How Does Starbound Compare? What Terraria Fans Should Know

Discussion in 'Starbound FAQs, Q&A, and General Help' started by LadyAijou, Mar 4, 2012.

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  1. Sensational

    Sensational Phantasmal Quasar

    Finally, this should be like on the top banner of the site.
    asomness2 likes this.
  2. Oricalcum

    Oricalcum Ketchup Robot

    Me being a Terraria Fan and just joining today, I had to read this, and it helped me out a ton, thanks!
    asomness2 likes this.
  3. Spoolooni

    Spoolooni Subatomic Cosmonaut

    It seems accurate to compare games just by comparing the minds behind the project. Tiy certainly eradicates the idea of an experimental project and treats Starbound as a dream development. Personally, I find that giving up passion for small realities like a child seem oddly pathetic though that's coming from a cynical artist like myself. However, I do accept the reality that Terraria had its chances and though I had high hopes for it when I became a tester for the infamous RPG MOD, it unfortunately felled into a pile of sawdust.
  4. jamesw40k

    jamesw40k Aquatic Astronaut

    So what you're are saying is that you would neglect the child just to continue development on a game. Trust me having a child is not a 'small reality' and is a major change in a persons life.
  5. Spoolooni

    Spoolooni Subatomic Cosmonaut

    It thoroughly depends on what kind of adult you are. Some adults over dramatically view a new born child as a large scale turning point, while others embrace the factor and move on. I'm also certainly not implying that anyone should leave their child to starve to death over a project. However, what really makes me frown is the fact that Red view the child from a petty perspective and refute handling both responsibilities at once. I've also observed game developers surf through their work process without having their children obstruct their career paths too much and from my perspective, a new born child should imply a stronger reason to continue succeeding his career.

    However, if you're asking me if I would neglect a child to continue development a game, yes I probably would, but not to an extent where the child suffers.
  6. Fireninja404

    Fireninja404 Subatomic Cosmonaut

    When i first heard of terraria i saw it as a 2-D minecraft. Then Yogscast had posted some videos of terraria, and i watched them. Terraria then seemed more promising then at first, so i went on again youtube and watched Pbat's let's play of it. a good amount of weeks later i had bought terraria and i was starting a new world with a dinky little house, i slowly made progress to the end-game equiment. 1.1 came along and i had more content in terraria that i could blow another good 50 hours in, with some very memorable hardships and good times. When i found about starbound my very first thought was Terraria. My past experience with terraria itself told me that i was VERY wrong the last time i thought that and i decided to give starbound a shot. It had me at mechs.
    LadyAijou likes this.
  7. Bombzero

    Bombzero Giant Laser Beams

    nice, looks like 'endgame' wont happen in 4 hours with this game, ill make sure to link this to everyone complaining about it being a Terraria clone.
  8. Jjusto223

    Jjusto223 Title Not Found

    Wow, this thread is so helpful. Tyvm. I was a Terraria and Minecraft fan, and I was thinking "This game reminds me of Terraria!" but not anymore. This game sounds so much better.
  9. HolyHeadshot

    HolyHeadshot Aquatic Astronaut

    Am I wrong in saying that Starbound is potentially the next evolution of Terraria? I understand the frustration of hearing it called a "clone" or a "sequel", but when I say that my enjoyment of Terraria led me to pursue information about Starbound, I mean that in a complimentary way. I do not, at all, think that this will be "Terraria in space", I see it as a brand new, rich and vibrant experience. I think that very few games have stepped into this new mining/crafting genre, and Terraria definitely captivated me, but now Starbound looks to build on what previous games have done and add many more features that gamers will enjoy, from other genres.

    Excellent, informative post, thank you very much! I am that much more excited for more news, the release and the ability to plunk down my pre-order!!! :O)
    (oh and 4 of my 5 boys are on teh bandwagon with me, lol)
    YoungUnicorn and Noc like this.
  10. TheRyanMileti

    TheRyanMileti Space Spelunker

  11. Sarbinger

    Sarbinger Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Honestly the only similarities (NOT DIRECT LINK OR TIE, touchy touchy.)I've been able to see between Terraria and this are the following.
    Square-ish blocks (from what I've seen)
    Tiy is a dev (this is a good thing, bros.)
    2d Sidescroller (wide genre)
    Sandbox (What else would it be?)

    Edit- I meant that in a way that Starbound /=/ Terraria. Those are the only similarities I've seen, so I can't understand people calling it a clone.
    Sorry if it sounded like I was calling Starbound Terraria.
  12. TheRyanMileti

    TheRyanMileti Space Spelunker

    You are correct! Starbound is Terraria without the STARBOUND added onto it... It is so far advanced and different it really can't compare
  13. Plaggor

    Plaggor Void-Bound Voyager

    Great Post Aijou!! I even learned something I didn't know! That they rated character creation so high gets me even more excited.. I swear this game is going to make me have a heart attack at a very young age!!

