July 31st - Crafting Progression & Floating Dungeons

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Armagon, Aug 1, 2014.

  1. Lintton

    Lintton Guest

    Thank you Armagon, now our wish for a recreation of Wood Man's stage can come true.
  2. Hwo Thumb

    Hwo Thumb Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    "A captain goal was simple: Find a crew. Find a planet. Kill everyone on it and steal all their pixels."
  3. Eranderil Grey

    Eranderil Grey Phantasmal Quasar

    I'm dropping this post AGAIN in hopes that it will be seen this time.

  4. Eranderil Grey

    Eranderil Grey Phantasmal Quasar

    ^ This has to be a new record. I genuinely think this is the longest a post I've made on here hasn't erupted into argument. ... and it has a like too. That's... curious.
  5. Hwo Thumb

    Hwo Thumb Scruffy Nerf-Herder


    Honestly, your argument seems pretty reasonable. I was also curious as to how they were going to make a progression of metals when each one represents a different class; the player would be constantly changing classes. For comparison, in Terraria, player options start off constrained and gain more freedom through progressing, but the player never has to limit their customization and playstyle just to advance. (Argueably, the exception would be combining accessories to make better, but less specialized characters) I agree that they should do something similar to the Hallowed armor in Terraria; three variations of the same equipment (Possibly requiring different ingredients that may be easier for certain classes to gather?) that each fit a certain playstyle.
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2014
    Eranderil Grey likes this.
  6. Eranderil Grey

    Eranderil Grey Phantasmal Quasar

    Thank god, I feel so much more... normal now. ^,..,^
    Higuera, Hwo Thumb and Kawa like this.
  7. skydart

    skydart Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Floating dungeons - how cool! I can already see a Death Star incoming for us to play with ... \o/
    Higuera likes this.
  8. BloodyFingers

    BloodyFingers The End of Time

    You know what I'm thinking?

    Here's a tip: It's not a moon.
    Higuera and Demos_Tex like this.
  9. Eranderil Grey

    Eranderil Grey Phantasmal Quasar

    ... and dire warnings ignored in favor of floating dungeons. This is part of why I stopped posting on these threads.
    Higuera and Hwo Thumb like this.
  10. Akado

    Akado Oxygen Tank

    If it isn't a moon, then please pull up your pants and stop facing away from me.

    I think it would be awesome if they make subzero dungeons in planet atmospheres, because I've already conquered the planet cores and the only place left to go is up.
    Higuera and BloodyFingers like this.
  11. Hatsya Souji

    Hatsya Souji Parsec Taste Tester

    Just thought of this instead... Why not make those metals available to all paths? However, this is my rework idea though:

    (Rating max: 10 stars)

    Heavy Armor will require mostly ingots (just like vanilla today)
    Defense: *****
    Warmth: **
    Energy Recharge: *
    Energy Capacity: *
    Movement speed: *

    Light Armor will require lesser ingots (ingot required reduced by 20% from Heavy Armor, but now needs some leather)
    Defense: ***
    Warmth: ***
    Energy Recharge: *
    Energy Capacity: *
    Movement speed: **

    Cloth Armor will require lesser ingots (crushed ores and some fabric)
    Defense: **
    Warmth: *
    Energy Recharge: **
    Energy Capacity: **
    Movement speed: ***
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2014
    kazunenazumu likes this.
  12. Eranderil Grey

    Eranderil Grey Phantasmal Quasar

    Something along these lines?

    Hatsya Souji likes this.
  13. Hatsya Souji

    Hatsya Souji Parsec Taste Tester

    Here's my slightly-farfetched take: Psionics / Rearranger path:
    Where w is tier level, and x is metal name.

    (w) Inferior Brain + (w) Fabric + (w) Crushed (x) Ore
    Defense: **
    Warmth: *
    Energy Recharge: **
    Energy Capacity: **
    Movement speed: ***
  14. Demos_Tex

    Demos_Tex Orbital Explorer

    Exactly, it would be nice to have the flexibility to mix and match properties from each armor class at each progression stage, not only for optimization, but for fashion too. Sometimes I want to see my armor, not just the vanity clothes I'm wearing on top of it.

