so on are still all buggy .. Shining through walls and stuff. 1 torch in my house lights up every single corner of every nearby room and even the surroundings outside!! Why don't you make it work like in "Mark of the Ninja"? Have a look. The light is blocked by walls and floor, NOT shining through solid objects http://www.wasd.ms/index.php?page=A...59&h=b3af95d7dc6a5f6874d3f763c47075ae6bc999cc

  6. metadept

    metadept Mostly Harmless Codesman

    That's not a bug, there are two different types of lighting in Starbound. Some use diffuse light while others use point light with raycasting effects like you describe. Having too many raycast light sources gets very expensive to render, so most common objects only use diffuse lighting.
  7. Mippy

    Mippy Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Hmn would it be possible to add an option to make every light source use point light (in a later version)?
  8. metadept

    metadept Mostly Harmless Codesman

    We might consider that at some point later in development, yeah. In the meantime, it can also be done with mods by setting a pointLight parameter to true on all light-emitting objects.
    matheod and Mippy like this.
  9. Mippy

    Mippy Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    This is great, because it wouldn't just look a lot better, it would also be great for PvP (hiding in shadows etc) and cave exploration for more thrill
  10. Darklight

    Darklight Oxygen Tank

    Pretty sure there's a mod that does that already to some degree. It tanks performance though
  11. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    Does that mean those tesala spike lights are fixed?
    Because I may like the occasional rave party now and then. Starbound in Slideshow mode wasn't very enjoyable.
  12. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    Noice fixing, Meta! Now you should add the recipes for the tiered tables and any other tiered objects, just so we can use the full set.

    Stay away from Gardevoir, perv.
    Jeoshua and Kawa like this.
  13. pigeonman007

    pigeonman007 Void-Bound Voyager

    The lights look really good. I am also enjoying all the colors!
  14. Gumdrop Meadowz

    Gumdrop Meadowz Cosmic Narwhal

    This is all really, really awesome...

    but there is one thing that's SERIOUSLY WRONG!

    ...Could you adjust that first gif of them turning on and off the lights to make it a complete cycle, with her running off screen to the right...?

    Like I said, I was completely mortified.
  15. rockstarowen

    rockstarowen Space Hobo

    Are these updates like, out? Because i'm seeing all these new things people talk about on here and i've seen none of this, I keep hearing about new updates and i haven't had one for weeks, i dont know whats happening.. sorry if i'm bothering anybody i'm just confused and new to the site.
  16. These are just updates on the developers' end, not the actual in-game updates. They're done during the week everyday barring the weekend (today's update is an exception to this). I do believe some of the content is available in the Nightly builds, however (this can be opted into in your Steam settings like the Unstable builds. Back-up your saves if you decide to do this!).

    Hope that clarified things for you and welcome to the forums. :)
  17. Galactic Avatar

    Galactic Avatar Cosmic Narwhal

    I want the next patch to so very badly.... everyday new goodness is posted and I get none of it... NONE (I'll do experimental butI'm not a nightly person... masochism is not my thing)
    Why must they tease us so? The ship update was supposed to have been "SOON[tm]" and then everyone needed to move and then they needed to get settled...

    I need me some new content lubbin's! I will even play a glitch and use their AI (shudder) if I have too... but I gotta have my fix soon, or when it does come I may just OD on goodness!
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2014
    Nynjah likes this.
  18. Nynjah

    Nynjah Void-Bound Voyager

    These lamps look great! The Violium lamp looks the best in my opinion. Don't freak out, it's just what I think. The purple glow and crystal look is really nice.
    The tiered switches also look really good. Good work, team! :up:
  19. Nynjah

    Nynjah Void-Bound Voyager

    "SOON™ "

    -Chucklefish 2014:poke:
    Galactic Avatar likes this.
  20. Ssj782

    Ssj782 Cosmic Narwhal

    My roommate is going to torture me with those pink lamps.

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