    Reallyyyy Grrreaaaat!!

    Also, the only tie between Terraria and Starbound worth remembering is Tiy, and that is a really awesome check mark for us!

    When this game comes out, everyone will be all, "Terraria Who?"
    TheRyanMileti likes this.
  14. Sarbinger

    Sarbinger Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    See edit. Hopefully I made it clear that it was similarities, not "omg clone".

    Yes, Terraria will eventually be forgotten by its young fanbase.
    Starbound should probably keep people busy enough that updates-if any- will not be begged for, and will have enough content so that people aren't like-
    "Wow, I did everything, this endgame sucks!"
    "Jeez, where's this one thing that's so rare that I need to unlock the endgame?! Why is the endgame so short?!"
  15. Jacksmiles

    Jacksmiles Tentacle Wrangler

    Main issue I ran into on the whole terraria vs starbound was not as cut and dry as people try to make it seem. ON IRc at one point, when ever anyone said anything about the similarities and or qualities of the games in any type of comparison. We would have hardliners of starbound who would just jump down your throat. For literally any and all things you could say about the two (good or bad). When someone simply could be saying, "Hey! this game looks like terraria but with even more stuff!". You would get slammed with, "no it is not Terraria or even close to it" etc etc etc stab, stab, McStab. Even the main post of this thread is down to its core just saying, Terraria had this and starbound has it also but on a entirely new lv or scale!. Then you get redirected and read the main purpose of the game is about exploration and questing and so much more "including the same crap you could do in terraria, but even more so!"

    "I was sick of all this comparing, people truly believing they are correct in thinking that starbound is a terraria sequel, so I went to Tiy to get a final, definitive answer, that we can show people if they keep claiming these wild accusations."

    is apparently a quote. Which in all honesty is just someone who seems irritated over of a few people and placing any and all discussions on the topic into one giant pile and labeling it as "JUST NO". In this pile is also included anything good that was ever said. Starbound is not Terraria 2.0 not because of anything in the game that is different but simple because the creator himself says "no, it is not intended to be". From that you should have people know that you ignore any 100% untrue comments like "SB is TR 2.0" or completely false statements like "SB will fail because it is like TR" or that "SB is a TR Clone". Which would leave you with the only valid comments about the game. Which is "Hey! SB is like Terraria but with even more stuff to do and see and interact with". Which by no means in anyway is that a bad comment. It is a good one, a FANTASTIC comment. Terraria was a great and fun game and all that line said was that StarBound will be so much more and better. Why? you ask. Why will it be so much more and better? Oh! because it is a different game but similar, that has a main focus of bringing you so much more then just a few things. Sadly even that line or statement(s) would have had a SB extremist attacking you.

    PS: I love Terraria and I am waiting on SB because I know that the games are similar. The similarities are what is making me buy the game. The differences is what will make me -KEEP PLAYING- the game after hundreds and hundreds of hours.
    Tukka, Bombzero and TheRyanMileti like this.
  16. Word on the Wind

    Word on the Wind Former Staff

    This post is a very useful resource. Why has it not been stickied?
    Soprano likes this.
  17. Bombzero

    Bombzero Giant Laser Beams

    solidly agreed, it should be.

    on the note of starbound vs Terraria, ok so they are not the same games, they sure do look similar in graphical appearance, the characters do appear to be the same height, and the art style appears to be somewhat similar, so its understandable people would see it as "Terraria 2" because going purely off visual content the devs have shown us removing all the community speculation and IRC chat and forum text (aka what a new to the forums person would have seen) Starbound looks like Terraria 2.

    however it would be a good idea if the devs kept what is wrong with Terraria, Minecraft, and other such games in mind while they were developing it. as I see a lot of rather poor features go from game to game in a genre simply because the devs were like "well its in X popular game it must be a great feature", which I don't think the Starbound devs will do thankfully.
  18. Soprano

    Soprano Pangalactic Porcupine

    I'm honestly really glad Starbound won't be like Terraria. I'm glad I won't have to worry about everyone else getting ahead of me quite as much. The combat system seems so cool, I can't wait for this game to be released! :rofl:
    Bombzero likes this.
  19. Bombzero

    Bombzero Giant Laser Beams

    yeah, it seems like the planet 'levels' will go a long way to fixing the issue of "just joined my friends 7 hour in progress game, they have hallowed armor and I have iron, and there are massively OP creatures everywhere".
  20. Soprano

    Soprano Pangalactic Porcupine

    Yeah, it got annoying how everything was OP in hard mode.
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