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Here are the upcoming ship-updates

Discussion in 'Starbound Discussion' started by Conir, Dec 18, 2013.

  1. YeBittenDog

    YeBittenDog Aquatic Astronaut

    YES! Even if it's not modifiable. Looks awesome!
  2. Rainbow Dash

    Rainbow Dash Oxygen Tank

    i love the ship upgrades

    its there for people who want it, and those who dont want it have the UNLIMITED amount of space on planets
  3. Milan Mree

    Milan Mree Ketchup Robot

    Last one should have bigger engines :3.
  4. Pizzarugi

    Pizzarugi Scruffy Nerf-Herder

  5. OwenBDead

    OwenBDead Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Well, right now you can remove the background wall of your ship and replace it with whatever you want. Can't see the Devs removing that option.

    Actually now that i think about it, i believe what we see is the ships without the background walls. My memory is not the best, but i think that is what i saw the one time i decided to redecorate the ship (just before the wipe heh)
  6. FDru

    FDru Scruffy Nerf-Herder

    Damn, if we had ships this big I'd have a reason to play now instead of waiting for... god knows how many updates until there's tons more stuff to do. Base ships FTW.
    doc Chicken likes this.
  7. Ryksos

    Ryksos Tentacle Wrangler


    That's awesome! I'm so glad I'll be able to have some more room in my ship, which is pretty cramped as-is.
  8. R_C_A^

    R_C_A^ Pangalactic Porcupine

    Huge ships like this wont stop me from building a home base on my homeworld. The game IS a sandbox, and having options is very nice. That said i will have crafting, garden and a cargo hold on my ships, ill have the same on my home world, just even larger. :D

    I cant build a low orbital space station attached to the ground via orbital elevator on my ship, nor can i build a planet core research facility. So planet building will always remain relevant for me. :)
  9. A3mercury

    A3mercury Void-Bound Voyager

    wow this is awesome.

    I'd really like to actually customize it myself, even if it is just colors or whatever, but still.
  10. Taiine

    Taiine Pangalactic Porcupine

    I can't wait!
  11. Is this an expected addition in the next patch, or just sometime later?
  12. GLord

    GLord Big Damn Hero

    Set lasers to hype.
  13. RyuujinZERO

    RyuujinZERO Supernova

    I doubt you'll be forced to use the largest ship.

    I can imagine the largest ship being handy if you have a group of friends you play with frequently, instead of each having seperate ships all the time, one of you could have the super-ship, and everyone else has space on there, in addition to a full NPC complement; and use your personal ships as scouts for resource gathering.
  14. hockeyhacker

    hockeyhacker Void-Bound Voyager

    A) those are the ship models without the background set, if you use your mining pick and right click on your ship, you can remove the white tiles and it looks exactly like that image, odds are the ships will have that standard white/grey background unless you decide to mine it out and replace it, in which case you will only see the "wires" while your replacing the background. ( I would show what the ships background looks like in this image, but I had already made this image for asking for ship upgrades, and yes Ore and Food are written on the wall by mining out the background and placing blue dirt, sand, gravel, and I forget what the purpleish one was (I think blocks near one of the sewer bioms I found) in the background.

    :cool: Wooden planks, Iron Planks, Temple Planks, any plank that your hear desires that looks good to you, same way you build a way to move throughout the large human ship that was already in game files at the start of beta and could be used if you changed a few lines of text in the ship files. somewhat like

    Edit: I do see what you mean about the top and bottom levels in those images now, probably just a goof on the image design that will get fixed before implemented.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2013
  15. GreatOldOne

    GreatOldOne Space Penguin Leader

    Need crew spawners doctors, science officers, red shirts, sexy nurses and the like. I need someone I can place blame on.
    LuckyRare and Galactic Avatar like this.
  16. Monkeybiscuit

    Monkeybiscuit Phantasmal Quasar

    Lots of space, I love it. Enough for a sick bay, canteen, storage area, bunkroom, rec lounge, engine room and some left over.

    Maybe I'll have a derelict area of the ship with no lighting for my pet Xenomorph to hang out in.
  17. Rhaegar

    Rhaegar Subatomic Cosmonaut

    Looking good. Can't wait for ship upgrades.
  18. hockeyhacker

    hockeyhacker Void-Bound Voyager

    It may look excessive, but trust me its not once you start getting to higher tiers and have a lot of crap to store, right now with my large ship (see post above) I am having to put planks in each area to stack chests ontop of chests to fit all my loot and even then I am still running out of places to store things and I am only in tier 3, and there is 10 tiers of stuff ... And you must not have run into many dungeons yet, the dungeons I have run into are a lot larger then that ship.

    All in all, in late game, even if you are not a horder of vanity items or like to organize everything you get into different rooms for easy finding while searching for the perfect planet to build your base, I still think you will find that if your using your ship to store things while looking for that one cool planet to set up your base you will find that its not as large as it first appears, and the only reason it looks large now is because your so use to the small little thing you have currently.
  19. Matanui3

    Matanui3 Phantasmal Quasar

    I thought it was going to, but it lost the resemblance after the third form.
  20. Yoshiblue

    Yoshiblue Aquatic Astronaut

    Star fleet officers on Star Wars inspired ships? Heresy. *not serious grumpy face with the shaking of ten thousand fists*

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