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[IRC] some more details regarding crafting/printing/dyes/homeworlds etc

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by plaYer2k, Feb 19, 2013.

  1. Dr scoobie

    Dr scoobie Giant Laser Beams

    People just didnt give tiy a chance to talk did they?
    usually tiy talks, then people respond,
    but with this its people talking non stop when someone else is trying to talk.
    its like the IRC version of talking over someone.

    normally that would be rude.
    WoxandWarf likes this.
  2. Urist McDwarf

    Urist McDwarf Void-Bound Voyager

    I really don't get why you think that a space station was a novel idea, its really not that original and is also more limiting, and I might have understood it wrong, but I think that Tiy was talking about a abandoned space station on an asteroid, not just a plain asteroid. And besides, the dropship kinda serves as the space station right now.

    And as for the ammo thing, I'm perfectly fine with it but hopefully they will add some sort of ammo slot that customizes the kind of bullets you shoot with different effects and a balanced energy cost.
  3. LazerEagle1

    LazerEagle1 Master Astronaut

    I apologize. People tend lose all sense of rationality directly after being affected by something.

    But I'm still mad... :p
  4. plaYer2k

    plaYer2k Pangalactic Porcupine

    okay problem solved:
    Taso, WoxandWarf, Dust and 3 others like this.
  5. eSmokefish

    eSmokefish Void-Bound Voyager

    I apologize if I stumble in here without much of a clue, I am good at doing such, but @"The Different Ammo" worries people had, just because Energy is used instead of ammo doesn't necessarily remove the option of different ammo types, right?
    We could still have different kinds of ammunition, but it would be more of an 'ammo spawner' you stick into the gun before hooking it to your energy pack, which then decides what kind of bullet is made.
    Not that I know how the devs have planned for things to actually work, but this is how I could see it possibly working. Maybe. If that makes sense.

    I am not good at making sense. I apologize. Also hi, Starbound community!
    natelovesyou, Shippo and plaYer2k like this.
  6. Shippo

    Shippo Existential Complex

    I agree, that's a good point! I basically said the same thing earlier.

    So do we still get homeworlds to claim? Or is it replaced by the asteroid base? I'm thinking we still get the homeworlds too, but I'm a little bit confused. I think all the NPCs wouldn't fit on the ship, unless the ship is really, really big? Or do they go to the asteroid base? :cautious:
  7. plaYer2k

    plaYer2k Pangalactic Porcupine

    as far as i know, homeworlds are still in and will not be removed.
    The reason that the space station (original player home base) got removed was because it was redundant from what i understood.

    And i still dont think that this is necessarily a bad move but instead have faith in the devs that they know what is best for the game since they see the whole.
    Shippo likes this.
  8. LazerEagle1

    LazerEagle1 Master Astronaut

    Wait... Energy and Ammo are now the same thing? Holy bricks, I need to unwatch this thread. Just continuous, disappointing news... :(
    RustyJ and CoherentManatee like this.
  9. CoherentManatee

    CoherentManatee Space Penguin Leader

    It also seems odd that supposedly this far into development (many systems done etc), the currency hasn't been decided on. I thought the currency was 'pixels', but now there's speculation that the currency is now, printer ink? Which you would think would add a bunch of new systems to the game-atleast I would think so anyway. Not bashing on the game or anything - looks great, but isn't currency kind of a major thing?

    That would be nice, asteroids on their own seem a bit bland/boring.
    John Smith and Landlaw like this.
  10. natelovesyou

    natelovesyou Oxygen Tank

    As long as homeworlds are still in, then great. I never really paid much mind to the space station thing, and now that it's a communal one on an asteroid, all I thought was, "cool...." - because I'm really just looking forward to having my own homeworld. :)
  11. Arcadiax

    Arcadiax Guest

    Knowing their style of system development, i'm assuming its a simple change of one variable to determine what is used as currency. What you said is also wrong, tiy stated that he may make what powers the printers into currency, but not as blatantly as making "ink" the currency, but it does make sense to use the most valuable and useful resource in the universe as currency.
  12. TFGoose

    TFGoose Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    After reading the full thread, here's my thoughts:

    1) On guns using energy instead of ammo - Fine. This allows both melee and ranged weapons to utilize the same resource (assuming high end melee weapons may consume energy for extra effects). I love the idea of not needing to stockpile ammunition, and needing to equip my character properly for needed energy regeneration is just another facet of customization that we can now enjoy.

