Modding Help HUB planet? Sizes and others...

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by naboss, Dec 4, 2016.

  1. naboss

    naboss Seal Broken

    Hey everyone.

    I wanted to ask a couple of things.
    I've been playing on the server ILoveBacons and noticed a peculiar thing; they have custom sized planed of some sort, I think. Their RP planet is extremely small in width. They allow noclip mods for RP purposes and if you go around past some invisible walls, then you'll be on the other side in less than a minute. Literally just a tiny piece of flat land with an odd hole in the middle of it all. Another odd thing I noticed is that there is not much height, can only go down some blocks. The height and width of the planet is extremelly small. How can I achieve that?

    Also, how can I create teleporters in which when players interact with, there is a defined location to go to only and not their bookmarks?

    How can I achieve the same this server did?

    Thank you.
    LegoMaster3650 likes this.
  2. LegoMaster3650

    LegoMaster3650 Void-Bound Voyager

    I'm new to modding, but I think that you would have to code a whole teleported to make a predefined location. The only teleporters that do this so far are the Outpost- 2-Stop Teleshop and Outpost- The Ark/Teleshop Teleporters are in game files or in a tiled map teleporters section.
    I do not know how to make those custom planets as I am new to modding, so my only guess is they may have made a custom json dungeon.

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