July 7th Progress

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Tiy, Jul 7, 2014.

  1. Akado

    Akado Oxygen Tank

    If there weren't would-be saviors of the world or heroes, who would go get my daily groceries? Or clean out the farm? These are truly important to me, so I'm glad that dragonslayers and robotbusters are so willing to help out...
  2. Brassqund

    Brassqund Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Quest? Quest?! QUEST!!!!!!
    QUUUUUESTTTT!!!! (oh and balance ore, that's good too :p)

    Thanks for the news.
    I can't wait!
    The nightly will become a lot more interesting now!

    A quest which ask to capture x monsters of one kind,
    or of x different kind would be good to give the capture capsule some
    more utility.
    Tamorr likes this.
  3. LC98

    LC98 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Ooh, this could be fun. What about chains of quests? Say for instance you're to "take these (items) to the (Lab, house, etc.) on (planet)." You get there and deliver the items, finding there's only one survivor in the facility/structure from it being under attack from waves of monsters. Next quest is kill the monsters, and to top it off a mini-boss. Something along those lines.

    Perhaps with the new addition of outposts there could be some kind of band of scientists, pirates, explorers, etc. whose ship has been broken beyond repair and you're to "get [X] NPC(s) to [Y] planet."
  4. lividust

    lividust Starship Captain

    a quest to find the elusive treasure room structure(minibiome whatever it is)

    im thinking about getting that laser miner mod and just go demo on a couple planets till i find one
    Slimy, Blake81 and Tamorr like this.
  5. Ceridran

    Ceridran Big Damn Hero

    Assassinate [NPC] (we'd have to be able to see NPC names)
    Construct [number] of [race] [weapon type]s out of [material]
    Investigate [planet] at [coordinates] in [sector]
    Donate [number] [material/block]
    DeadlyLuvdisc, JoeBlk, Slimy and 2 others like this.
  6. SeaMichelle

    SeaMichelle Some Sort of Weird Fish Princess

    We'd better see this, or else I paid 45$ for nothing but a heart badge.
    Blake81 and ReverendBonobo like this.
  7. Dr Fushba

    Dr Fushba Cosmic Narwhal

    'There's a rat infestation in my basement...'
    JoeBlk, ReverendBonobo and Crystan like this.
  8. Tanek

    Tanek Pangalactic Porcupine

    How many rats are there? If it is more than 9 and less than 11, I may be the adventurer/exterminator you are looking for!
    teilnehmer, JoeBlk and ReverendBonobo like this.
  9. Ossus

    Ossus Aquatic Astronaut

    I love story quests, but the key there is to get the pacing right. If the pacing is too slow for a story quest, it kills it completely.
    DeadlyLuvdisc and JoeBlk like this.
  10. Sokina

    Sokina Heart of Gold

    Plot twist: You have to dig a basement under someone's house, and THEN release rats in it.
  11. Alamand

    Alamand Master Chief

    Go bounty hunting for bandits or clear temples with cultists would be cool.
    JoeBlk likes this.
  12. Cgeta

    Cgeta Pangalactic Porcupine

    Oooh, I'm liking that map thingy. I wish it was more varied though. But I guess it will be someday.
  13. TetraSky

    TetraSky Void-Bound Voyager

    Hopefully once that's done, you can release a stable update, or at the very least, Unstable. That's all I'm waiting for to actually restart playing...
    Blake81 likes this.
  14. grizzly4427

    grizzly4427 Aquatic Astronaut

    Great progress chucklefish! when will these updates be released?

    ideas: maybe there can be quest where you join a certain group or clan and you do other work for them
    JoeBlk and Slimy like this.
  15. godshinryu

    godshinryu Void-Bound Voyager

    Kill X monsters of certain type/planet so a boss monster pops for a certain Y item drop. (MORE mini boss or bosses would rock) also "Level up system" for chars and pets!!!! appart of the tiered system
  16. BloodyFingers

    BloodyFingers The End of Time

    Sugestions for quests? hmmm this can be quite the can of worms you guys opened...

