Modding Help Is it possible to make an entirely new race without replacing existing races?

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by GamecubeKing, Dec 11, 2013.

  1. GamecubeKing

    GamecubeKing Void-Bound Voyager

    I want to make a new race, but the races that would fit them best I don't want to replace, and the ones I do want to replace wouldn't work with them. So is there a way around this?
  2. OptimoosePrime

    OptimoosePrime Poptop Tamer

    You can move the existing species over to the left and add two more on the right. That's what I did... although the screenshot was taken before I ended up moving all of them even further to the left.

  3. GamecubeKing

    GamecubeKing Void-Bound Voyager

    Oh! Okay, now that I know this is possible, I'll have to look into this. Thank you for the confirmation!
  4. 14manj01

    14manj01 Big Damn Hero

    Hey I PM'd you a question

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