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In next patch commits: "Force pvp in x sector"

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Raindrac, Jan 24, 2014.


Do you like this change?

  1. Yes, it adds some difficulty to the sector

    162 vote(s)
  2. No, especially since it's forced

    196 vote(s)
  3. It doesn't matter for me, I only play single player

    81 vote(s)
  1. Ohsillyus

    Ohsillyus Sandwich Man

    Someone earlier in the thread mentioned that hte party systerm would disable friendly-fire.
  2. Rainbow Dash

    Rainbow Dash Oxygen Tank

    like i sead already but people keep ignoring me,
    sector x is sopost to be an optianel sector after the game is over (when the game is complete)
    right now it isnt tho so it shouldnt be in the game yet
    anyone who says otherwise propley dont know what they are talking about
    Volcanus and Serenity like this.
  3. Ripperjk

    Ripperjk Phantasmal Quasar

    Well stated =)
    Grymlokk likes this.
  4. ThePwn

    ThePwn Astral Cartographer

    I am sure they will not let you attack players in your party its forced pvp not forced teamkill. You still have the option of running and getting back to your ship. You can use strategies that will hide your presence on a x sector planet. You can prob combat log too xD
  5. Ninja Serenity

    Ninja Serenity Big Damn Hero

    ah... uh... this is awkward now, so about the PvP in X Sector?
  6. Ohsillyus

    Ohsillyus Sandwich Man

    I figure it means PVP doesn't apply if you're in a party. Forced team-kill would be the only decent thing to come out of forced PVP.
  7. Ninja Serenity

    Ninja Serenity Big Damn Hero

    it was a joke, I was saying 'this is awkward' about the no-friendly-fire part that I wasn't aware of and was jokingly trying to change the subject :p
  8. ale_camargo

    ale_camargo Poptop Tamer

    I'm absolutly against forced PvP, specially in a game with such freedom to play as you wish.

    PvP is an awesome and fun feature that should be added, but never forced, it would be a great annoyance to those who don't want to PvP.

    What I don't get is: Why force people to PvP if there are already lots of others that would be willing to PvP?
    Aeon, Tharrick, Auchmithie and 3 others like this.
  9. Ohsillyus

    Ohsillyus Sandwich Man

    Now isn't that the rub? I wasn't thinking about that. Maybe they have plans on making S: X a pvp sector with pvp gear. We really need more info on why it will be forced.
  10. Jbeetle

    Jbeetle Oxygen Tank

    mountains out of molehills
    Serpensio and Tamorr like this.
  11. ThePwn

    ThePwn Astral Cartographer

    some people enjoy the thrill of the hunt. The deadliest game - other players. something like this is even more enjoyable in a survival type game, I am all for this feature. All you have to do is not make a perma or drop on death char and you really lose nothing. By the time you get to x sector pixels are plentiful and can be stored

    NANOKARMA Phantasmal Quasar

    With the insanity of the "hackers" in the game, this would be even worse.

    (Yes, im talking about meteor gunners and other crazies around the game)
  13. liradarc

    liradarc Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Try and find a specific person randomly exploring Sector X without being in their party or knowing their coordinates. Try to find any person in Sector X randomly exploring under the same conditions, in the most populous server on the list. I double dog dare you.

    If you're lucky (lucky as in lottery-winning lucky), you'll be able to post of a singular success before this game hits its first full year release anniversary.

    That's a bit hyperbolic. You're not denied a sector, no more than the possibility of a gas line explosion denies me walking down the street.

    There is griefing in Starbound multiplayer. It takes place in Alpha sector colonies where large groups of people gather to build stuff together. That's where the problematic player-vs-player encounters occur. And it only occurs because multiplayer 'colonies' tend to have fixed coordinates which spread by forum post or word of mouth. Under the current system, running into someone exploring randomly out in procedurally generated space is too remote a possibility to even register as 'feasible.'

    It's a non-issue, really. The only reason this is exploding into a forum thread is the three letter 'PvP' acronym.
    Serpensio, Volcanus and Raindrac like this.
  14. MyLittleBurger

    MyLittleBurger Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Actually, I could have sworn there was supposed to be a tier 11, which was basically going to be a end game sector that had pvp in it.
  15. Hexerin

    Hexerin Existential Complex

    it's horrible logic like this from PvP elitists, that allows such retarded design choices like forced PvP in a sandbox game to exist.
    Aeon, cyberspyXD and ___MeRliN___ like this.
  16. Jbeetle

    Jbeetle Oxygen Tank

    my sentiments 100%
  17. Dakonic

    Dakonic Space Hobo

    But space without evil space pirates just isn't realistic! :D
  18. liradarc

    liradarc Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Yep. The designers are forcing you to play this game multiplayer in a server without pvp rules or anti-greifing measures. They're forcing you to go to a specific sector. They're also forcing you to reveal your coordinates repeatedly until someone takes the time to find you. Because otherwise you'll be sitting on that planet until your internet subscription lapses, waiting for an encounter that will likely never happen.

    This entire thread is spun out of speculation drawn from a line from the patch commits. There's been no explanatory dev post explaining what this update is, what it means, or even if it isn't just an internal commit intended to test pvp as a future optional feature.

    The reactions so far range from hilarious to absurd.
    Custardsquare, Serenity and Jbeetle like this.
  19. Serenity

    Serenity The Waste of Time

    Not something that bothers me it was planned to be this way anyway. I bet the gear of this sector will focus on pvp. So you won't miss any single player content. So you are not forced to just don't go to sector X simple.
  20. Vandrick

    Vandrick Phantasmal Quasar

    Have no problem at all with an all PvP exclusive sector. As long as said sector is optional and doesn't contain anything content-wise that the last "regular" sector has. If that's the case, I don't see why anyone would care. Just don't go to that sector. The only issue I'll have is if they make the forced PvP sector have content you can't get elsewhere.

    But, either way, I'm pretty sure there will be plenty of server console commands to turn it off and change things (such as the ability to set specific planets/sectors to PvP, disable PvP on the server entirely, etc). Not to mention there will most likely be a mod to get rid of it on the first day the patch is released. I'm not worried at all. I only play on an invite-only server ran by real life friends.

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