July 4 - Reworked Human Armours

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Supernorn, Jul 4, 2014.

  1. ObsidianDragon13

    ObsidianDragon13 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    i actually like the blue one a lot but the color scheme would benefit from more than just blue.
  2. EkoSlam

    EkoSlam Orbital Explorer

    yer I ment the Stable Branch I play on the other Branches just want this on Stable as im precious of things so want to start playing this content with intentions of keeping what I do, thats all.
  3. GarrickWinter

    GarrickWinter Void-Bound Voyager

    I would love it if there was a dynamic event system that chained quests together to create "storylines" based on player actions and nearby world locations.
  4. Greenpakto

    Greenpakto Yeah, You!

    Every single armour is an improvement, except the last tier. That blue colour does not seem very "human"... Black, Green or Grey would make much more sense, because thats what camoflage looks like in the real word.
    Also the blue colour isnt good in general.

    PS: The rest of the armours are waayy better than the previous ones.
  5. rifledude

    rifledude Void-Bound Voyager

    Good, combat fatigues, i was hoping you'd add those.
    I would definitely say more space age armors/futuristic camo patterns for humans. Seeing armors that resemble things we see in media makes a much more thematic human experience, which is a pretty good reason to play as a human.

    Vanguard armor should be a less obvious multicam pattern. The blue armor isn't particular pleasing to look at. I'd agree with a bunch of posts that the Outrider set is definitely the best one done, its looks like a general high tech armor with neat features. With the different terrains we encounter in Starbound, it makes sense to have more generalist armors/camo.
  6. Furniture

    Furniture Void-Bound Voyager

    I like the new armor styles, but I think the last set could use a color change. Something closer to the military color scheme of the rest.
    Serenity likes this.
  7. BloodyFingers

    BloodyFingers The End of Time

    I think the idea for that armor is to reflect the ore used to craft them. But an all blue armor just seems weird, usually there would be flexible junctures and articulations for better movement and if they're made of the same hard metal as the rest of it, that severely impairs dexterity as well as looking uncool.
  8. Hawk Novablast

    Hawk Novablast Black Hole Surfer

    That's basically my dream Tier 10 Human armor. Midnight black with an electric blue visor, futuristic light thingies and stuff (Kinda like Halo meets Tron). Although the chestplate looks a bit odd, and I'd like a more Halo-like helmet

    Anyways, the new armor looks great! Glory to the USCM!

    (And I hope you guys realize these aren't all 10 tiers, just some examples)
    BloodyFingers likes this.
  9. powerapple3

    powerapple3 Void-Bound Voyager

    Add light and heavy armors it would be awsome
    like 2 different armours whit diffrennt stats heavy armor=slower but more defense lightarmor=faster but less defense;)
  10. derpllama

    derpllama Space Hobo

    and some people thought this game was dead, for them i feel bad, for they are missing out
  11. bayley

    bayley Cosmic Narwhal

    I like the jumpsuits but they look a bit...plain...
  12. Lintton

    Lintton Guest

    I like how it keeps the hair visible. I like the hair visible. :D
  13. Juxtor

    Juxtor Phantasmal Quasar

    I like these new armors but don't like how the higher level ones don't differentiate male/female any longer. Since faces also do not specifically appear male or female, the body is the only thing granting femininity to female characters. So even if it doesn't entirely make sense given the heavy body armor involved, I believe the female variant should still convey breasts in some fashion (even if subdued) so female characters still have a sense of femininity.
    Serenity and eksynn like this.
  14. eksynn

    eksynn Giant Laser Beams

    i wonder what happened to this o O still not in Nightly as far as i've noticed.
  15. Hatsya Souji

    Hatsya Souji Parsec Taste Tester

    Of course not in a way of a "boob plate"
    eksynn likes this.
  16. mrtallyman

    mrtallyman Starship Captain

    Am I wrong for being a little perplexed at the term "military armor", I was under the impression most armor was in some way or shape, based around military applications :p .

    that said I am all for a change in the human armor, first off because even at the "scavenger" stage the armor always looked like it was higher level then a lot of the tier 1 armor, the more basic look now feels a bit closer to the concept of "starting off" i think. second, I think the higher tier sets ended up looking alittle confused, even in the lore most of those sets revolved around "aping" other lifeforms, which is a little secondary to what unique human armor should be. finally I REALLY want some good looking sphess mareen armor for my human characters. ^_^

    PS: the "Seeker" armor varient people are eyeballing in the pic is likely the new "ranged specc" armor, since the ore that was once used to make the seeker armor is now put towards the ranged "accelerator" type armor, its likely the Big-headed varient armor exists as a manipulator set (with a different material and color scheme).
    Serenity and eksynn like this.
  17. BloodyFingers

    BloodyFingers The End of Time

    I think that by civilian/military gear, people are refering mostly to carrying permits, as in gear everyone would be allowed to possess. To which I agree to some extent, the starter armor and weapons should be civilian.

    However civilian weapons amd protective wear only really go so far, and the deadlier stuff is inevitably military issued. Hence why I saw that it makes totes sense for this to carry milspec aesthetics.

    Again, the gear is milspec, not the character...

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