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I think the big starbound chronicle news will be about donating/preordering.

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by ZangooseSlash, Apr 10, 2013.

  1. Destro

    Destro Phantasmal Quasar

    I'm happy to hear that the pre-order will finally be available soon, even if this does not mean that the beta will be available yet. My pre-paid credit card have been waiting for this moment.

    I'm been playing 2 different playthrough of Terraria with different mods recently and I still enjoy it a lot(and there even the new update that being work on), in fact I can't get enough of it so i'm sure that when Starbound will finally be playable for all(yes I know pre-order don't mean we be able to play it) I will play it for a very very long time.
  2. XRiZUX

    XRiZUX Spaceman Spiff

    YESZ! - It's all piecing together nicely... Mihihihihihi *evil laugh*

    Can't wait for pre-orders popping up. :coffee:
  3. Exi1e

    Exi1e Zero Gravity Genie

    Perhaps, the Chronicle is being delayed so much because they are prepping the beta? One can only hope, but it seems far from likely. Still, knowing that the pre-order will be coming soon is exciting. I certainly can't wait. :p
  4. Exi1e

    Exi1e Zero Gravity Genie

    Right, that's what I was getting at. As in, you pre-order, then get beta access. Even though its been said multiple times that a pre-order does not guarantee immediate beta access, and that the beta is ready "when its ready", doesn't it make you wonder why the chronicle hasn't been released yet? Think about it. Prepping a pre-order would take vastly less time then it would to prep a beta. Its only mere speculation at this point, but that's why I had said "One can only hope, but it seems far from likely". :p
  5. Dzelda

    Dzelda Parsec Taste Tester

    Preordering. I wonder if someone could post up the Cynical Brits stance on preordering. I feel the hyped up atmosphere of this party could use a little down to earth thinking.

    But let me summarize: Once preorder is out: What will you be getting that you wont already be getting on release day? Badges? Art? Discounts? Ive been on the forums quite a bit- I dont think Id need any art from the developers, artists like Suika, Beitol and Fetal already provide quality artwork that Ive loved seeing time and time again. But if the preorder doesnt really offer anything substantial beside the fact its something to invest in while waiting for a game to come out, then I may as well wait until release day to buy them out of copies.

    Now, I know just as much as you that the developers have put their all into this game, even sacrificing life savings to work on the game; I find it just as noble a cause as most of the fanbase likely does. However, I would also like to call to your attention that you as a consumer, should also possibly hold off if you have any doubt, any doubt whatsoever that this game may not pan out as you think it would. If you cant spare the cash honestly, if you have doubts of its existance, you would be much, much wiser to wait till release day and see what people say about it... (Just because there are a few people claiming it may be vaporware does not mean they may possibly, in a one to a million chance be wrong. Many things can happen down a development path)

    I also refer you to the chart where Hype + Bad game you thought was good = Suicide. AKA Colonial Space Marines.

    However, if you are just going to buy it anyways, and can spare the cash, go right ahead. -w-
  6. OmnipotentEntity

    OmnipotentEntity Code Monkey Forum Administrator

    You mean this one?

    We've watched it. We're trying very hard not to make a preorder like the ones he's panning.

    I mean. We're video game fans too. And we're citizens on the internet. ;) We've seen most of this stuff and it kinda informs our actions.
    Aviakio, XRiZUX, FrozenFlame and 7 others like this.
  7. Dzelda

    Dzelda Parsec Taste Tester

    I know. And I dont mean anything bad against you folks either when I say it. Do realize that. :) Im just a little concerned about the great deal of hype surrounding this game, and how it may affect some of our fans. Thank you for understanding :)

    Excitement is good and all, but it becomes terrible when people exploit it for their own ends, like I remember I was when playing Runes of Magic, a terrible mess of code MMO which I spent 50 dollars into before realizing how stupid I was being with my money. (And Lotro to a degree, but I mostly gave them the money because such a charming and quiet MMO could use some charity :rofl: )

    EDIT: How bad is Runes of Magic? Lets just say its support was so bad, that when you go on to World of Warcraft, and ask for support help, you end up treating the GM coming by like Jesus dropped by for a wine party.
  8. Nesden

