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I keep getting "Update Required"

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Cows, Dec 4, 2013.

  1. Cows

    Cows Starship Captain

    I try to update it and I get "An error occured while updating Starbound (disk write error)"

    Anyone else been getting this?
    feldemon and kentelljd like this.
  2. kentelljd

    kentelljd Lucky Number 13

    Same issue here.
    Never got past the initial loading screen after launch before attempting to update.
    feldemon likes this.
  3. slatwob

    slatwob Big Damn Hero

    I had this, just open up Task manger, go to processes and end Starbound.exe.

    Steam then updated for me and I could play fine.
    Anemonique, Osmedirez and kentelljd like this.
  4. madprotester

    madprotester Aquatic Astronaut

    Go validate your files in steam
  5. Orthus

    Orthus Void-Bound Voyager

    Ensure you have no rouge exe files running, and you have no files from starbound open when attempting to update.
    kentelljd likes this.
  6. Jman1177

    Jman1177 Void-Bound Voyager

    ^ This. It means starbound or the launcher is running in the background, so it can't do the update.
    feldemon and kentelljd like this.
  7. kentelljd

    kentelljd Lucky Number 13

    Thanks for the help. Update seems to be downloading now. 1mb/s. Gonna see how it works now after closing it in process and updating.
  8. feldemon

    feldemon Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Ending the process worked for me also. Thank you.
  9. Nimja

    Nimja Pangalactic Porcupine

    Worked indeed. Explains perfectly why there is a disk-write error!

    Please Steam, change this to "cannot over-write file, file in use: ... "

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