July 28th - Crafting Progression

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Armagon, Jul 28, 2014.

  1. FlapjacksNsyrup

    FlapjacksNsyrup Astral Cartographer

    I'm assuming this means that each race has 3 sets of armor per tier then? If so, I hope the color scheme stays the same across all 3 armor types within the tier itself so we actually can mix and match and not look like a rainbow.
  2. lividust

    lividust Starship Captain

    Definitely going to get me some accelerator gear I like running and gunning. Even then the extra energy will be good for just exploring with tech.
    Will there be race specifics of these armors? That way not everyone is looking like a clone of each other at the end.
  3. velkos4ever

    velkos4ever Void-Bound Voyager

  4. _Q_

    _Q_ Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    It sounds bad and it will be bad.
    Still no word on racial armor bonuses.
  5. FlapjacksNsyrup

    FlapjacksNsyrup Astral Cartographer

    I'm assuming Gun Armor has better defense than Mage armor but less than Melee. Gun armor has better energy reserves than melee armor but not as much as Mage however.

    Gun armor is essentially, "middle of the road" if this is how it works.
  6. If you think it sounds bad and will be bad it could be helpful to hear from your perspective why you think so. :)
  7. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    Quoting myself from Reddit.


    Does anyone else see an issue here? I don't think alloy metal with a name derived from "Impervious" lends well to a "glass-cannon" type character.
    Starsly, sρooκs, A1CZERO and 8 others like this.
  8. Lecic

    Lecic Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Scistaff and Ranged armor sound really similar.
  9. FlapjacksNsyrup

    FlapjacksNsyrup Astral Cartographer

    That's a good point...
    KeesDeNeger and Ulithium_Dragon like this.
  10. LastDay

    LastDay Heliosphere

    Sounds very nice. :)
    Something I wanna point out:
    You could (for example) wear manipulator armor and use super energy-hungry Techs along with a gun or a sword.
    Starbound does not have a melee/ranged/magic(science?!) damage split!
    I think that this is very good!

    I remember something like this being the original plan for armor, I was wondering when this would be implemented!
    While vertical tiers aren't strictly bad I really, really don't like games that just make you do the same thing 10 times.
    Having this sort of system with some horizontal progression is very nice!

    Gives different playstyles, even more once Techs are better balanced.
  11. yclatious

    yclatious Guest

    @Mackinz Ya got a point, cmon @Tiy , ya got some explaining to do!
    Ulithium_Dragon likes this.
  12. FlapjacksNsyrup

    FlapjacksNsyrup Astral Cartographer

    No, I almost guarantee you that Gun armor has more defense than Mage armor but less Energy Reserves. It's like the middle of the road option as I said earlier^^^^^^^^^^
  13. sρooκs

    sρooκs Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    The armor branches are similar to Terraria.

    Some sort of Claw/Fist weapons please. :love:
    Ferrettomato likes this.
  14. Strik3r

    Strik3r Void-Bound Voyager

    the usual tri-class system that has been done to death by every other game... how boring.

    still.. a tad bit better than what we've had so far.
  15. _Q_

    _Q_ Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Early game locked to standard boring armors, that don't provide any bonuses to your playstyle.
    Direct copy of terraria system, cause getting something new and original is just to hard.
    Still what will apply race specific bonus to armor is unknown, or if the armors will have any racial bonuses for that matter.
    If the armor bonuses will be applied by wearing complete armor set you can forget about freedom and experiments if you want to have racial bonus.
    Magic weapons bonuses locked till late game, for one I want to play a Sci-Fi mage robot from the start, and not only in late game.
    With this system you will be locked to swords for the most part of the game.
  16. The Thing

    The Thing Existential Complex

    Nice, next thing I want to see now is racial weapons variations. I was sad to see that all weapons of a same tier shared the same stats, I was hoping for stuff like, glitch weapons are heavier, slower with more knockback and floran is faster with only medium damage and knockback.
    Ulithium_Dragon and mojoyscourge like this.
  17. Potatomort

    Potatomort Orbital Explorer

    So at the beginning we has basic armor like it is now and then it splits off into the different types, correct? I'm gonna guess around tier 6.
  18. TheTrueArtisan

    TheTrueArtisan Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I'd probably want to play the Manipulator loadout more if it wasn't for the fact that I played Recettear and I cannot play Caillou for the life of me. I'll probably stick with a high-energy loadout with plenty of melee bonus stuff. Big Sword + Nice Grenade Launcher = Favorite Loadout
  19. The Thing

    The Thing Existential Complex

    Why would it only start so late? I'm pretty sure it will be available right off the start. The ore distribution "will" change, and so will tier progression so what is "advanced ore" will probably be available earlier.
  20. DukeGrimm

    DukeGrimm Void-Bound Voyager

    Please replace Pickaxes with Matter Manipulator Upgrade slots! You can keep the most basic tools for the early role play (Copper Pick axe, stone axe). After that though I'd like to be able to fabricate upgrades for the matter mater manipulator so that it works like a pickaxe with the strength based on the upgrade. I've also never liked the idea of

    So something like this: (MM = matter manipulator)
    Stone Pickaxe -> Copper -> Iron/Steel Pickaxe -> MM Mining Upgrade Mk1(Silver) -> MM Mining Upgrade Mk2(Gold) etc.
    I never liked the idea of using soft metals for mining like gold/silver/platinum, just really silly.
    This way your still using the rare metals for the upgrade, but using them as technology.
    Perhaps you could also leave the silver/gold/platinum/diamond pickaxes for those that want them.

    Would also be nice if there was some progression in axes so that one isn't using the stone ax for so long.
    Could make the MM upgrade a character slot to make it easy to swap in and out upgrades.
    Stone Axe -> Iron/steel Axe -> Chainsaw

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