July 29th - Quests!

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by metadept, Jul 29, 2014.

  1. Eranderil Grey

    Eranderil Grey Phantasmal Quasar

    Quests are good.
  2. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

    You're probably better of asking for help in In-Game & Billing Support. There are generally people there who can help, as opposed to an unrelated news thread like this.
    Dargona1018 likes this.
  3. PabloM

    PabloM Pangalactic Porcupine


    As an optional alternative, perhaps there could be another, more subtle, indicator for quests. Perhaps quest-givers could have a certain animation, or wear a specific hat. Something that's obvious if you're looking for it but not something that'll smack you over the head with it.
    Perhaps pressing Alt(?) to briefly show all interactables could also briefly highlight quest-givers...?
    Jonesy, UNN_Rickenbacker and Kawa like this.
  4. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    This. Just... this. Excellent idea.
    Dargona1018 and PabloM like this.
  5. Ulvra

    Ulvra Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I don't care much for the hat idea, that to me would be much more of an immersiveness killer than the exclamation mark would, but a button-press dependant interactables toggle would be okay. Personally I would strongly prefer an approach though, where you would actually have to go looking for the quests, ask around rather than just have a big target mark painted on <insert random point of interest here>, perferrably with both obvious and subtle quests, like missions which you are blatantly given once you find the right person as well as quests which remain as subtle hints, never actually giving you a quest directly but rather pointing you towards something interesting.
    PabloM likes this.
  6. UNN_Rickenbacker

    UNN_Rickenbacker Poptop Tamer

    I'm all for subtle on quests at something too obvious has the downside of drawing attention away from other npcs thatexist and have their own dialog. A button press could allow for it when actively looking.

    I still would prefer text bubbles with gold text for quest/event npc s. That way they stand out whilst not intruding too much and drowning out the existence of all the other guys who live on these worlds
    Kawa likes this.
  7. Ulvra

    Ulvra Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I agree with you completely, though I wouldn't mind it going further. I miss the old days where finding a quest was as much a quest as the quest itself, such as randomly hearing an NPC say something which you happen to notice, hinting at a buried ruin on a distant moon. By introducing quest this way players aren't forced or coaxed into mindless quest grinding, but rather encourage to partake in the environment of the world, paying extra notice to what the NPCs are doing or saying as well as what is gong on around the player in general.
  8. UNN_Rickenbacker

    UNN_Rickenbacker Poptop Tamer

    I think it would be brilliant to have some quests in that manner, they would certainly be more enjoyable for me.

    A balance is needed though as I can see the frustrations of some players who find that a bit of a chore and that wouldn't be a good thing for the game. I just really dislike the ! from an immersion point of view personally.

    In my perfect world a blend would be in place taking from some great ideas on this thread:
    Bounty boards offering hunting and mob killing quests - interact with board, choose quest from list of headlines, return with proof to the drop box.

    Shopkeepers asking for orders to be filled - interact with shop, choose 'job' option, collect items and return. Or they give an item and some coordinates and you courier the item there.

    Random npc s shout out asking for help

    Random items on planet which trigger a quest on pickup.

    Lots of possibilities, I should probably learn how to mod to add some in!

    ...and maybe not get so carried away...
    PabloM likes this.
  9. Entomoligist

    Entomoligist Big Damn Hero

    Also, he says "It's a multilayer game, but not open world ," Well, on multiplayer, it is kinda open world already... You just have to go on huge servers to see many people.
    Gindew likes this.
  10. Silverforte

    Silverforte Spaceman Spiff

    I don't remember the last time I saw a floppy disk icon used for anything. When was the last time you used a floppy disk?
  11. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

    Last week, actually.
  12. Jonesy

    Jonesy Sarif's Attack Kangaroo Forum Moderator

    I think the hats and gestures may be too subtle. But having a contextual to show interactables and questgivers is a much better idea. Get thee to the suggestions subforum!
  13. kratos873

    kratos873 Starship Captain

    i like the typical exclamation to mark quest-givers, is the habitual way, always worked.
    Kawa likes this.
  14. PabloM

    PabloM Pangalactic Porcupine

    In an ideal world, the player will be able to choose their preferred method from the choices above (and more) by selecting it in the Options menu.
  15. Dargona1018

    Dargona1018 Existential Complex

    I am actually currently working on a mock-up of the quest system/main questline, and it does include something along those lines.
    @Jonesy Would it be logical to post a link here when it's done, because I wish it to get to the attention of the people, but no one goes into the Side Quest or Other sections in Suggestions.
  16. Sigmius

    Sigmius Phantasmal Quasar

    • USER WAS WARNED FOR THIS POST. Reason: Being a jerk. Expires: 1 Month
    Promised core features actually being developed? Something more tangible and worthwhile than horses with tits? Well I'll be damned!
    ohwaitwe'vebeeninearlyaccessforalmostayearandthisisjustframeworkandthegameisnowherenearfinishedandthemajorityofdevelopmentisbeingputtowardsrandomfluffshit. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhh no.
  17. Ulvra

    Ulvra Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Oh I agree completely, there should be a varity of both easy to find and hard to locate missions available, common places like bulletin boards, etc., of course that is a hope that we will see that being revived in starbound. In regards to the exclamation point method, the reason I dislike that system is that by using it you are purely painting a big target marker on a select few NPCs/interactables and by doing that the player will automatically just zone out and head towards the nearest "yellow dot", the quest system becomes nothing more than a game of connect the dots of going from point A to B and so on. You make everything else you put into the game redundant, since 98% of the players won't look at it anyway, so you might as well just not even put those parts into the game, as you'd be catering purely to a small minority who aren't actually seaking out these NPCs because they are exploring, but more than likely more because "eh... bored... what does this NPC say".

    There are people who prefer being lead by a leash through the entire game and there are those that hate it, that is why I hope to see the varity and perferrably the ability to also turn off the visual quest indication.
    UNN_Rickenbacker likes this.
  18. Peridius

    Peridius Void-Bound Voyager

    Thanks. will do.

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