June 11th + Puppies

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Tiy, Jun 11, 2014.

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  1. [​IMG]
    Kuddlefish likes this.
  2. FrenchPrince

    FrenchPrince Aquatic Astronaut

    +1 for Pixel ! Or Needle (inspired by Game of Thrones ;) ) !
    SirKaldar and MysticMalevolence like this.
  3. jasonwolf

    jasonwolf Void-Bound Voyager

    I would say Cosmo if it was a boy, but for a girl....

    Venus maybe? Luna? something spacey.
  4. Cardbo

    Cardbo Phantasmal Quasar

    Jeez. If they name her that, she'll become sapient, turn on her masters and take over the Chucklefish offices.
    Redcorpian likes this.
  5. PandaWorkshop

    PandaWorkshop Orbital Explorer

    Or Miniyoda23
  6. HellsBells

    HellsBells Void-Bound Voyager

    I know a good name: Patch! Now you guys can always send new photos of current Patch if someone asks!
    SirKaldar, vanella, DooMJake and 7 others like this.
  7. Jabberwok

    Jabberwok Phantasmal Quasar

    I agree. You pretty much have to give her a randomly generated name.
    SirKaldar and Dtb290 like this.
  8. MustiFullbuster

    MustiFullbuster Yeah, You!

    Leroy Jenkins
  9. Type1Ninja

    Type1Ninja Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    I'm gonna put in my two cents: ChucklePuppy. Duh. That should have been obvious, silies. :p
    Yes. It's not like every post ever that begins with a poll degenerates into arguments about the poll or anything. I mean, it's ridiculous to think that, despite the fact that 90% of the original post was info about the current status of the game, you adding the words: "We got a new puppy, what should we call her?" has totally derailed the thread and we now have the largest discussion of puppy names on the Starbound forums ever. That's ridiculous.

    (Like this if you've seen threads completely thrown off like this before!)
  10. Jayson

    Jayson Big Damn Hero

    I vote you name it grandpa.

    "MOM, grandpa ran out the front door again!"
    "DAD, grandpa pooped on the carpet again"
    "stop it grandpa! don't sniff her butt grandpa. sorry, grandpa gets a little excited sometimes."
  11. Kyu Rizu

    Kyu Rizu Void-Bound Voyager

    Call him "waste of time"!
    yep now ban me from the forums or do what you want and all the fanboys start flaming me. I AM DONE WITH STARBOUND AND CHUNKLEFISH!
    I defended this game for soo long but now i begin to understand all the haters.
    Its not the puppy, he is cute and i like him, its the fact that me and many other backers checking the forum every day in hope of a new content update to the game and get this!

    PS: If i want to tell the forum something about my new pet, I have to use the OFFTOPIC SECTION, Devs do it in the Updade section right on the front page.
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2014
    pinkie pirate, Pingeh and Piccolo like this.
  12. Jbeetle

    Jbeetle Oxygen Tank

    Your post was already covered on the first page, but it was deleted (I think), presumably for satirically making fun of posts like this.
  13. Sh0elace

    Sh0elace Phantasmal Quasar

    Chuckle puppy sounds like a great name.:chucklefish:
    SirKaldar and willpill35 like this.
  14. TopazofLazuli

    TopazofLazuli Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Aww such a precious little puppy.
  15. GameDragonZero

    GameDragonZero Subatomic Cosmonaut

    If you make Starbound, I propose "Bounder!"
    willpill35 likes this.
  16. BotanicalCode

    BotanicalCode Subatomic Cosmonaut

    You should call her Hiraki after Hiraki Corale. But I also really like Chucklepuppy.

  17. NoXterium

    NoXterium Void-Bound Voyager

    vote for Sail !
  18. Aclancy83

    Aclancy83 Void-Bound Voyager

    Captain Curtis Buckskin Kirkley The III
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2014
  19. MysticMalevolence

    MysticMalevolence Oxygen Tank

    I don't think you should post things like this in these blog posts--half of steam hates your guts already, and this just makes it worse.
    Colton, Pingeh and ___MeRliN___ like this.
  20. Entomoligist

    Entomoligist Big Damn Hero

    That's a good one.
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