Info about the upcoming patch!

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by mollygos, Jan 14, 2014.

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  1. Proydoha

    Proydoha Phantasmal Quasar

    They are talking about backward compatability for characters and ships. It doesn't mean that there is no room for amazing ideas in future. It means that they will be able to push those new ideas without character wipes.
  2. Deathsdoll

    Deathsdoll Pangalactic Porcupine

    TY for the info :)
  3. Elate

    Elate Spaceman Spiff

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think he means people flipping because they're more invested in their characters (due to no wipes) and as such react more negatively to new changes that alter the experience they haven gotten used to.
  4. HyperSilence

    HyperSilence Master Chief

    "New random encounters"
    All the more reason to finally start playing again. ;)
    Been waiting far too long for this final wipe.
    KeesDeNeger and Kernel Etixius like this.
  5. DC Hyatt

    DC Hyatt Void-Bound Voyager

    YOU COME FROM THE FUTURE!!! (It's still the 13th west of the East American Coast)
  6. Pigfish

    Pigfish Void-Bound Voyager

    I'm, if not fully, satisfactorily satisfied to my satisfaction with ships and characters being secured against wipes. I feel confident that the game will eventually contain larger player ships, so worlds continuing to be wiped means not a whole lot to me. I can just fill my ship with lab lockers 'til then.:D
  7. ogboot

    ogboot Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Permadeath and memory leak fixes ftw. Could care less about hats at this stage but if they're ready might as well throw them in there. Lotta Debbie Downers about the new patch announcement, I guess some people never find joy in anything.
    Thanks CF Team!
    Volcanus and Colaymorak like this.
  8. RitsuHasano

    RitsuHasano Existential Complex

    >Three weeks.
    Jeez, man. It's been less than two weeks. The devs took time off during the holidays to do their own thing. It was also stated this update would mostly be bugfixes.
    charity236 likes this.
  9. Colaymorak

    Colaymorak Big Damn Hero

    Yay bug fixes!
  10. sylfeden

    sylfeden Void-Bound Voyager

    I don't understand why people complains about the changelog not revealing all. Part of me is pretty sure those same people would be here complaining that the patch was ready, why do the lazy developers don't implement it! If they posted all they have now.
    I was hoping for a patch this week, knowing it will be next week gives me some peace of mind. Thank you chucklefish.
    Small patches often sounds great, and will probably keep me logging every day.
    I too expect the universe to change even if my characters don't get wiped, but i don't really mind. The right balance have to found, more content need to appear and it will keep the beta "fresh" .
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2014
    ogboot likes this.
  11. Proydoha

    Proydoha Phantasmal Quasar

    I think you're wrong should ask an author of the original message about that.

    And altering expirience is usually a good thing.
  12. ogboot

    ogboot Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Small world, I was having a discussion about this at.. Ahem, work today. The game is going to change so much it seems obvious that you wouldn't want to commit too much to a character or construction unless you're honest with yourself. I would expect changes to be made that would require a new character or reseed at this stage. My fellow star explorer agreed. But, this is likely a topic for another thread.
  13. ghostlll1992

    ghostlll1992 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    i think that there should be gun crafting stations
  14. Tamorr

    Tamorr Supernova

    Almost forgot it said hats, that is something else I am interested in beyond the whole no character/ship wipe needed after this.

    Wondering though if the changes to crafting table speed will apply to the 3D printer as well, since that is bout' as slow due to the amount you can have in one window. Especially the search function. At any rate I am sure they will get changed/optimized or what ever is needed eventually, even if it isn't this next one.

    Pondering the many things said in the feature list mentioned, like the random encounters one. Curiosity I guess, but I'll see when it happens, maybe; if the RNG likes me that
  15. caroger

    caroger Void-Bound Voyager

    Actually you can. When you create a character, when you select clothes one of the clothing options is your underwear, so just change to the underwear first, then change the color, then pick your clothes and finish your character.

    EDIT: I double checked this after people said it was incorrect, and it is indeed false. I could have swore you could but NOPE! Don't know where I thought I saw that. I apologize. My intent was not to mislead anyone.
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2014
  16. SeaJay

    SeaJay Space Kumquat

    If the update was only this, I would still be happy. Can't wait to make giant machines.
    OobleckTheGreen likes this.
  17. Silvestre

    Silvestre Pangalactic Porcupine

    You are always on the prowl to post something cool about the update, aren't you? :D

    Good job teasing us on the upcoming patch, Molly. I'm ready for it!
  18. ellisgeek

    ellisgeek Aquatic Astronaut

    Ain't that what steam is for?
    shakey2 likes this.
  19. shardshunt

    shardshunt Cosmic Narwhal

    tiy tweeted "The update isn't far off now, we're trying to include universe backwards compatability along side character backwards compatibility"
    - this means they can tweak thing without wiping the characters
  20. Sidewinder

    Sidewinder Void-Bound Voyager

    Not true. Just tried it with the human race. I can only switch between clothes, but not to the underwear.
    shardshunt likes this.
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