    I do agree though that it would be neat if there were some mechanism in place to change the type of shot that is coming from a gun, or the type of damage that a melee weapon delivers. A weapon mod, or tech slot item, could serve this purpose.

    2) On the Space Station/Asteroid controversy - Though I was initially disappointed at the prospect of losing my floating fortress, I eventually came to understand the reasoning. With the ability to upgrade the space ship and place things on board, the space station does seem a bit redundant as yet another "home" location for each player. So in that light, I understand why it was reformulated into the current concept, which is more of a central meeting place for everyone on a server. And if that's the function of the station, it makes more sense to put it in a location where not only the interior, but the exterior as well is customizable for everyone.

    TLDR: Though part of me initially questioned these decisions, after thinking them through I can understand why they went the direction they did with both of these concepts. It hasn't served to detract my interest in the game, nor do I feel it will be detrimental to its success.
  13. Why do you find it disappointing, if I might ask?

    Tiy's stated that it would make people have to go with armour pieces that give energy boosts, rather than other types. I believe the decision to have energy = ammo has to do with exactly that - allow different playstyles to fall into their proper categories / correct armour types. I can imagine a set-back by having ammo, which is people using mobility/agile armour types, which would typically belong to melee classes, and combining that with a ranged weapon. I think the plan for having to go with a good ranged character is to sacrifice some melee characteristics, thus energy replacing ammunition.
  14. Arcadiax

    Arcadiax Guest

    Well, there are different styles of guns, we've seen rocket launchers, i'm assuming the type of gun (Shotgun, pistol, machine gun, rocket launcher) will be the modifier for the projectile.
    Active Link and Keeper like this.
  15. Dr Fushba

    Dr Fushba Cosmic Narwhal

    Maybe the guns use energy to fuse atoms in the atmosphere to create denser materials for ammunition.
    Not sure how that would work where there's no air, however.
    Maybe it teleports bullets into the gun chamber? We already know that technology exists.

    As for the spaaace station, I think the idea of a floating asteroid base is a lot cooler than a space station.
  16. Soup

    Soup Giant Laser Beams

    e=mc² - Energy becomes mass. It's like a Star Trek replicator but for bullets.
    Shippo likes this.
  17. Kesk

    Kesk Phantasmal Quasar

    I don't mind the station change as long as we get access to a spaceship of a nice, open size.
    (enough room for a good sized crew, perhaps?)
    WoxandWarf likes this.
  18. LazerEagle1

    LazerEagle1 Master Astronaut

    I think Tiy also said that Weapon Mods would be why changes the way the shot reacts, not Ammo type. So I assume we can have all sorts of crazy stuff (Like a Shotgun with Crystal Bullets in Terraria :p)
    WoxandWarf likes this.
  19. Flameofice

    Flameofice Pangalactic Porcupine

    I've got mixed reactions about this.

    3D printer:
    I'm not too sure about this. Having it only print out certain aesthetic items would be fine, but using it as the sole means of buying stuff....... Yeah, I'm not too sure. Using pixels as a normal currency would have way more potential, so you could only buy certain items in certain places. Also, making everything out of anything makes no sense.

    Bullets and energy:
    Yeah....... no. Wouldn't it be more interesting if most weapons used ammo, but energy weapons were rarer? If that was the case, there would be a larger demand for energy weapons among players. Also, what if you decided to dual-wield two ranged weapons? You'd have to hide and wait until your energy comes back before you could fight again. "Hide and suck your thumb" game play is always bad and panned by reviewers.

    No space station:
    I'm okay with this. Simply returning to your home base every time you teleport off a planet would be much easier to design around, and would probably work better. Plus, all those facilities in the space station would have to be set up manually, either on planets or in the space station. In these kinds of games, building large machines for your own benefit is almost always good. Anyone who's played a Minecraft tech mod could probably attest to that.
    Nougat, Necrius, RustyJ and 2 others like this.
  20. LazerEagle1

    LazerEagle1 Master Astronaut

    I am warming up to te idea of the "no ammo, energy" thing. But does that mean all of the items will be Guns? I would like to use a Bow sometimes. Maybe an electric bow? Also, does this mean no "magic"-esque items or abilities? I think I can live with that, they were sorta OP in Terraria...

    The loss of the Space Station saddens me, however I'll get over it.

    And I still have no idea what the whole "3d printer" is... It's hard to follow a conversation when all of the people are talking over Tiy...

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