Modding Help I come bearing questions about finding things in code + NPC modding

Discussion in 'Mods' started by SophieRGames, May 28, 2016.

  1. SophieRGames

    SophieRGames Void-Bound Voyager

    I'm really new to this, and although I have a low-key understanding of coding, I am learning as I go. I learn best trying to make something from a variety of other things. Currently I'm trying to learn from Ashley and other mods and make a new NPC.

    My questions will probably seem fairly newbie-ish but I couldn't find answers anywhere.

    I'm gonna number them for ease :)
    1. I've decompiled the StardewValley.exe using DotPeek and I've found some of the things, but I cannot find - for example - the details of Harvey or Leah or Penny. Where do I find them?
    2. Related: I took the source code of Ashley to learn from and she has things like "this.age = 2; //child" and "this.manners = 2; //rude". Where do I find in the code what each one is? Or is it like 1 = baby 2= child 3 = teen?
    3. Is there a trick to the decompiling? When I open it and I double click on >Stardew Valley>NPC.cs it's all in one big (gigantic) cs file and I can't seem to pick through what everything is.
    4. Finally, I tried to join the modding IRC... but I have no idea how to do it, since I've never used IRC. Can anyone help me with that?
    Thank you ever so much <3
    • Entoarox

      Entoarox Oxygen Tank

      Most of those kinds of details are stored in xnb files in the Content/Data/ directory.
      Stardew's own NPC's are mostly generated from these data files, hence why they are all instances of the "NPC" class , and not explicitly "HarveyNPC", "PennyNPC" etc.

      Age, manners, etc. are mainly used for generic dialogue that is shared by all NPC's, to have the NPC respond correctly based on its age/rudeness

      NPC.cs is a the NPC class, if you dont know how to read one, I suggest not bothering to continue with stardew modding until you have gotten a better grasp of C#, as stardew modding has to do some pretty high-level gadgetry in order for everything to work (And with little or no knowledge of C#, that gadgetry is really hard to grasp, I speak from experience here)

      Most modders arent using the IRC, but using Discord instead.
      • SophieRGames

        SophieRGames Void-Bound Voyager

        Thanks for the reply :)

        I found the data I needed in NPC.cs in the end not in the xnb files. One task down! Taking it one step at a time as they say :)

        Pity about the IRC. Thanks for letting me know :)

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