Joja and I are making Stardew Valley great again!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Alphapharmer, Jan 1, 2017.

  1. Alphapharmer

    Alphapharmer Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Draining the swamp and getting rid of money draining people and things that hold the town back like Pierre and that godawful community center. Restoring landmarks and keeping the money moving!

    I just saw that geezer Linus foraging for food in a damn trash can. See this is why JoJa and I have to drain the swamp. The town shouldn't have to accept freeloaders. Everyone needs to pull their own weight. What if everyone just decided they wanted to be a bum like him? JoJa, making Stardew Valley great again.

    And before you say anything, That rusted out old building that Linus probably made BM in was not a landmark. It was an eye soar. I'm glad it's now a warehouse where bums can no longer patronize. Now that bridge JoJa and I built, or the mine carts. Those are landmarks! And getting the bus repaired, that's progress! JoJa and I are making Stardew Valley great again! They just game me my very own JoJa Cola machine for my years of faithful service. I thought that was very classy. What has that old fart Pierre EVER done for anybody? Besides holding his daughter back from greatness. JoJa, on the other hand, lowered the cost of living for everyone in town! Draining the swamp.
      WonkoTSane42, marimivo and WilliamZ like this.
    • Hadvar23

      Hadvar23 Void-Bound Voyager

      Sorry lol
      • Alphapharmer

        Alphapharmer Subatomic Cosmonaut

        Sorry for what?
        • Hadvar23

          Hadvar23 Void-Bound Voyager

          For joining joja ... but If you think this in the way of the future you will understand joja will bring future to stardew valley if I recall. You can ask for precision.
          • Alphapharmer

            Alphapharmer Subatomic Cosmonaut

            Saying sorry for progress. I don't get.
            • Hadvar23

              Hadvar23 Void-Bound Voyager

              Progress is unknown in certain regions joja might be a tread in stardew valley but in fact it make progress like work for people. They can hire that poor Linus too. Don't you think?
              • Hadvar23

                Hadvar23 Void-Bound Voyager

                The "sorry" part is what stardew valley doesn't see in Joja at the first time.
                • Minimanta

                  Minimanta Spaceman Spiff

                  Mm, didn't convince me. The junimos and I are making the valley great again ;P
                    LuthienNightwolf likes this.
                  • Eikos

                    Eikos Scruffy Nerf-Herder

                    The mines of Stardew Valley are rich for plundering and the forests are ripe for mass harvesting. With crystallarium technology, we could obtain great wealth with ease. To generate the batteries, with our pigs of war and genetically enhanced pine forests, we will produce enough rain totems to cover the Valley in a thousand years of perpetual lightning storms. It will be glorious!

                    "The old world will burn in the fires of industry. The forests will fall. A new order will rise. We will drive the machinery of wealth with the pen and the paper and the iron fist of the Corp."

                    "This is not the weather of the world. This is a device of JoJa's making. A broil of fumes they send ahead of their host. The employees of JoJa have no love of daylight. So they cover the face of the sun to ease their passage along the road to wealth. When the shadow of JoJa reaches this valley, it will begin."

                    -My other save
                      Last edited: Jan 1, 2017
                    • Alphapharmer

                      Alphapharmer Subatomic Cosmonaut

                    • LuthienNightwolf

                      LuthienNightwolf Oxygen Tank

                      Ahhh I see what you did there. ;D
                      • Odd Farmer

                        Odd Farmer Big Damn Hero

                        Joja? Uhm... How about no? I moved to Stardew Valley to escape their influence and I'm glad I had them run out of town for good. Now I can sit back and enjoy life.
                        • Gold Dragon

                          Gold Dragon Void-Bound Voyager

                          So call us old-fashioned.

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