    Also, @Akado , I think this is the non-moon object of which @BloodyFingers is speaking :rofl::

    Hatsya Souji likes this.
  15. Eranderil Grey

    Eranderil Grey Phantasmal Quasar

    Could live with.

    So glad to have more intelligent conversation and less "ohh shiny new floaty dungeons yaaaaaay -sparkle sparkle-".

    No offence but I now will tinker with your formula.

    For Psionic/ Rearranger why an inf brain? should be a sup brain. Also not huge on the crushed ore idea, though I do like your overall formula. Also, keeping with the theme of intelligent conversation, let's switch to using the dev's names for things. Separator, Accelerator and Manipulator.

    Where w is tier level, and x is metal name

    Separator (tank)
    (w)Fabric + (X) ingots
    Defense: ********
    Warmth: **
    Energy Recharge: **
    Energy Capacity: **
    Movement speed:*

    (Tank much? Well here's the deal, while it requires less types of materials overall it would take a LOT of metal to get to this kind of defense. Fair trade- less exploring more grinding.)

    Accelerator (ranged)
    (x)Crafted with Matter Block+ (w)Fabric + (X) ingots
    Defense: ***
    Warmth: *
    Energy Recharge: ******
    Energy Capacity: ***
    Movement speed:**

    (As a ranged/ tech oriented class recharge is the most important thing as with it its possible to maintain boosts indefinitely and maintain high fire rates. Cap needs to be decent to allow for big guns and rocket launchers. Matter blocks ARE hard to find. This is a wonderful limiting feature.)

    Manuipulator (ravager)
    (x) Crafted with Superior Brain+ (w)Fabric + (X) ingots
    Defense: **
    Warmth: *
    Energy Recharge: ***
    Energy Capacity: ******
    Movement speed:***
    (notes- generally agree with most, but the capacity for psi class is supposed to have the deepest well, while the Def is supposed to suffer.)
    Hatsya Souji likes this.
  16. BloodyFingers

    BloodyFingers The End of Time

    Tsk, tsk. And here I thought my avatar would be a dead giveaway...

    I'm not wearing any...

    So yeah, I was thinking of that particular doomsday weapon, and since space station dungeons is a GO now, I want to see those massive planet sized dungeons that were promissed.
    Plus, how about a quest that involves boarding one of those orbiting the questgiver's location and disable it before it bombards the entire place.
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2014
  17. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    @BloodyFingers: it's too bad I already used that one Commander Keen sprite before.
  18. Lintton

    Lintton Guest

    I'd rather they go off the beaten path instead. Making progress TOO much like Terraria's hard mode might reflect badly on what the game can offer.
  19. Hatsya Souji

    Hatsya Souji Parsec Taste Tester

    However, you breached the 10 star limit for that stat distribution :3

    and X is supposed to denote the ingot name, and you left out the required numbers (w)
  20. Eranderil Grey

    Eranderil Grey Phantasmal Quasar

    While I can certainly see your point, I do have to point out that I did try cover this point in stating that if they wanted to do it BETTER they could do it from the bottom up, building on and expanding on an already good point from Terraria.

    Mild Tangent. Read at own risk.
    If the argument is "but this isnt terraria so shut up about that OTHER game already" .... I really couldn't care less. Lets be blunt here the roots are clear even if the dev's are different and have MADE A POINT TO NOT BE A KNOCK OFF. Different games. Similar concepts, and one dev IS formerly Terraria crew. Like it or not.

    Is this Terraria, or even Terraria related? NO.
    Does it owe at least in some part some of its relative fame to its outdated predecessor? Absolutely. If from no one else, I know that I found out about this game AFTER something popped up in steam about it on the TERRARIA news thread. And I BET I'm not the only one.

    This isn't fingerpointing or hating in any way. I just don't sugar coat.

    Your arguement is completely valid. For me its simply a matter of logic. Think of it like this. You have the capacity to create a suit that has hydralics that support your movement, built in sights, or vast energy pools, however you cant implement all three systems without the suit imploding due to sciencemagic. You are going to make the one that fits you the best.

    Lets zoom out a bit.
    Real life. You have the tools and resources and engineering know-how to make whatever you want. You are going to make something that suits you. Zoom back in, things (hopefully) now from my perspective.

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