July 10th Update

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Armagon, Jul 11, 2014.

  1. cacaudomal

    cacaudomal Void-Bound Voyager

    it would be really cool if we found mining colonies underground. They could have been settled by locals , big intergallactic companies ,labs interested in the local minerals,it could be a penal colony ,refugees ,explores or bandits.
    And we could also have bandits hideouts that depending of the period might be empty or full.Pehaps with the right garments youcould even pass as one of them.
    We coul also have more caves that have anopenin above ground and more variety in their shapes. Natural caves have all sorts of shapes and entraces.And it would be nice to see that variety in starbound since its really hard to tell one cave from another.
    MIning sites would also be very nice with friendly Npc specially.
  2. IAmTheMilkMan

    IAmTheMilkMan Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'd like to see some old ruined mining tunnels and bases. along with some labs. Lab's are cool.
    Scratch that. what HE said ^ ! We had like the exact same thoughts!
  3. Buckycarbon

    Buckycarbon Void-Bound Voyager

    Awesome! I love the little underground science outpost :D As per suggestions, what if there was a very well lit, high vaulted cave underground filled with vegetation and small trees, maybe some animals and hints that other people had found it before, kind of like the Land of the Lost
    jamstronaut and Tamorr like this.
  4. GLARE

    GLARE Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I would just like to know, when was the last time that you (in which case the Devs) remember releasing a Stable and Unstable Branches update, and when you would be planning to update it next.
  5. idfi

    idfi Space Hobo

  6. JerksPlay

    JerksPlay Void-Bound Voyager

    What about an altar that summons this new stone digger boss thing?
  7. BlueKutsu

    BlueKutsu Master Chief

    Good times - I love finding stuff underground. There are some great suggestions here, but I would just caution you to please find the right balance in terms of rarity and uniqueness. A lot of these features are going to feel a lot less special if people are finding them on every other planet (I remember coming across a lot of those buried space pods and labs in the past and they began to lose their novelty).
    Tamorr likes this.
  8. Kawa

    Kawa Tiy's Beard

  9. neosuduno

    neosuduno Aquatic Astronaut

    A Bomb Shelter, Weapon's Cache, Nuclear Silo, Abandoned Mine, Monster Den's and Abandoned Cities.
  10. General Nuclear

    General Nuclear Supernova

    like the ones that has been found in england from the first world war
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2014
    Blake81 and Hatsya Souji like this.
  11. General Nuclear

    General Nuclear Supernova

    and if you try to mine them with a pickaxe CAAABOOOMM!!!!
    and also it can only be removed by using matermanipulator so it does not explode.
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2014
    Hatsya Souji likes this.
  12. GeneralM13

    GeneralM13 Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    It would be nice not to find just "Buildings" underground, what about some kind of Ore-Rich caves?
    Blake81 and General Nuclear like this.
  13. Untrustedlife

    Untrustedlife Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    GUYS! I HAVE AN IDEA. Make some of the underground NPCS give quests!!!!!!!!!

    This is one of he best ways to promote exploration!

    And make the quests real interesting and involves... like some dark secret........ or lore thing.
  14. Helix1111

    Helix1111 Big Damn Hero

    What kind of things would I like to see deep underground? maybe more monster types that are not above ground and maybe something a bit harder and more difficult. im thinkin action packed in some areas like megaman... i find the games current monsters are easy to defeat and are far and few in between. it would be nice to come across some more mini boss type monsters like maybe ceiling monsters or wall climbers.. or something that digs. something to make the game harder... maybe 1 square size monsters.. what about non hostile living creatures underground?

    PS: it would be great to hear everyone getting on the same page and knowing what each other are working on. it seems there is a lot of "i have no idea what is going on" type of posts happening.
    General Nuclear likes this.
  15. General Nuclear

    General Nuclear Supernova

    are you talking about me
  16. Helix1111

    Helix1111 Big Damn Hero

    Nothing specific, i just feel like i often read in the post journal that "i dont know what everyeone else is doing"

    just sounds like no one is really communicating to eachother what everyone else is workin on.

    edit: spelling
  17. Helix1111

    Helix1111 Big Damn Hero

    maybe undergroudn there could be some unstable type of block, like the sand, but when you walk over it then it starts to deteriorate. like an unstable platforms or something. so u can fall into a trap.
    General Nuclear likes this.
  18. Willsea

    Willsea Void-Bound Voyager

    I'd like the core level to be more like hell. Far harder enemies at the core and far better loot. Maybe subterranean bosses that can only be activated at certain depths. Imagine a giant digger worm chewing massive tunnels out of the underground areas. It'll save a load of monotony for those people sick of mining the harder materials down below.
    Helix1111 likes this.
  19. General Nuclear

    General Nuclear Supernova

    like dirt or earth or thin ice or snow
  20. Rapierian

    Rapierian Void-Bound Voyager

    Morlocks! Complete with above ground Eloi that they harvest
    General Nuclear likes this.

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