I49 wrapup!

Discussion in 'Dev Blog' started by Legris, Aug 27, 2013.

  1. Legris

    Legris Starbound pixel prince Forum Administrator

    Won't lie, it was really exciting and scary at the same time, when it was over i had to sit down for a bit!
  2. Teastudent

    Teastudent Master Chief

    This. Also I just want to bring another voice to the side of the community that isn't having withdrawals over a game that has yet to be released. The wait has not been that bad, and I am super happy to have such an amazing development team that keeps us in the loop. The daily updates and the devs watching/replying on the forums are two things that a vast majority of games never get. I'd much rather be aware of what is going on and feel like the devs care about their fanbase than be in the dark all the time.

    Keep up the good work Team Chucklefish! I look forward to this game and I hope it is all you dreamed it to be when it's finished.
    WILF2007, tassina, Menasor and 2 others like this.
  3. 1John5vs7

    1John5vs7 Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    OH MAN! I was watching your playthrough of it and commenting to my wife that you were *TERRIBLE* at this game. I take back every word I said now knowing you were playing with scrambled keys AND backwards! The fact that you didn't die instantaneously is awe-inspiring. You are like some kind of crazy Scandinavian Adonis of gaming. :D

    As for the content being disabled for the demo: I'm so relieved to hear that. The game looked a little on the Spartan side of things in the demo. Don't get me wrong, it was awesome, and I'd totally play it as is (assuming the bug that kept making it crash at the FTL travel jump screen is fixed (and I know it will be <3)), but knowing that there is actually quite a bit more content than that is cool.

    I'm glad we did at least get a glimpse of the game before the beta released, because there were several suggestions I was able to make in the suggestions section based on what I saw in the demos.

    Most importantly:

    1.) Stop making the "Available Materials" checkbox in the crafting section sticky. It should stick to whatever setting you last set it to...so if I uncheck the box, it should remain unchecked perpetually (at least in that game session, but preferably forever) until I check it again regardless of how many times I open or close the crafting menu. You could put a little prompt on that says "You are about to disable the system that shows ONLY the recipes for which you have materials. Are you sure you want to do this?" and also have a check box on that warning that says "Do not show me this warning again". Easy peasy.
    tassina, samufel, Axe Garian and 2 others like this.
  4. StarBatman

    StarBatman Void-Bound Voyager

    Well apart from the Yogscast generally being terrible I think this was a fantastic demonstration and you should all be damned proud of yourselves.

    I also like that the photo labelled 'England' is basically just a foggy Silent Hill appearance. It's not like that all the time, honest!
    Axe Garian likes this.
  5. soczahn

    soczahn Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    This right here. This makes me have some hope for humanity.
  6. 1John5vs7

    1John5vs7 Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Dude, you can get your money back from Chucklefish if you want it back. So either deal with the fact that you've paid for the game and wait for the beta to be released, or get your money back and quit crying about it. But don't simultaneously berate them for not delivering per your specifications AND refuse to get your money back because that is the ultimate mixed signal.

    If all the people who wanted the game released immediately asked for a refund of their pre-order money because it's taking too long, then one of two things would happen:

    1.) We would find out that it is a vanishingly small minority of trolls asking for this, and thus it would not really impact the operating cash-on-hand of Chucklefish and they could finish the game in peace


    2.) Chucklefish would find out that they have really alienated a large segment of their playerbase, and since this WOULD impede their ability to finish the game, they likely WOULD release the i49 demo.

