July 10th Update

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Armagon, Jul 11, 2014.

  1. Gubz

    Gubz Void-Bound Voyager

    I always like it when a game has ultra rare treasures with really cool exclusive loot inside.

    Perhaps something could be done there? I'm not sure what the exclusives might be. (I would if the game had some sort of 'trinket' like system, and I really wish that it did for obvious reasons)
  2. pi master

    pi master Void-Bound Voyager

    I'd love there to be at least 50 extremely rare and completely secret things with amazing and exclusive treasure that's entirely hidden even in the code and cannot be spawned in or deleted. no pressure. maybe 20 if 50's too much but i think 50 is a good number but of course the more the better. and if this gets used i would appreciate being given the ability to spawn some of the treasure for presenting the idea.
  3. kottadragon

    kottadragon Void-Bound Voyager

    maybe find a long dead civilization underground now i think that would be awesome plz add it!
    General Nuclear likes this.
  4. fidgetwidget

    fidgetwidget Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Weren't there going to be fossils you could discover ..?
    I would love to see, as a nod to that future feature, a dusty old museum filled with the bones of ancient animals left by a long lost civilization.

    I haven't found anything deep underground I didn't get excited about... if only the loot in those chests were more exciting ;)
    UndeadRuckus and kottadragon like this.
  5. Gio32k

    Gio32k Space Spelunker

    I would really love to see entire expansive underground cities. maybe even some metroid-esque dungeons.
  6. Herode

    Herode Void-Bound Voyager

    In biomes flesh, I would see a cavity in which it is a heart, a beating heart to live this biome flesh, this heart is guarded by aliens, sorry for my bad english, thank you!
    kottadragon and General Nuclear like this.
  7. Monkeybiscuit

    Monkeybiscuit Phantasmal Quasar

    Off the top of my head:

    You could add a mining digsite. Either abandoned, populated, or maybe the workers were devoured by monsters.

    Same thing with an archaelogical digsite.

    The remnants of some kind of underground metro station. (tunnels long caved in of course)
  8. Airostar

    Airostar Void-Bound Voyager

    Underground Villages of Crab people and Mole men.
    UndeadRuckus likes this.
  9. Ipix

    Ipix Void-Bound Voyager

    I reckon it would be cool to find the dev team while exploring underground, perhaps as an easter egg?
    Owl_Stalker likes this.
  10. HECUStudios

    HECUStudios Void-Bound Voyager

    heh that bedroom is awesome :D
  11. SoulDaft

    SoulDaft Orbital Explorer

    I couldn't really think of something exact I would want to find underground. But I know I like to find something that surprises me and makes me go "WOAH".
    So if its beautiful or ugly,
    cool looking or ugly,
    Or even ugly!

    I want something that I wouldn't expect to find. Something that blows me away or makes me explore every inch of it.
    You get what I mean? :)

    Either way I've already been blown away many times by this 'beautiful' game. I love it. I love how big it is. And what I love the most is... *Ahem*... "THIS ISN'T EVEN IT'S FINAL FORM!!!"
    Keep up the awesome work Chuckle fish!
    kottadragon and rexicom like this.
  12. Bobwaiyaa

    Bobwaiyaa Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Post apocalyptic biome so we can find lost sky rail subways.

    Also Stargates lol
  13. randomkid13

    randomkid13 Orbital Explorer

    I totally agree but, maybe a war has just gone on and there are corpses everywhere spears stuck in walls, I don't really know how to describe it but an underground war-zone be awesome.
  14. the_ZJ

    the_ZJ Guest

    What I found sorely lacking was not necessarily what dungeons you would find in the underground, but how many, and what loot they contained. You see, in other games like terraria, the underground is sprawling with all different kinds of mini dungeons while in starbound, you can go digging for hours without finding anything. Furthermore, I really think these dungeons need to contain some worthwhile loot. Something youre thrilled to find, not just another randomly-generated poopwhacker or what the name generator vomits out at this point. TL;DR Generate more dungeons -> more interesting underground layer
  15. Kergami

    Kergami Title Not Found

    Yes! Exactly! Something worthwhile, going underground at the moment is only worth it because you know you will find an abundance of rarer ores for that Tier of planet. But if rare chests (making make the chests cosmetically pleasing as well?) For example a golden chest that glowed and the item(s) inside being a super rare tech or of the sorts.

    I want to go underground, see one of these chests and get really excited knowing that I might potentially have something that's very rare and sells for a lot!
    GMark and MikuFan23 like this.
  16. GMark

    GMark Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Monsters that will burrow towards you.

    Lost Cities of varying tech levels. Obviously still guarded by automatons.

    Crystal mini-biomes that look like you're inside a giant geode.

    Pockets of hot water/steam or noxious gasses.

    Some planets being subject to "Seismic Events" (similarly to how some planets have risky weather).

    Increasing heat requiring life support or protective equipment the deeper you go.

    The fossils of gigantic and fearsome beasts.

    Underground rivers or sources of flowing water. Large underground lakes.
    Untrustedlife likes this.
  17. MrFancyPants77

    MrFancyPants77 Void-Bound Voyager

    Bacon ore
  18. Untrustedlife

    Untrustedlife Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    that would be awesome.

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