Race HYLOTLS REVOLUTION ! (and reactions based on personality)

Discussion in 'NPCs and Creatures' started by Lloyd Larsen, Jul 17, 2014.


Should we initiate the Hylotl Revolution ? And what do you think of personality-based reactions ?

  1. 1.Let's begin the revolution ! Be less disdainful and don't be so scared !

  2. 1.Hylotls are too much haughty but I agree with demilitarization.

  3. 1.Hylotls are too much harmless but I like how they are snobbish.

  4. 1.I like the way Hylotls are now and don't want any change.

  5. 1.Perhaps we need to talk more about this "revolution"... (Please develop in comment !)

  6. 2.I think personality-based reaction is a good idea despite the huge amount of work needed.

  7. 2.I think personality-based reaction is a good idea but need too much work.

  8. 2.Let's talk more about the personality-based reactions... (Please develop in comment !)

  9. 2. I don't like the idea of personality-based reaction.

  1. Lloyd Larsen

    Lloyd Larsen Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Hi everyone !

    SUGGESTION : play as a free, no haughty Hylotl with no prejudice and this reflected in lore (furnitures description, "An Hylotl journey begin"), make Hylotl race more credible in lore.
    (Facultative : NPC-reactions and furnitures descriptions based on characters personality.)

    I'm here to talk about Hylotl lore and NPC reaction to Hylotl race. As a player who really like Hylotl, I'm really upstet by (in game) peoples reactions to Hylotls characters and furnitures. It seems normal that Floran and Agaran hate Hylotls, maybe Avian and Glitch (although some of them are friendly), but why ALL races seems to flee Hylotls ?

    Take a look at descriptions of Hylotl Villager Spawner :
    Apex : "Spawning Hylotls. Uh... maybe later."
    Avian : "I'll have to take care not to use this too often."
    Floran : "Floran sssummon fishman right into sssword!"
    Glith : "Insincere. A Hylotl gathering would be just wonderful."
    Human : "Well, I guess one Hylotl wouldn't hurt... "
    Hylotl : "What joy! I can finally surround myself with culture again."

    As you can see, no one is delighted by the idea of summoning an Hylotl. Except the Hylotl, and this is the problem : why Hylotls are so haughty and killjoy ? When you look at various objects descriptions, they criticize most of the time the objects or the race behind it ; and when they not, they're simply killjoy.

    Here is some Hylotl descriptions for other spawner as exemple :
    Chef Spawner : "I hope this chef respects my sensitive palate."
    Doctor Spawner : "These doctors had better have received the correct training."
    Stim Spawner : "I hope the stims they sell are regulation-checked."
    Wizard Spawner : "Will this spawn a wizard, or yet another charlatan ?"

    As you can see, it seems that Hylotl can't be satisfied by nothing but perfection.

    On the other hand, Hylotls sometimes appears to be a really weak, harmless race who is easily scared, as you can see in the Official Introduction of Agaran (check at Starbounder Official Wiki, I thinks it's not on the two others wiki).

    So all of this make me think that actually the Hylotls lore is unclear : they send peace missionary in universe but everyone seems to hate them (does they sometimes succeed in diplomatic missions ?), they are snobbish with other races but they don't seems to have any technological advance, and finally, they have suffered from many attack but don't have any army ?
    I know the games isn't complete, so I hope more Hylotls-based content will appear in future, but actually this is really unclear and disappoiting to see how they are depict.

    This is why I propose to play as a free Hylotl with no prejudice, exactly like you play as an atheist Avian, a free Apex, a broadminded Floran or a self-awareness Glitch ; when I read that my Hylotl is a "vegetarian and peacefully creature" just after I ate 4 alien meats and killed a village of Agarian, I really don't think this reflect my characters.

    It also would be good if Hylotls were more logical ; I don't think a disdainful race is able to bring peace and promote harmony, and I don't think a peacefully race will be able to survive without advantages (a preventive army, a really talented diplomatic corps, a rare ressource, a technological advance,...).

    If there is many players who aren't satisfied with their characters, I can also propose one more idea : furnitures descriptions (and NPC reactions maybe) based on "personality" (stance). There is actually 5 stance : "passive" (arms along body), "dynamic" (hands closed akimbo, cambered torso), "gunslinger" (western-like), "tough-nut" (hand closed, arm a little opened) and "shy" (foots facing each other, hand opened). I have named it for convenience.
    So NPC could be acting differently for each personality : they are not going to menace a "tough-nut" and they could be tender by a "shy" character. Guard would be more rude when advise a "gunslinger" than with a "passive".
    I know it's a lot of work, that mean 30-35 possibilities and the game work perfectly without this. This is why I just throw together the idea and don't make a post about this.

    That's all ! Thanks if you read until the end, and tell me your opinion ! (Or check the poll if you prefer ! Multiple choices ! "1." choices concern Hylotls and "2." choices concern the reactions based on personality !)

