Modding Help How to add new NPC to outpost?

Discussion in 'Starbound Modding' started by Yopt, Aug 10, 2016.

  1. Yopt

    Yopt Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Hi, I've seen this topic being discussed several times, but everything is outdated. I tried to salvage old topics and mods, but they can't get it to work. As far as I understood, you need three main things: .npctype file, some stuff if you want to modify NPC looks and to patch a outpost_full.json file. Now I wanted to see, whether I can get at least .patch file to work with an already existand NPC, but it doesn't work, since I dont see anything new in the outpost. Can someone help me out with the basics of adding the NPC in the dungeon, please?

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