July 17th - The challenges of making a microdungeon!

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Armagon, Jul 17, 2014.

  1. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    Wow, I think @Armagon is trolling me! Not complaining but LOL! I actually feel honored if that is the case.

    I find it funny that I complain about the lack of realism in deep underground structures (including the lack of way back up to the surface) and Armagon starts designing underground structures with ways back up.

    Hopefully these underground teleporters link to another Avian structure, as to add to immersion. I guess ship teleport functionality is also a good idea that deep underground.

    Hey Armagon, any discussion on better underground mechanics, like, say, cave-ins, earthquakes, etc.?
  2. General Nuclear

    General Nuclear Supernova

    soo... you would break into someones home and then offer them poison tea.....
  3. Ehksidian

    Ehksidian Spaceman Spiff

    No, if someone broke into their underground home, they would do that.
  4. Tribunus

    Tribunus Guest

    I'd offer them the tea in the event that my home were being invaded.
    But that would be a good idea if I wanted them to view me as more of a psychopath than they previously did.

    Edit: Curse thee, foul ninja!
    General Nuclear likes this.
  5. Boris3445

    Boris3445 Void-Bound Voyager

    Idea, The "specie" that is stuck Underground, would U be able to make them say a clue on how they got stuck? cuase it would be "interesting". If its to much, U don't have to :) Keep it up though, The gae is really starting to come to a great form, Possibly better than Minecraft ( My Opinion ) ( bad grammar to xD )
  6. Ehksidian

    Ehksidian Spaceman Spiff

    Ehks strikes within the night, to post thing right before others, always there, always swift.
    except for when it happens to me.
    On-topic, I honestly do wonder what the teleporter down there is for-is it purely aesthetic? Is it functional? Could we possibly have quests related to it, such as "I'm trapped down here, and my teleporter to reach the surface is broken; please bring me x items so I can use it (And you'll be able to use it, too)"
    UndeadRuckus likes this.
  7. Corverean

    Corverean Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I wonder what purpose those teleportation pads may have, will they only be a decoration? Or will they become a game element.
  8. liack

    liack Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Not sure if valid, but couldńt you place the dungeons before creating the underground parts? Insteading of fitting rocks in a sand filled jar, put the rock in an empty jar and then fill it with sand?
    Jedi65 likes this.
  9. RizzRustbolt

    RizzRustbolt Existential Complex

    There is a book series that I read that has convinced me to always add a door to rooms, regardless of method of entry.
  10. Disco2

    Disco2 Existential Complex

    Good work with the micro dungeons, can't wait to see them in the game.
  11. Demonoid74

    Demonoid74 Star Wrangler

    Its not a full teleporter...its just a waste evacuation system...bird in a cage gotta poop...just sayin'
  12. BloodyFingers

    BloodyFingers The End of Time

    While I appreciate having cool stuff underground, how much is "pumping the underground full" exactly?

    Like, will I always find one or two if I just dig as straight down as I can in wherever? I don't often go underground (I'm mostly a man of the stars), but for those who do, how frequent will they find these microdungeons?

    I'm not questioning how realistic this is like @Mackinz, but to riddle a planet full of them? I dunno, I'd rather tone it down and have some sort of dousing equipment or a scanner on your ship that tells you some coordinates, something that can give you a rough estimate of what's underground, so you can make your way down there if you're interested.

    EDIT: Well, then again dungeons populated with NPCs seems like it's going to be rare. That was mostly my concern here...
  13. Demos_Tex

    Demos_Tex Orbital Explorer

    It'd be an interesting mechanic to add multiple spawn points on a planet, dependent upon discovering teleporter locations first. You'd have to obtain the lordvessel before you could travel to them though...
  14. Titanium

    Titanium Existential Complex

    I hope you include a rationale as to why they're down there eventually. Like tunnels. :poke:
  15. ScottDC

    ScottDC Aquatic Astronaut

    Ventilation? Nice view of the cavern behind?
  16. Xylia

    Xylia Tiy's Beard

    So.... if these NPCs are all walled in, how do they find food, live, breathe, etc? lol.

    I know that avian one looks like it has a teleporter kinda thingie in it, but other pics I've seen (for example, a Floran one) has no exits for the NPC whatsoever.

    Oh, and on a semi-related note... can we make Stone a little less annoying to tunnel through? Even with a Diamond Pickaxe it takes too long to tunnel through rock. And that's to say nothing about Obsidian/Magmarock.
  17. Mackinz

    Mackinz The Waste of Time

    Realism should be everyones concern here, as having any intact stone or wooden structures deep underground where there should be immense pressure and heat just does not bode well. Personally, I'd love to see subsurface structures (i.e. buried stuff, or structures within 100 blocks of the surface).

    Also a scanner would be interesting. Would probably be a good idea to limit its use by requiring some form of repair.
  18. dmkrodan

    dmkrodan Orbital Explorer

    Heres an idea, and its just a thought, but, keep with the microdungeons, but make some of them have a tekeporter that spawns you into an "alternate dimension" of sorts, and when you warp in, all it is is just a massive dungeon of some sorts, with a different generating scheme that is unhindered by the normal one.... sort of like how caves spawn randomly now?
  19. Alpha_Squad

    Alpha_Squad Cosmic Narwhal

    Whats the problem with letting micro-dungeons spawn in the side of a cave system? It'd let a lot more dungeons spawn this way.
  20. Owl_Stalker

    Owl_Stalker Guest

    So are we going to find Aperture under there?
    General Nuclear and Kawa like this.

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