    P.S. : as you have been able to see, I'm not english and sometimes I don't use the right expression. I hope this have not harm the understanding of my post, let me know if you want me to reformulate something.
    jesuspxp and Dargona1018 like this.
  2. Disco2

    Disco2 Existential Complex

    Interesting concept.
  3. flamingbacon19

    flamingbacon19 Big Damn Hero

    Edit: How about making the hytols the most feared race throughout the galaxy? *creepy high pitched evil laugh*
  4. Desolator

    Desolator Pangalactic Porcupine

    I have a clan that supports this. Wanna join? :p
  5. Lloyd Larsen

    Lloyd Larsen Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    A clan ? What do you mean ?

    And it's a pleasure to see a such enthusiasm, flamingbacon ! (Even if I think that the idea of making the Hylotl race the most feared throughout the galaxy is a little too... extreme.)
    jesuspxp likes this.
  6. Desolator

    Desolator Pangalactic Porcupine

    I made a clan that's pretty much fighting the discrimination against hylotl
  7. Lloyd Larsen

    Lloyd Larsen Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I see two aspect for a such clan : roleplay or not.
    In any case I would like joining this clan, but I want to precise that the problem here is real and don't concern roleplaying (I think conflict between race could be a good source of inspiration for roleplaying, but actually there is too much incoherence with the Hylotl race.)

    So, if you want me to join something somewhere about Hylotls, just tell me ! It's a real pleasure.
  8. Desolator

    Desolator Pangalactic Porcupine

    yeah, we do roleplay, but most of the time people just join and don't other actually be a part of conversations. my clan was based off this problem of hylotl being looked down on. if you wish to join, thats great. if not, well thats ok, its your choice whether or not to join
  9. Cobalt58

    Cobalt58 Phantasmal Quasar

    Personally, I think the Hylotl should act a bit like the Asari (from the Mass Effect franchise) mixed with Badass Monk, while seeming amicable, peaceful and one with nature, there is a slight air of "I could kick your ass to the next solar system and then some if get on my nerves" that isn't in your face but subtly mentioned in dialogue and responses.
  10. Dargona1018

    Dargona1018 Existential Complex

    I agree with, pretty much, everything that this post entails.

    I am not a coder, this is all speculation, so don't quote me on this working/not working or being easy/hard.

    Stances would be pretty cool. Just add something along the lines of the variables being Race1->Race2 (how Human would speak to Apex),
    Stance1->Stance2 (Guard [tough-nut] speaking to shy), and have a couple of responses that pertain to it.
    Then, you can have responses for R1->R2 only (race versus race), S1->S2 only (stance versus stance), or R1+S1->R1+S1 (race and stance versus race and stance).

    And with the Hylotl, there needs to be logic behind it.
    Add in a secret service, a group of pacifiers, so that Hylotl can avoid all hostile contact. Give them a sneaky way of dealing with things, and a dark past that doesn't show through their superficial "Peace For All" campaigns.
    Have their be jails and executions for the Hylotl that would be for making sure that Peace is kept (rebellious young tadpoles with tragically short lives).
    Have at least ONE race have neutral/friendly interactions, even if they are blackmailed.
    (If the above information is any indication, I think that Peace is impossible and that Hylotl are speaking out of their *sses, but keep the peace in an unorthodox way, of oppression and rules.)
  11. Lloyd Larsen

    Lloyd Larsen Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Dargona1018 :
    The stance confrontation require to add a stance to every NPC in the world, but currently every NPC-type have stored reactions based on the race of the player's character. I think this already reflect the "stance" : a glitch princess act like a "shy" character and a city-guard act like a "tough-nut" character. This why I think the variable you are talking about is already in the game, but simply reflected by the NPC-type. However, the stance-only based reaction is a great idea ; it could be applied in multi-racial and/or developed place like the future Outpost : in such place, most NPC (some are still racist) don't have any prejudices because they have encoutered many race-reprensative during space-journey or at their own big, developed city.

    I didn't know how to think about the "dark past" : Hylotls are currently lacking of background, but it's seems that the devs really wants to make them a deeply peacefull race. However, I really like the idea of secret jails and executions for peace, but the assassination of only one compromising people look like an Apex method. I think that raise a such method to a specie/planetary level could be more interesant : for peace and development, Hylotls sometimes have to terraform some planet (don't know if this technology currently exist in Starbound lore) or erase an entire specie in favor of another. This remind me the comic Wake, a story of a huge-space convoy who analyze every planet they ran into and regulate if necessary : when a specie destroy is own environment they educate, relocate or eradicate them (especially if the aforesaid environment contain valued resourceses), they intervene if something goes wrong (too fast evolution, suddain apparition of new specie,...) etc.

    I think this totally match the Hylotls current nobility and self-importance along with their conviction of being the most intelligent race in the universe.

