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I guess this is goodbye.

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by thefrozenone, Jul 25, 2014.

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  1. Fiben Bolger

    Fiben Bolger Pangalactic Porcupine

    Unless they have Alzheimer's and forget about it, not one of the people who are so very vocally disappointed in is game are going to ignore the next update. What if it's bad? They'd miss the chance to spam "I frikkin' told you so". No true nitpicking fusspot would pass up that opportunity.
  2. Perhaps I am being harsh; I just wish people would do the research and read a little before making wild accusations about the Devs and the Dev process. It's clear the OP didn't actually read what Tiy was saying, he just read the title, saw 1.0 and went "Oh my GOD! How dare they!" without actually reading the damn post (Actually, 1.OMG is kinda funny xD).
    Serenity likes this.
  3. Jbeetle

    Jbeetle Oxygen Tank

    Now that you said that, any of them that see this will make it a point to complain about something even if they complain about how much they like the next update. Look what you've done!
    Serenity, Fiben Bolger and yclatious like this.
  4. Fiben Bolger

    Fiben Bolger Pangalactic Porcupine

    "Way to go CF, you really forked up this time. You just lost a customer. I will never play SB because, even though it's a great game, you made me wait and I'm never going to forgive you for that".

    That is a completely ridiculous statement that no one would ever commit to, right?

    Yeah, it would not surprise me either.
  5. Akado

    Akado Oxygen Tank

    And when someone says that (again), we will simply fall back to the pic in your signature. Because it's appropriate, and The Dude doesn't Abide by such emotionally-charged and uninformed statements.

    I think the OP has a lot of emotional investment in the game, and cares a lot about it. I think they want it to be awesome and everything they dream it should be. But there needs to be something to ground that emotion, or else you hype yourself into a frenzy, and when the inevitable letdown occurs (because nothing can live up to the ideal expectations you set), you get completely crushed.

    If you expect the game to be a 10/10, you will not be happy with a 7/10. If you had no expectations, then a 7/10 game is pretty good for $15. But you can't go back to no expectations once you have them, and that's the trap a lot of people have fallen into.
    Serenity, krylo and Maxwell Demonic like this.
  6. Jidithrambus

    Jidithrambus Orbital Explorer

    You can certainly go back to no expectations once you have them. I poured 300+ hours into Starbound and burned out on it so hard I haven't played it in like five months. I used to think of the "no updates" thing as being maybe lazy devs, but then I thought... It took them two years to get the game where it was at the beginning of beta, where it's basically just a really good dungeon crawler + build game. So I don't expect anything major to be released within the next few months.
  7. The | Suit

    The | Suit Agent S. Forum Moderator

    This song feels appropriate.

    sa_Spog, Serenity and Fiben Bolger like this.
  8. Don't let the door hit you where the good Lord split you.

    Seriously though, you'll be back next stable update, they always come back.
  9. Demos_Tex

    Demos_Tex Orbital Explorer

    Every time I think i'm out:
  10. Rainbow Dash

    Rainbow Dash Oxygen Tank

    if you honestly did research you would know that thats wrong lol
    Serenity, yclatious and Lintton like this.
  11. FLOknows

    FLOknows Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Kinda disappointed in some of these responses to a well-worded, genuine post.

    Anyway, I hope you come back and participate in the forums after the release, sounds like we aren't really going to get any substantial updates for a long time so probably putting the game down for awhile is probably a good thing. I largely feel the same way as you, but I'm still reserving judgement for after the 1.0 release.
    Colton, Dwagon and janusforbeare like this.
  12. Fiben Bolger

    Fiben Bolger Pangalactic Porcupine

    Heh. That was an . . . interesting choice.

    I would have gone with the classic done , oddly enough, by Steam:

    The | Suit and Serenity like this.
  13. warcore

    warcore Existential Complex

    now I am not trying to discredit what thefrozenone(is it "the-frozen-one" or "they-froze-none"?) but must you be so dramatic about it, I mean at the end of the day this is "A early access video game that is not ready yet"
    I mean its not like tiy is being possessed by Satan or anything, I mean.. I am pretty sure, come to think of it...*breaks to static!*

    in all seriousness I can support the idea of leaving until its more complete, its not healthy to go all Fan Boy regardless of what it is =)
    and if come the day that starbound does "fail" I am not saying it will I am just saying "I would prefer to be at the train station then on the train if it de-railed regardless of how long I was waiting for it"
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