Modding Help How to emit particles on mouse position.

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by oguztecimer, Dec 15, 2013.

  1. oguztecimer

    oguztecimer Yeah, You!

    Hey guys, i need to emit particles on cursor, but seems like current api only lets us to emit particles from where player is (tech.burstParticleEmitter). Does anyone know how to emit particles from a specific location?
  2. lonesurvivor

    lonesurvivor Big Damn Hero

    Maybe you could spawn an invisible custom npc at the mouse position, and let him call entity.burstParticleEmitter in its init function. If you set its health to 0 in the npctype file, he will die immediately after its init() function has called. I used this to let my tech script communicate with monster entities (look here: )
  3. oguztecimer

    oguztecimer Yeah, You!

    Well its a clever but ugly workaround but i guess there is no other choice right now. Thanks mate

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