    Please keep in mind, though, when you go to make this decision: we never saw any of the people playing go to anything higher than a threat level 10 planet, and we have no idea if any of the craftable items beyond the starter sets are available. In other words, you may be thinking there is this wildly playable game, but really only the first couple of dinky items are available. But for goodness' sake, don't keep whining and making demands! It's a free Internet, so do your talking with your money.
    tassina, Axe Garian and JoshF like this.
  7. Legris

    Legris Starbound pixel prince Forum Administrator

    Haha thank you! The guns was pretty much impossible to aim for me from the angle i was sitting at but the audience that could see me in person laughed it off since i was pretty much just facepalming a lot during the demo which unfortunately you couldn't see on the stream :) As for your suggestion, yes I do agree, it's one of those polishing things that we're constantly going through when playing the game and we'll most likely change it so that the last setting is saved!
  8. Legris

    Legris Starbound pixel prince Forum Administrator

    That photo was me walking to the train station really early in the morning, we mostly had great weather actually, very little rain!
    tassina, Axe Garian and NinjaDuckie like this.
  9. colorbeam

    colorbeam Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    This is why i keep coming back to the site. I get to read posts from the enthused chucklefish. Makes my day so much better. :)
    tassina and Axe Garian like this.
  10. 1John5vs7

    1John5vs7 Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Awesome. I never know when I make suggestions in the suggestions thread if you all look at that stuff anymore since there are now over 340 pages of suggestions! Good to have feedback :p
    tassina and Axe Garian like this.
  11. Xetor

    Xetor Big Damn Hero

    You should've photo-shopped a silhouette of the Chucklefish logo on the first picture to help start a creepy pasta going.
    tassina, NinjaDuckie and 1John5vs7 like this.
  12. SilvisMoon

    SilvisMoon Big Damn Hero

    You sir, are a MASTER photographer
    Axe Garian likes this.
  13. dbaum97

    dbaum97 Orbital Explorer

    Did anyone notice that molygos kind of looks like Katy Perry?
    samufel likes this.
  14. 1John5vs7

    1John5vs7 Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Dude, Slender Man is already in there in the fog. Why make it anymore terrifying than that? When you see it...
  15. ZanVaelius

    ZanVaelius Existential Complex

    I have this crazy whim to start photoshopping Slender Man into pictures I take, upload them online and fake confusion :rofl:
    tassina, JoshF and Ahbahl like this.
  16. Dwasyt

    Dwasyt Void-Bound Voyager

    Hooray for Chucklefish, even if the Yogscast didn't entirely impress the Starbound fanbase they did get the game across and I also cannot wait for a chance for all the people that pre-ordered to get a chance to feel what it is like to play Starbound (unlikely).
    p.s. I could watch the dev livestreams for hours, love them!:up:
    JoshF likes this.
  17. SerinityFyre

    SerinityFyre Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Really incredible showing guys (and gals)! I've been following the blog and game development for months now, but didn't realize the emotional investment I'd garnered until seeing you guys in action. I love the vision, and I love your passion. Keep up the great work
  18. DustyMongoose

    DustyMongoose Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Hi everyone, this is my first post here, but I've been creeping around for months and following Starbound since last year. I have to say that it is so exciting to see the game coming together so well. I remember opening my then brand new NES one Christmas many (many) years ago and being awe struck. Those who had an NES were like the elite I guess you could say, as not everyone had one yet. Then along came the 16 bit era and everything changed. This is how I feel now, when I look at Starbound.

    The gaming world seems to be flooded with graphically drenched games that lack any real character or charm. Storytelling has been replaced with Michael Bay-esque explosion! action sequences and highly detailed (looking) characters that are, quite frankly, stereotypical and predictable. To me at least, games have been getting boring. Some of my friends don't understand why I would rather play games like Starbound, Terraria, and Minecraft over current gen or even next gen games. I think a lot of people here seem to get it though, and that gives me hope for the future of games.

    I have become a HUGE supporter of indie game development over the last couple of years and I think this is really the future of gaming. Thank you so much Chucklefish staff, for keeping the wonderful and amazing world of gaming alive. No matter what anyone else says, you're ok in my book and you have a life long supporter here. :)

    (I apologize for the long post)
    WILF2007, tassina, samufel and 9 others like this.
  19. se05239

    se05239 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Link isn't working for me..
  20. It was nice, even with a few problems, but well, a "part" of Starbound was shown! :p

    Hmmm, about freezing, will you add a nice freezing animation when we die instead the normal one? :alien:
    tassina, 1John5vs7 and JoshF like this.

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