    AH who cares??!!! Here goes:

    - Transport [X] person to planet [Y]
    - Smuggle [X] number of goods to planet [Y] (this would be even better with ship combat, you could have dialog options to see if you can fast talk your way out of a blockade)
    - Steal [X] Item from place [Y], deliver to person [Z] (This could go awry in a number of ways, just to mix it up).
    - if quests can activate one another, maybe if you get killed doing the above job, you could spawn on a prison instead of your ship, the quest being "Escape [X]."
    - We're about to raid place [X], we need your help Cleaning the place out.


    Why yes, I'm quite the scoundrel...:cool:
  17. Lando_Stay_Beatin

    Lando_Stay_Beatin Void-Bound Voyager

    I think you should bring back the Home planets for each species.
    Then make a questline for each species at there home planet so when there planet is destroyed they leave with full tier 1 armor
    JoeBlk likes this.
  18. Swirly

    Swirly Subatomic Cosmonaut

    1. Help perform a geological survey, by placing a transmitter near the molten core of planet [X].
    2. In the name of the dark space gods, go forth and eliminate all life in outpost [X]! In return, you will be given powerful evil relic [Y].
    3. So, you think you can rail-grind? Then make your way through this space station sky-rail maze! You have [X] seconds to get from the start terminal to the finish. Don't forget, in order to avoid hull rupture, all weapons and items are disabled while on the station.
    4. You have stumbled upon an ancient, buggy AI. I seems to be controlling a locked vault full of who knows what sorts of goodies. To get inside, you will have [X] number of tries to solve its riddle. Watch out though, I think it might self-destruct if you guess wrong to many times.
    5. Are you hip to the galaxies latest fashions? Prove it, by showing up wearing an outfit composed of item(s) [1][2][3][4][5] at your local clothing store! Who knows, rare, exclusive clothing item [Y] might be in it for you if you succeed.
    JoeBlk, skudinja, Sageheart and 2 others like this.
  19. Trek47

    Trek47 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    1. Explore planet [X] (coordinates provided) and retrieve [1-5] different trees/monsters from said planet.
    2. Kill [X] people on planet [Y].
    3. Bring [X] from the [dungeon] on planet [Y].
    4. Farm [X amount] [Y] and give it to questgiver.
    5. Capture [X amount] different monsters, each one from a different planet.
    6. Get [X amount] of [Y] ore and give it to questgiver.
  20. GamerToons

    GamerToons Void-Bound Voyager

    Here are few ideas:

    • Lost family Hierloom - Return Artifact X (or belonging) from planet Y to planet Z (xp and reward)

    • Assassinate target X -collect bounties from a NPC sheriff or a wanted poster.

    • I want a puppy quest - NPC girl asks you to tame and find her a pet

    • Help me back to my home planet - An NPC stranded and shipwrecked planet X. Bring them home to Planet Y. Introduces their village and rewards you... plus you can do everything you normally can in a town.

    • Catch me a fish - a hunt a specific fish quest (if fishing is in final game)

    • Play me a tune - Literally find a instrument somewhere and revisit the person and play them a song,

    • Please fix my home - Rebuild broken parts of a structure. If you are wondering how to code it just have it detect if tiles are blank in coordinates that the build is in.

    • So Hungry - give someone a finished dish. Maybe it is a specific dish to make it more hard. Or only dishes that are on a plate for example.

    • Babysit my kid/friend/pet - As boring as this sounds, hang out at someones house until day breaks and they come home.... you could always leave or just kill the pet and see what happens or wait and get paid.

    • Doomsday prepper - Collect X food for a person that wants to live in a bunker. Keeps talking about the end of the world.

    • Rob a bank - Some of the seedier missions might have you take loot from a high security location. Maybe it is a bank or store. Maybe it is a bankstore.

    • I need clothes for my family - On a cold biome you may come across a family of three or four. The NPC would like a shirt and pants for each of his family so they dont freeze to death.

    • Poison yourself for science - Crazy scientist wants you to take X damage from poison. A simple counter counts your damage and when that has been reached mission complete.

    • Map my planet for me - A map maker is trying to draw the entire surface of the planet, but he is too worried to travel (and weak) he asks that you circle the planet. When the whole surface has been explored the quest is complete.

    • Drain my basement - Someone's basement is underwater from a flood. Player has to drain it however they'd like. Code so the it detects water in coordinates and if no water then complete.

    • Rescue - "help my daughter was kidnapped by bandits and held X... please go save her"
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2014
    NanoPi, JoeBlk, crybringer and 5 others like this.

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