July 7th Progress

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Tiy, Jul 7, 2014.

  1. Speed Lightning

    Speed Lightning Phantasmal Quasar

    That sounds great! I am definitely excited for this update. =D
    (Also, I suspect that that picture is a map of a planet. o_O)

    I do have one question. With ship modifications such as Fully Customizable Ships, how will the new ship update work?
  2. skydart

    skydart Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Or build some shelter for NPCs (maybe one who lost his home somehow). Or help them to build a library maybe, gather food, protect them (then of course the guardians should not kill on sight, but wait what we do with our weapons), bring some NPC to some other planet... - yay, quests!
    JoeBlk and Slimy like this.
  3. Pikselo

    Pikselo Pangalactic Porcupine

    I have a suggestion.

    Go to planet X, find NPC Y, take her/him to planet Z/back to quest giver. If NPC dies quest is failed.

    There could be also a timer for that, or something smilar to this:

    "Crazy mutated turtles are eating my friend, please, help him!"

    *accept quest*

    5 minute timer starts

    If all enemy NPC die, you have to take friendly NPC back to questgiver, if timer runs out of time, or player dies, quest ends up failed.
    JoeBlk, Slimy and Blake81 like this.
  4. muf

    muf Void-Bound Voyager

    “Kill monster X and obtain item Y” doesn't sound very fun :(
  5. BloodyFingers

    BloodyFingers The End of Time

    This image and your avatar... priceless...
    dantronix likes this.
  6. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

    How about a quest where you have to go kill a bunch of questgivers at the request of a monster?
  7. Jbeetle

    Jbeetle Oxygen Tank

    Quests in a nutshell though.

    would actually fit the humor of the game quite nicely, to be honest
    Tamorr and Jonesy like this.
  8. Aggravated

    Aggravated Aquatic Astronaut

    It would be really cool to see some non-template stuff. I know the game is largely based around "procedural generation", but a large part of that method's repetitiveness and predictability is what drags down the game a lot. "Template" is a good word for how a large majority of the game's content is handled at the moment. They're littered (In a non negative way.) through out the game.
    A still persistent problem in the current version/nightlies for monster generation is the lack of unique-ness, this seems to stem from the lack of a pool from which alien parts are grabbed before being assembled into a fight-able/farm-able/whatever thing. I hope this changes in the future (I'm sure it will.) because it really locks the game down in the potential department. I was worried when you guys first mentioned "procedurally generation quests" because I figured (And I suppose I still do.) that this was going to pan out like the monsters, the guns, the melee weapons, ect. That is: They're random sure, but about as random and plentiful as Borderlands with their "BAZILLION GUNS GUYS, THEY'RE SO UNIQUE". It looks like it might, and thats troublesome.
    If you guys want to keep up the random generation, go for it, it does have potential, but I don't think thats showing right now(Like, anywhere.). If you're making sure you're always adding to "The pool" for various templates' resources, I'm sure it won't become the issue it still is.
    I suppose this is a way of saying "You really really really need to increase the amount of templates / what they templates grab from. When you do, the sky is the limit."
    Just from the perspective of someone who is sick to death with quests in games, I hope that you've got like 50+ quest templates planned. Hopefully something more inspired than "Go to X, collect Y, bring Y to ship.".
    Slimy and Hatsya Souji like this.
  9. prodamn

    prodamn Spaceman Spiff

    talk to guy X accept
    get quest
    get item Y
    talk to guy X'
    get sidequest
    kill monster XY
    talk to guy X'
    sidequest done
    talk to guy X''
    get sidequest
    talk to guyX'''
    get item Y'
    talk to guy X
    trade item X' for item Y'''
    talk to guy X'''
    give item Y'''
    sidequest done
    talk to guy X
    kill monset XY'
    collect drop Z
    talk to guy X''
    sidequest done
    kill mini boss
    get drop Z''
    talk to guy X
    quest done...

  10. sρooκs

    sρooκs Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    If the reward is a unique dagger i am ok with any quest, including grinding.

    Semi on topic, that quest for Mehrunes Razor in Skyrim was surprisingly fun. You hunt down pieces of the dagger to make it whole.
  11. AscensionX

    AscensionX Void-Bound Voyager

    I know it's already been mentioned several times already but,I would like quests where I have to build for NPCs.
  12. @Tiy, I would appreciate an way to interface checking if a player has completed a certain quest to link in with Lua. Either through the quest ID such as the "humantutorial.gearup" or some PRNG.

    I would also appreciate the ability to mark a quest as "Repeatable" so that any unique ID that may be assigned to said quest could be reused in said interface without having to do complicated logic to guess the new unique ID for the new quest.

    Lastly, I would like for the quest system to allow you to have more than 1 follow up quest to allow quests to branch themselves out.

