Info about the upcoming patch!

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Jan 14, 2014.

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  1. shakey2

    shakey2 Cosmic Narwhal

    I see you completely ignored international holidays there. Also there are ALOT of bugfixes, just because there isn't a lot of new content like a new tier or something doesn't mean it didn't take a lot of work. Tracking down bugs and getting rid of them can be very tricky as some bugs can be very elusive.
    envoy2D, charity236 and mawihtec like this.
  2. ethanism

    ethanism Poptop Tamer

    Yes, full change logs should be mandatory regardless of the scope of change or the ETA.
    vanella, Ruin and supernet2 like this.
  3. ethanism

    ethanism Poptop Tamer

    Some people run the executable outside of Steam for performance reasons. It would be nice to have a /who or /finger command to see who is actually logged on to a given (possibly dedicated) server.
    Ruin likes this.
  4. Smiddyflake

    Smiddyflake Guest

    AW YEAH. Mass amounts of content or not, it's nice to get an update and anything that helps move the game forwards.
  5. shakey2

    shakey2 Cosmic Narwhal

    oh the entitled masses "we want to know everything up to the second updates and if you miss an ETA we'll ride your ass for weeks over it"
    Would you like a live 24/7 camera feed into their offices?

    also EDIT BUTTON, use it
    EvilIntent, Volcanus and Xentonic like this.
  6. Saphonix

    Saphonix Yeah, You!

    Really looking forward to this one, Great job with the game so far Chucklefish.:up:
  7. ethanism

    ethanism Poptop Tamer

    I meant that as a matter of software change protocol, not as a matter of entitlement. And on a side note, I don't see the EDIT you're wanting me to make.

  8. My thing is, the patch isn't done, how can there be an accurate changelog for a patch that hasn't been pushed out yet? Who's to say that bugs that are fixed right now will not be broken by a new thing before the week is over? What would you gain from a "probability changelog"?
  9. wsensor

    wsensor Subatomic Cosmonaut

    I remember seeing in a post or vid awhile ago that the Spears were going to be Aimable is this still going to happen? Right now spears are just basically daggers or 1handed swords.
  10. Diagnosan

    Diagnosan Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Yeah changelogs in a beta where we're supposed to give feedback is really entitled.

    Indeed, the more I think of it, the angrier I become! How dare he provide a start-up company with customer satisfaction information it has not only requested but created entire boards, and a long phase in their product testing for? THE NERVE! THE GALL! TAKE HIM AWAY AND BAN HIM FROM THE FORUMS FOREVER! SUCH ARROGANCE MUST BE MADE AN EXAMPLE OF! THE PLEBS WILL RISE UP IF SUCH WANTON DISRESPECT OF THE ALL MIGHTY FISH IS ALLOWED!
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2014
    Ruin and TheyCallMePie like this.
  11. Jardi-Gol

    Jardi-Gol Big Damn Hero

    Fantastic :)
  12. kwiizu

    kwiizu Void-Bound Voyager

    Looking forward for the next patch. Because I haven't played so much that I want to becasue of the wipe.
    But if they still will wipe universe I can't really build a house or start farming yet. Will make me sad panda when they destory my beautyful house that I had work on :eek:
  13. shakey2

    shakey2 Cosmic Narwhal

    Why would they give out that kind of info? This game isn't open source. Edit button is right on the bottom of every post you make, don't double post when you can edit your last post.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 14, 2014
  14. fadohacolu

    fadohacolu Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I'm crying with happiness. Well, my eyes are leaking, but that might just be because I've been up all night refreshing the homepage, waiting for this.
    OmegaMinion and TheyCallMePie like this.
  15. PSS

    PSS Void-Bound Voyager

    Annoying teleport to planet bug hasn't been fixed? Aww...
  16. Grimmli

    Grimmli Big Damn Hero

    Aww yiss moar Floran stabby things!
  17. Dragmire

    Dragmire Void-Bound Voyager

    ...!!! No longer blink while in bed! YES! I thought it too insignificant to mention how that irritated me. I am truly overjoyed that's getting fixed!
    Thank you to all the hard working staff. Also, I hope you all enjoyed your holidays!
  18. webcthulhu

    webcthulhu Void-Bound Voyager

    Please, add all the missing item descriptions. Saplings, shields, etc.
    charity236 likes this.
  19. TheyCallMePie

    TheyCallMePie Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I have 200 hours in so far :speechless:. Ive made my own log of the planets to see if i could revisit worlds and regain cool stuff I've found :D.SO EXCITED FOR THIS PATCH!!!!!
  20. ystrem

    ystrem Void-Bound Voyager

    We nice, good work :]
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