July 31st - Crafting Progression & Floating Dungeons

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Armagon, Aug 1, 2014.

  1. Eranderil Grey

    Eranderil Grey Phantasmal Quasar

    I did up the 10 * limit to 15, which i forgot to mention- purely for illustrative reasoning. 10 was simply too few to show the major differences in how I personally feel the armors should somewhat work like. I don't begin to presume to claim to know the devs minds.

    Did not include numbers because I assume they would vary in each piece. Perhaps the formula are oversimplified. Perhaps I misunderstand though, I read it as (w) represents the Tier of the item required, not the number.

    @Hatsya Souji

    No complaints I take it?
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 3, 2014
    Hatsya Souji likes this.
  2. Hatsya Souji

    Hatsya Souji Parsec Taste Tester

    No objections for now. I'm still brainstorming for more usage on monster drops, like Monster Plating can bolster a tiny amount of HP regeneration stuff.
    Eranderil Grey likes this.
  3. Eranderil Grey

    Eranderil Grey Phantasmal Quasar

    ^ yes.

    Also have a follow. And a cookie. ... scratch that, have ALL the cookies.
    Hatsya Souji likes this.
  4. Hatsya Souji

    Hatsya Souji Parsec Taste Tester

    Hmm... thanks for the cookies! Here, have a Floran sunflower hat.

    Can we have a Biologist / Bioterrorist / "LIFE FIBER" path too? Which exploits most monster drops, food, and plants?

    Light Survivalist / "Sidonia Photosynthesist" gear:
    Metal Ingot + Cell Material + Plant Fiber + Leather

    Noticeable effect: Hunger duration is lessened. Energy recharge is boosted, per metal ingot / tier
  5. Eranderil Grey

    Eranderil Grey Phantasmal Quasar

    A survival oriented armor WOULD be interesting yes.
    Higuera and Hatsya Souji like this.
  6. MithranArkanere

    MithranArkanere Space Kumquat

    Oh... so now we open the doors to abandoned ghost ships?

    Some of you better start making plans to form a party of adventurers with a ship called "Mystery Machine".
    Kawa, Hatsya Souji and Higuera like this.
  7. Eranderil Grey

    Eranderil Grey Phantasmal Quasar

    You know, when I dropped that post in here I was pretty much expecting to pretty much start WW3. Instead I went from like 18 likes to 40. Has the community changed that much?
    Hatsya Souji and Higuera like this.
  8. TheDr.Awsome

    TheDr.Awsome Orbital Explorer

    You know they were going to use the picked ores for the CRAFTING STATION? they were planning on having 10 of each class in the first place and the only reason the stations are different ores is because they focus on endgame items (e.g. The psy-staff)? In other words at least change your EXACT wording alittle when you recuringly complain because more info comes out each day :down:
  9. Eranderil Grey

    Eranderil Grey Phantasmal Quasar

    Show me where they say that. That's not whats posted here, though maybe I'm at fault for relying on the games MAIN WEBSITE for my information gathering.

    IF that is the case then that fixes absolutely everything.

    And so it begins.

    This is what it ACTUALLY says, in case anyone forgot:

  10. TheDr.Awsome

    TheDr.Awsome Orbital Explorer

    Ya know I'm in the nightlys and I will probably be able to find any code there is about the new armor so how about I go code diving and settle this ok? Until then your arguments are valid...
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2014
  11. Eranderil Grey

    Eranderil Grey Phantasmal Quasar

    I look forward to reviewing your results. Do ensure to include the exact location you found them in. I'm VERY curious.
  12. MrRex

    MrRex Astral Cartographer

    Mr. grey
    quit trying to get some1 to argue with you, it makes u seem whiny and immature, which im sure your really not like that.

    I drew none of the same conclusions as you did from this post (im sure your referring to)

    I took to mean from this post that the armor would be balanced similar to the way you and Mr. Souji were discussing, strong in some areas, weak in others.

    And if u read the last 4 lines of that post from july 28th, it says says you can use any armor from any class (and implied that you can craft them too), mix and match. Im sure that however these changes end up being, you will still end up being able to play almost completely the way you want to, which is kind of the core theme of a sandbox game like this (I think of it as sandbox-y).

    One complaint I do have though is that if you dont care about the other types of armor, then you might be finding a lot of useless ores while scrounging around a lot for the ores you do need.
  13. BotanicalCode

    BotanicalCode Subatomic Cosmonaut

    WARNING: Small children could be sucked into this machine and ground to pulp if they put their hand near the rotating gear.

    Anybody know how to actually activate the Ancient Gate that is now out of the way?
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 3, 2014
  14. warbrand2

    warbrand2 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Was thinking more of how a floran might stick their hand into it trying to stab or fight the gear.
  15. starboundish

    starboundish Phantasmal Quasar

    I like that, especially the possibilities instanced missions could bring for Modders.
    As usual: can't wait to test it in game - in a stable build that is :p
  16. Eranderil Grey

    Eranderil Grey Phantasmal Quasar

    Not yet looking to cause arguments. I'm simply not afraid to kick someones heal if they put a foot in their mouth right in front of me.

    I would very much like if what you say is indeed the case. The thing is that reading the post on the 28th is pretty clear if you read it closely.

    Reading the colored items specifically, in particular the red items, is what fuels my beliefs. In all honesty, I most genuinely hope that Dr. Awesome DOES prove me wrong. But what I don't want is some crap he scribbled up on notepad just for the sake of being right. (@Dr. Awesome I have no idea if this is something you would do or not, but I have seen it done before in other forums.)

    If someone can explain to me how exactly this doesn't say:
    Separator gear (crafted from cerulium and violium)
    Accelerator gear (crafted from aegisalt and forozium)
    Manipulator gear (crafted from rubium and impervium)

    Then maybe they would put my case to rest. Yes you can mix and match. IF you want to run around with 3 decidedly clashing armors on. "so put on some better armor in the cosmetic slots god ur so stupid" I actually use those for quick swapping armor. So find a better way to try to insult me.

    Also with mixing and matching my original complaints remain unaddressed. Here's what I said, with the complaints in red for those tldr people. You can read the red and pretty much ignore the rest.

    Worth noting I meant Accelerator where I said Separator.
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2014
  17. Piper1996

    Piper1996 Void-Bound Voyager

    ooh the TARDIS in starbound :D
  18. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

    Well, they've already made Timelord mods, so you never know...
    Piper1996 and Kawa like this.
  19. Vivisector

    Vivisector Tentacle Wrangler

    Would you make underwater bioms, with some Lohness type monsters or bosses? Maybe simmilar one with underground oil lakes&
  20. BotanicalCode

    BotanicalCode Subatomic Cosmonaut

    That would be cool! If there was an underwater structure than you could use it to live underwater, especially if you were a Hylotl.

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