    Nesden Cosmic Narwhal

    Mind = Blown.
  9. V For Vendetta

    V For Vendetta Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I personally don't care if there wasn't a beta with the pre-order (That doesn't mean I wouldn't love to have one, but the possibility is way too little for it to release with the pre-order.), what I care about is that I'm helping the dev's by giving my money to them. This will both increase the speed and the moral the game is getting. I personally can't wait to see the announcement that they just quit their job to work full-time on the game. This is the real reason why I'm really excite for the pre-order; giving dev's the money they deserve! I hope you all have a good day. -V
  10. Ken_Chihuly

    Ken_Chihuly Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Thing is, you guys aren't really hiding behind walls and giving out false information here as well as not allowing others to talk about the game nor are you doing any sort of in-game pre-order bonuses with/without teirs. Least from what Tiy has said so far.
  11. Herdo

    Herdo Pangalactic Porcupine

    Ouch! "This year" and "beta" are not two things I wanted to hear together. I've said it before and I'll say it again, take as much time as you guys need. That being said, I was honestly expecting beta within the next couple months at most and the full release sometime later this year.
    GrumpyMcfart and WoxandWarf like this.
  12. V For Vendetta

    V For Vendetta Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I don't want to be rude, but the text you used to make this post isn't friendly to my eyes. That aside, I agree with what you have to say. Lots of game developers are abuse the pre-ordering, I doubt that they are going to with this game.
    WoxandWarf likes this.
  13. TehWavy

    TehWavy Aquatic Astronaut

    While I do really appreciate the judgement of "fairness" with the pre-order (everyone getting the full game at the same time etc.), I can't help but want to throw down several hundred dollars for pre-order bonuses and be the envy of strangers on the Internet. ;)

    Nah but really, from the semi-limited info we have on the pre-order and Chucklefish's apparent philosophy on game development, I am very interested to see what these "tiers" are. Naming a planet? Making your own item? Maybe at a high enough tier you get access to the Alpha... tomorrow! (of course not)
  14. V For Vendetta

    V For Vendetta Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I don't think that the "alpha" privilege would work, because that would make people feel like they need to buy up to that tier, and that would be "taking advantage" of the people. Just like you mentioned, naming something, being something, etc. If I had the money I would like them to make me into a npc called, "V." All I would do is quote from the movie "V for Vendetta" and when the time is right, I would give you a special mission to help me over-throw the government on a planet that isn't usually accessable.
  15. love doctor

    love doctor Cosmic Narwhal

    i think your right as a clan me and my guys sat down and sent chuckle fish an email about how were big fans of there work and how we would love to preorder
    they responded very nicely and hinted at preordering

    chuckle fish is amazing like it felt good just to send them an email but for them to reply it was like oh my goodness very happy moment indeed

    someone wake me up when the chronicle arrives
  16. Ken_Chihuly

    Ken_Chihuly Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Haa, sorry...

  17. TehWavy

    TehWavy Aquatic Astronaut

    The alpha thing was a joke since it clearly violates the "fairness" with the pre-order I was talking about. Besides I can't imagine it being tooooo fun to play, considering it would likely be full of bugs. BIG bugs (you guys ever seen a weta before? Like that, only not).
  18. love doctor

    love doctor Cosmic Narwhal

    the thing is you guys are above and beyond the underhanded tactics total biscuit criticizes in that video. youve shown us streams youve shown us screenshots youve talked us through certain mechanics
  19. plaYer2k

    plaYer2k Pangalactic Porcupine

    Well sure some might be like that but tbh everyone who purchased the game and not pirate it is a good customer already. Then buying multiple copies for friendds who wouldnt buy it themself and rarely play is also a great thing and worth more than a higher tier preorder.

    So everyone with that in mind or at least some sanity will be glad to see those badges, any of them.

    Furthermor you are able to see who really owns the game pre-release and everyone talking about the game without that badge must be "playng it at a friends PC" :p

    just add the $5 youself? I got about 6€ through selling basic TF2 items from an account i did not use for 3 years(?) now.

    Well thats quite simple, iam a modder so i got "early access" to the game so that i can finally start toying around with it :3
    WoxandWarf and shardival like this.
  20. TFGoose

    TFGoose Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Pre-order would be great, and it appears that's virtually a guarantee with the release of the Chronicle. But what I'm *really* hoping for is a new video. It seems like an age since I saw this game... ya know... moving. ;)
    KirasiN likes this.

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