  13. Archer

    Archer Spaceman Spiff

    Does the image mean that we can look forward to more exciting planet landscapes?
  14. ahamsandwich

    ahamsandwich Void-Bound Voyager

    I would think the game should include something along the lines of "Bring item X to location Y" as sort of a beginner type quest, with variations to this quest type that make it harder/longer in the later game. Another Idea that I think would be a nice quest would be to free an outpost from pirates that the player could use after the outpost has been freed (Like in the Far Cry series). Any and all feedback is appreciated.
  15. LC98

    LC98 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    This may a bit of a larger quest, but what about having planets of refugees and building housing as the quest? Not sure exactly what the reward could be.... Possibly there could be some kind of system where investment in a town would get you reward, maybe managed by your AI.
  16. TheNarrator

    TheNarrator Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Super good templates with different variables needed

    "I don't want to set the World on Fire...": Kill x local [groundmonsters, race npcs, pirates, poo monsters] with [molotov cocktails, flame weapon]. You get [molotov cocktails, flame weapon] to do the quest and get a flame throwing weapon as a reward (?) :mwahaha:

    "Housevisit Supernorn Style": Destroy x [doors, villagetiles] with a [grenade launcher / rocket launcher / Hammertype weapon?]. Special reward: ~

    "Return of the Horse": Speak to / Interact with x [Glitch] NPCs while wearing [horsemask]. You get the horsemask to do the quest. After having spoken to x [Glitch] NPCs, they all turn hostile. The reward is a ponytail and spam [food].

    "Afraid of the Dark": Kill x monsters [below the planetsurface] (in caves) OR [during nighttime]. Reward could be special flash light and lighting equipment.

    "Bounty hunter: [Pirates, race npc, doctor npc, agaran npc, ....]: Kill x [Pirates, race npc, doctor npc, agaran npc, ....] and bring me y of their [shiny golden teeth, race item, diploma, head]: Reward: Money

    "Brainsurgery Research: Bring x [brains] to npc y. After you have done that, y will give you item z [Research data, Check,..]. Bring item Z to npc G to get reward A [Labcoat, Brainhat,...] OR go to NPC J and give him item z for a different reward [Money, Recipe for Brainsoup in an apexskull].

    "Construction Work: Housing": Build x houses [bed, door, table + closed room with background]. Rewards: [Race npc spawner, Money, Buildingmaterials?]

    "Run, [playername], run!": Deliver [hot food item] within x minutes to npc y!: Reward: [ money amount a, money amount b, money amount c, pizza hat, food,...]

    "Air Monster Arena Medal!": Catch x airmonsters on planet [coordinates]. Bring tamerballs to npc y. Get a tamerball filled with [random air monster, special airmonster a, special airmonster b]

    "My precious..!": Steal item y from npc house x. Quest fails if surrounding npcs can see the theft (ie stand too close). 23 Guards then appear and attack the player. Bring item y to Z. Reward: money, random stolen goods.

    "ITSATRAP": Upon opening Chest y, x hostile npcs appear [bandits, pirates, raiders] from both sides of the screen. IF player does not die once before all x hostile npcs are killed, Quest is successful and reward is given [--> "you survive the ambush and search the enemies for loot and fine item z, money + pistol q]. The Quest automatically "fails" when the distance to the x hostile npcs is larger than distance P. [you ran away and did not get any loot from the bodies.] NPCs x then disappear.

    "Bounty Hunter II: Silent Hunter / Precision Practice": Kill x [Pirates, race npc, agaran npc, ....] under following condition: [less than y shots fired after accepting quest, less than z points of damage taken after accepting quest].
    crybringer, Slimy, Blake81 and 2 others like this.
  17. Soup

    Soup Giant Laser Beams

    I've always been a bit concerned about the underground map generation. The caves are so sparse that you end up having to dig through solid rock very often with no clue as to what the best direction to go is. I'm glad to hear that quests are progressing though.
  18. Rainseeker

    Rainseeker Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I'd like to see quests that cause NPCs to join your village or rent a room from you.
    Blake81 and UndeadRuckus like this.
  19. Hasu105

    Hasu105 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Staring at terrain templates all day is bad for you're eyes......why not...get a marble and dip it in paint and roll it around on some paper. That should help :3
    Rainseeker likes this.
  20. Flaminglynx

    Flaminglynx Void-Bound Voyager

    A few suggestions, take em or leave em but imma post em :D

    1. Survive planet surface for x amount of time to prove you are indeed a legendary traveler :D. This can be used many ways, ex: without gear
    2. Mine x amount of x under duress (in an area filled with hostiles, an area which is not breathable, etc)
    3. Scout a far away area and report what you see (could be that you are given x amount of options to choose from "Did you see a white flag" "Did you see a black flag?" "Did you see a purple flag?")
    4. Escort npc across hostile areas.
    5. Do not miss x amount of shots/hits on enemy. ( Could be used to teach the person how to shoot maybe? Like a tutorial quest)
    6. Find missing NPC
    7. Defeat Bossman
    8. Use detective work to find out who the town theif/killer/etc is by questioning citizens and gathering clues.

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