    Cobalt58 :
    I never played Mass Effect, but does the above idea look like the Asari ? If I understand well, Asari are powerful but don't use this power direclty and just "convince" other race to make the "good choice" ?

    Please let me know your opinion, I'm really glad to see some players be concerned about Hylotls ! :D

    Desolator :
    Of course I want to join ! Even if the group don't make any debate I think this is a good thing that it exist. Does he have a page or something ? This look like the house-elf badge in Harry Potter ! "Support Hylotls emancipation !" :p
    (Can we make "Groups" of this forum, like Steam Groups ? :eek:)
  12. Desolator

    Desolator Pangalactic Porcupine

    Thats good to hear that you want to join! I already have a Steam Group running (only me and one other person is currently in the Steam group though...)
    Groups are called clans in starboud. Here is the link for the clan: http://community.playstarbound.com/index.php?threads/the-new-hylotl-rebellion.71532/
    Also, just to help you out, when replying to someone, click the reply button in their comment, next to the like button.
    Hope we can see you soon! :)
  13. Dargona1018

    Dargona1018 Existential Complex

    The way I was thinking was, if you add stances to characters, you can then add stances to NPC's.
    Yes, a city-guard acts like Tough-Nut, but at the same time, the only reason they do is because of their guard-only lines.
    If they add in actual stances (not JUST guard/civilian-only lines), then the world would seem more alive.

    For example, maybe a USCM is shy because he got drafted. This could be reflected in their lines, as telling their stance, and interact with your stance.
    If you are a gunslinger, he might be scared by you (S1 [shy] -> S2 [gunslinger]). Even if the words don't lead to actions, this would make the world feel more alive.

    Another example, if you are Passive with another Passive (as long as the races are passive too), you would speak idly amongst yourselves, and not bring up things that hurt their mythology, religion, or social structure (like Big Ape's dictatorship, or the tyranny of Kluex taking away Avian wings, or savagery of Floran). If you are passive, then you would also be less confrontational, more likable, and get certain quests (when quests are implemented).
  14. Lloyd Larsen

    Lloyd Larsen Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Now that's I understand more your idea, I totally agree. This is the logical evolution of what I was saying and this is a great idea ! This add a lot of dialog lines, but your method is much more simple that create a NPC type for each stance/job combination (even if the actual game seems to work like this... :/).
    As you have said, this could add a lot of activity in the world ; I think that quest based on stance is also a good idea but with equivalent for other stances (different game experience based on stance/race but no imbalance between each choices). Anyway, it's a great idea. ;)

    Now I don't have the time to join (I have seen that you have a great homepage and some allies, so I want to read all of this !), but I keep the link to the clan page and I will join at my next connection. ;)
    This time I have used the "reply" button (I think this is more comfortable for you since it send you an alert) but I wasn't using it because it delete my actual message when the quote is pasted - maybe I didn't use it well... anyway, I think it's not really appropriate to multi-quote and reply.
  15. Desolator

    Desolator Pangalactic Porcupine

    Good to hear that! I honestly find it good to reply to multiple people as you are able to reply to them all quickly and easily.
  16. Lecic

    Lecic Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Hylotl are pacifists, but that doesn't mean they can't fight. The Floran/Hylotl wars are described to have had massive bloodshed on each side. Your lore seems a bit off.

    Also, everyone hates them because they're arrogant pricks with a holier-than-thou attitude and a saviour mindset. They remind me of a lot of church missionaries, especially from past centuries.
  17. Desolator

    Desolator Pangalactic Porcupine

    I kinda think its a nit early for anyone to be making calls about the hylotl. Yes, there is a lot of blood shed between the hylotl and floran, but that doesn't necessarily mean that they are arrogant and so on. There's not a whole lot that we know about the hylotl as they aren't fully implemented into the game.
  18. Lecic

    Lecic Hard-To-Destroy Reptile

    Hylotl are extremely arrogant. You can tell just by their racial descriptions of other races' stuff, especially flags.

    Hylotl on the various flags-
    • A crude and garish human flag.
    • This Apex flag reminds us of their barbaric hierarchy.
    • As their flag shows, the Avians cling to the past. (This one isn't really "holier than thou" but it comes across as slightly mocking of the Avian)
    • A horrifying Floran symbol for a horrifying species.
    • Oh look, it's the Glitch's basic, childish flag.
    And finally, the heavy arrogance of the Hylotl shows up, with their own flag, saying...
    • The Hylotl flag flies proud. I could weep.
  19. Desolator

    Desolator Pangalactic Porcupine

    Not all of them are like that though. If anything, theres a good reason for their arrogance, perhaps something in their past, after all, they've always been at the sharp edge of the sword with other species.
  20. ScrubNiggurath

    ScrubNiggurath Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    I actually like how everyone hates the snobbish wastes of space that i call "hoity toities"

    But then that's probably because I'm a floran, and floran wants to ssssstab a bitch.
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2014

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